Why is coding so profitable?

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Supply and demand

Because it's in a bubble

It isn't. Those are lures. All that awaits you us a ball and chain.

God, I wish burger cucks would at least notice their faggotry on this.

Caused most of the other jobs are fucked


it's about to burst, it's over

>tfw L5

all jobs will be