Whats it like to work with female devs? From my experiences at uni, from group projects and such...

Whats it like to work with female devs? From my experiences at uni, from group projects and such, they are totally useless.
recently I had one f*moid contribute code to our group project which she had copied 1 for 1 from one of her orbiters in the course.
F*mtard got burned, orbiter got burned, and the random who was okay got burned too, I only narrowly got out of it because I commented exactly what parts of the code was mine.

What was most hilarious is that the random wouldn't have got burned if roasty and orbiter admitted to what happened, instead they just dragged him down with them for nothing.

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i'd like to interject for a moment what you are referring to as have sex is in fact have/sex or have + sex as I like to call it.

You sound like a burger.

Pretty much the same experience in 15 years and many teams. Copy pasting, lame design, caring about trivial things but not paying attention to core ones, hijacking Important meeting topics just so they look relevant and competent. And God forbid, someone promotes her...the whole team will just stop function.

god i wish that was me

I work with one and she's competent. She's asian tho so it might be cause of that.

Work with three in a team of about 15
They're fine. Decently talented, sometimes they won't shut up when its crunch time and everyone else is quiet and one of the managers has to tell them to and they can get a bit pissy but that's the only problem i have with them

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Is it true that women are less "capable" in technical fields?

I think they're less likely to go into the field, not because it's a 'boys club' but because a higher percentage of men over women are happy to stare at screens of code when they're younger and work things out.
It's partly an educational thing, given that these days it's hard and expensive to teach people high-level coding but if you can look at existing projects and reverse engineer them, something that men are generally better at because they can more easily scan through lots of information and work out how things go together. I often see female coders being just that little bit slower at finding what they need to be working on in a big project but then once they've found it they're perfectly capable at working on it.
So tl;dr no, they just do it differently and the ones who do get jobs in the field do just fine

Okay thanks, this makes me feel a lot better. Also, is there an age range that the best devs are located? Basically, when do we peak?


tech field used to be 50/50 before

I think it's one of those roles that you could grow out of if you don't take care of yourself, given that grunt work coding only pays so much unless you're happy living on your own in a one-room apartment forever. You also tend to work longer hours as junior devs and stare at screens all day, which you just can't do when you get into your 40s. I'm not there yet (mid-30s) but I'm feeling my eyesight worsen and I've had to invest in a decent ergo chair so I *can* work all day.
You need to keep pushing for promotions and end up in management eventually. So depending on your point of view you presumably 'peak' in your early 30s in terms of how much code you can churn out, but career-wise, it's up to you

It is more that few females are willing to pull 80 hour weeks for months. And crunch time is normal in this industry. I did one that lasted 6 months.

>Also, is there an age range that the best devs are located? Basically, when do we peak?
Around 25 - 35. Unless you are extremely good in programming you are best off to be in management by 40 or you will be redundant at 45 at a dead end. Get into management by 35 - 40 and have a career also after you are 50. And by the time you are 45 you are not really fit for doing 24 h stunts.

Tfw not her pet

>tech field used to be 50/50 before
Indeed. 50% male technicians and 50% female janitors, secretaries, and inputers.

Is it true that women are less egotistical as bosses?

currently working in a project. we are 2 males and 2 females

me is basically the one doing most of the work rn.
the other male is investigating and testing technology for our later stages

one of the females is doing ... nothing?
the other female at least is doing management of it and communication with supervisors

Some people just like to talk and can do that while working.

orbiters are hillarious
my girlfriend has like 5
anytime one decides to make a move she tells me about how sweaty and scared they are
we laugh about it
I love it when they buy her snacks or gifts n shit and we later have some free food after sex

>80 hour weeks for months. And crunch time is normal in this industry. I did one that lasted 6 months.

this is pure retardation. it's like child labor in a coal mine. you only have one life, user. don't give it to some greedy asshole.

I realize that lots of people work 80 hours because they want to, and if they are going to be millionaires in 3 years then fine. but if you are making ordinary salary then you are being screwed to make someone else rich. If nobody is getting rich then it's even stupider.

How do you fix this situation? I don't know. The medical industry does the same thing to medical interns working to be doctors. At least they have a cushy life after X years. You guys just get put out to pasture when you burn out.

>and if they are going to be millionaires in 3 years then fine
To what end? They basically saved up a bunch of money by doing nothing but working and not living.

>Is it true that women are less egotistical as bosses?

People who want to be bosses are all the same, user. Some suck more than others, but they all have a lot in common.

>I love it when they buy her snacks or gifts n shit and we later have some free food after sex

What's it like being an asshole? I'm glad it works for you and her, at least until one of you decides to fuck the other one over, which you will, because that's what assholes eventually do.

Beats being a wagie in the third world where there's a 0.0% chance of retiring with good money.

Doesn't justify it.

Don't hate the incels who buy women stuff, user. They do that without any promoting, might as well enjoy it. It's like being Chad and getting an extra serving of cake at the local bakery because the girl loves you.

Still better than being a coal worker in the 19th century, a rice farmer in China, or an IT employee in India. Face it, most of the world would love to work like this despite the hours. It's a better gig than anyone got in the past centuries, just sit and rot and make money.
Anyway it's not a lifetime thing so that's great.

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I used to work with a girl... Not on the same project, though
She was OK. Very organized, no problem talking to stakeholders, hasn't ever broken production code (which is more than I can say for a few coworkers)...
Not the greatest, but not terrible at all. A huge weeb, though

everybody knows she has a boyfriend
I don't know what those nerds expect will happen
my gf is just nice and shares her candy with me :^]

It's like working with the chicks you knew in high school but now they're suddently interested in computer programming and are studying it at universities.

I don't deny that women can be very smart, but programming just isn't for them. Girls like to be social and do stuff in groups. They don't like sitting for hours and sometimes days on end debugging a program they've written to make it work like a fucking virgin incel.

Maybe autistic girls do

did that random dude manage to salvage anything from this shitshow? did you help his case?

Welcome to IRL. You did well. Always cover your ass. Always have documentation. Use others lack of this autism to your advantage when you can.

OK, time for some background:
This happened a few years ago when labour market was difficult and the company was in difficulties and the division where I worked was balancing at the edge of the abyss. We knew our job was on the line. That is why all the programmers pulled massive overtime. Management started talking about how much cheaper it would be if they move the operations to India, did not help much.

In the end, we delivered the product, but management could not pull in new contracts and the division collapsed. True to all cliches, management got transferred to other (leading) positions elsewhere in the company.

I lost my job. It took me quite a while to get a new job, as I had feared.


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she probably shares her candy with chad too

their performance is well below average. there is maybe on exception i remember. oh, and the drama...

this guy is too lucky

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my gf also has orbiters. some have sent her hundreds and even thousands of dollars worth of gifts. I feel really weird about it but when I bring it up she's just like "they're just nice people who like to do that for others"

Is she retarded or just playing dumb?

Don't you feel bad that your girlfriend is basically a prostitute though?

I think she's just been treated that way for so long she doesn't realize how weird it is, she just thinks that's how people get treated

yes, I do feel really bad for them. this one guy sent her a set of stone statues and wooden sculptures from some museum for her birthday that I looked up and cost like $2000 and I made her tell him he was sending too much. that time even she agreed though.
there's also a guy who regularly buys her opera and theater tickets, usually like $200 or more each. he takes her to a show and then she comes home and has sex with me. I've talked to her about it and she just says "he wants somebody to go with because he doesn't want to go alone"
I'm not an alpha or a chad or anything, I just don't have the control over her to actually get her to fully stop and the orbiters keep appearing. I feel really fucking weird about the whole thing, I wish she would stop.

Have you ever considered that you're an orbiter too

Can we not have these incel threads every single goddamn day?
Don't you guys have anything better to talk about?

maybe. I'm quite insecure so I consider all kinds of shit. I'm also afraid she's cheating on me or will cheat. but we have daily sex and live together. she pays for half of everything.

Go back to your subreddit faggot

what kind of captcha did you solve to post this

That's really fucking weird. But men don't just go out there and piss away their money. They expect something in return.

it's not my fault they're stupid

i refuse to believe some women are this naive about orbiters

on my dev team theres about 9 devs and 1 of thems a girl. Shes capable but when she designs her code she uses her own wild ass patterns and everyone passes her in code in code review. Its overly complicated, hard to follow, and has lots of weird bugs pop up. As a reviewer I try to help her but because of her wild ass patterns I cant figure out what the fuck shes trying to do.

anyways I gave up and just pass her code because if you argue with her then white knights come to her defense. cool team dynamic, bros

Are we living in the same age?
You do realize that there are fags that just donate to some random girl to make funny faces on the internet or say their name on streams right?
People are so lonely that just a response is enough reward for them

i have never done an 80 hour week in my life. I did 50 hours once and considered quitting.

if you work 80 hours a week you are a fucking cuck

Yes, i know. But then again, most IRL happenings of the same kinds were always tied to something. do ut des, pal. The men expect in return SEX or even worse: Love.

shes gonna flip that shit on you one day

My gf also has orbiters, but yeah she knows it and goes out of her way to find ways to answer their lame advances in a way that they won’t do it anymore, lately she speaks as much about me as she can to these people, for example

> gf playing 3ds on free time at job
> orbiter comes, wow that’s such a cool game can’t believe a girl likes it
> gf, oh yeah it’s great it’s my bfs favorite

She hates having to do so but she says that these people are really persistent

It's depends on the female device OP. Women are people, and some people are good at their jobs and some aren't.

I'll tell you who I wouldn't want to be on a team with, an angry incel who refers to women as femoids.

The thing is, for these men who’ve never received real love it is easy to get confused and asume they’re receiving love
It’s already hard for normies to differentiate real love from someone taking advantage of them, now picture one of this orbiters with no social skills

Good I wish I was Rich Evans

>le reddit
walk backwards into traffic. what a waste of oxygen.

dude it's fucking weird.
we've been together for almost 4 years and have been living together for 3 years most of the time except when our jobs had us apart. we've had sex hundreds and hundreds of times. I never would have dreamed it would be possible for that to happen and at the same time for me to be so unsure that she was into me.
she also posts on instagram and gets likes and comments from all kinds of guys. texts from guys all the time. and of course the gifts and other things. I'm incredibly insecure about all of it but I just love her too much.
it's not like she's using me financially. she pays for half of everything, never asks for me to buy her anything, gives me gifts, takes me out for dinner.

its my fear. I just want a stable relationship where I feel secure and I definitely don't have that. she's been talking about marriage and her mother is pushing for us to get married all the time but I honestly could not be less sure about marriage.

The only real reason on why women might be worse is that there are so few of them in the field, so there’s less chance of a good one coming out, just like the reason of why India has so many high IQ individuals, i’d Bet anything that there are more incompetent male devs than there are female devs in this industry.

As for why are there so few women? I really don’t know but it is something in how they’re raised my gf used to get barbies as gifts while her older brother got computers, it’s shitty really

I think she’s telling the truth in regards of her not cheating on you, but she’s definitely aware of it, she can’t be that dumb, if it’s hurting you you need to have an honest conversation with her about it
Let her explain herself to see if it hurts you left, and if it doesn’t ask her to change, and if she does not just leave

>female devs

They are pure shit. If you run across a good one, 9/10 times it's a >female dev

top or bottom one?

Blame the orbiters, they are the ones ho are hurting her professionally speaking honestly

>>my gf also has orbiters. some have sent her hundreds and even thousands of dollars worth of gifts. I feel really weird about it but when I bring it up she's just like "they're just nice people who like to do that for others"

She doesn't have orbiters, she has sources of income, or worse, "fans". Yes she'll never have sex with them but she'll also never be rid of them and you won't ever have a private relationship because no doubt some of those losers act as personal diaries for her.

>Hey, bro. I want to spend quality time with your gf to for 50$. Can you pass me her instathot?

err mayve the co-worker is also into games? talking about games isn't flirting and has nothing to do with her being a female.
you chose a bad example.

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>women in 2019
just lol

was meant for

>female devs
LOL you mean female or trannies ?
Trannies are usually worse because psychotic to and rotten to the bone
but real females are bad too, no matter if dykes or hetero

in our current uni project there is a girl in a group with me, I am actually an average student and she's a topper in our class, we haven't started much work, but I always try to keep on my toes and complete my work as fast as possbile because I was scared and would try to meet her standards but now I see even tho she's a top tier students she's slow as hell and always delay her work so now I take it easy, I don't know about programming and shit but she have worked on quite big projects and she's top tier in maths, actually really really good in maths,

>unsure if she's attracted to you
>living together for years
lol bro you're in the provider role, she cucks you with chad.

btw who's paying the bills?

we split everything 50-50

Just FYI there are plenty of programmers in their 50s that are not managers. I’m in late 40s and can see the screen just fine thanks to eyeglass technology.

install spyware on her phone to view her messages and track her location.

dont get married ever. that's like playing Russian roulette with a double barreled shotgun.

if she seeks attention from other man that's a big red flag.

Most of the female devs I've met amd worked with have been perfectly fine. Even if they aren't 100% in the know about something they're kind and ask for help on stuff. I don't think I've encountered a female dev that wasn't genuinely nice and humble.

The real issue is socially inept males, indians, and gamers as programmers. A lot of dudes think that because they got bullied for being pathetic as kids that automatically made them smart and they have such a vendetta that They'd rather try to 1 up people in meaningless ways than do work. Don't get me wrong some social outcast males are great programmers, but lots of them think that being an outcast means they're a good programmer rather than them just being shit unlikable and bad at their job.

Indians are all snakes in the grass that will try to take credit or cheat to make it look like they do a lot more work than they really do. Between stackoverflow and taking credit for what other people did they're garbo.

A lot of programmers who are overt gamers talk big game and sound like they know a lot but are just socially awkward males who crumble the moment they can't lie their way out of something.

So instead of finding a new job while working regular hours you over worked yourself so management could keep their jobs and you could be laid off? Sounds dumb, letting yourself be manipulated.

I'm a sentimentalist and I want to have a family, I want to be married and raise kids. but I feel like doing it with my gf would be a huge mistake when she seems to have so many male orbiters surrounding her and I'm so unsure about everything. at the same time I love her and want to be with her and we've been together for years. I probably have to just do what said and make it a "them or me" situation and then either end the relationship or be done with the men.

that's a good move on your part user, this way you make sure you're not with a gold digger.
her behavior is still dodgy.
were you her first? relationship with virgin girls are the most stable (they're least likely to cheat) and happy.

desu in this day and age LTR is super dangerous for men i wouldn't even consider a non-virgin.

them or me potrays you as weak and onsecure and that's a big turn off to girls in general.
you should talk about it but not from poaition of weakness.

yeah just don't go straight for the me or them thing, try to see if she'll admit that she knows what's going on and talk about how it makes you fell, she should have the initiative to propose something

I'm her 5th. she had 2 2 year relationships and 2 hookups
first was 2 year relationship in high school, broke up at start of college
second was 2 year relationship in college, broke up when she moved countries to go to grad school where she met me
her 2 hookups were somewhere in there, I don't actually know and I wish I didn't know about any of it. I have their names and faces burned into my mind forever.

I would have loved to be with a virgin but it just didn't end up that way and most girls I've known have all had tons of partners.

I think you guys are right, I need to do everything I can not to seem insecure but I do need to bring it up at some point in some way

i've met 3 female engineers. two were horrible, one was okay. They were all pretty self aware about them being bad, though. I've met so many male programmers who sucked, and had so many personality flaws and bad habits, that it's almost impossible for them to move forward, and they still felt like they were special and smart.

definitely not the case, they're not like that with other guys, they couldn't give a flying fuck about it, notice the key phrase "can't believe a girl likes it", that's what makes it annoying and condescending.
let me give you another example

>gf in group meeting with team mates, general question what are you doing this weekend?
>gf says she'll go to the movies on saturday with her mom to see x movie
>gets asked "why you can pirate x movie"
>gf says "idk I really like pop corn and I wanted to go out with my mom"

this was friday fast forward to monday

>some random developer goes into her department office with a fucking giant bag of popcorn
>says "heard you like popcorn"
>everyone staring
>gf deflects and says "hey random dude brought pop corn for all!!"
>gf shares the pop corn

she's also a bit awkward like that, but yeah, there's a lot of undertones in things that you don't really get unless you get on her shoes

btw its known fact a lot of girls lie about the number of partners they had (Alexander Grace got a vid on that).
if you livr in an environment where girls have tons of partners she's probably no different.

previous LTRs are much more passable than hookups. hookups that's a red flag.
also her reason for breaking up with the previous LTR seems really bad, it seems she was with them only when it's convinent - no longer in the same school, time to find a new guy, wtf kind of reason is that?
i know people who migrated countries to be with their SO.

wish you luck user, hope she's good with you

yeah these examples are much better, clear orbiting.

there's this whore I see in some lectures who has this group of the strangest, greasiest, male pattern baldness looking creatures I've ever seen orbiting her. One is essentially Shrek.
I don't understand their motivation. It's blatantly obvious that nothing is going to happen.

I think almost everyone lies about the amount of partners they've had when they are admitting to the person they're afraid to loose, regardless of if they're men or women.
people do change user, most likely they don't, if you haven't changed in the last 2 years I suggest you talk more often with yourself.
yeah people move out of their countries for their SO, but that doesn't mean that every relationship should be like that, or that every relationship is worth it, some times you're just not in a good place.

what the anons said. Alot of female programmers at the very least acknowledge that they are bad and sometimes try to learn and will coexist with people better than them very well. Alot of male programmers who are bad, on the other hand, can be extremely dishonest and act in a parasitic way or try to hide/mask their ineptitude and are too bullheaded to learn. They are usually drowned in their ego and try to avoid anything that casts light on their weaknesses or inferiority at programming.

>doing 24 h stunts
This sounds like a fantastic way to end up with a ton of shitty bugs

You sound obsessed

at the risk of derailing the thread even further, my own relationship experience was
>technically lost virginity at age 8 because I was raped off and on by my much older (male) cousin until I was 11 or 12
>1 year regular relationship in high school, broke up over some dumb argument, lost my virginity for real here
>basically nothing at all in undergrad except I ended up in a drunken foursome with 3 girls at my parents cottage that I didn't actually want to do and was basically forced into
>met my current gf in grad school
so she's sort of my 5th partner as well not counting me getting raped, which probably had a lot to do with me being so insecure.

thanks for listening to me though, it actually feels so good to actually talk to somebody about it. I feel like the whole male orbiter thing is so fucking weird but I've kind of just been going along with it. I really just want a loving stable relationship

The women in uni sucked, but the ones I've worked with has been on average better than the guys. On average. They're rarely outstanding.

I think it:s because shitty female programmers are just insta-moved into management cuz of muh diversity.

>he doesnt like his job
Youre the cuck

>shitty female programmers are just insta-moved into management cuz of muh diversity
so its not just my company doing that huh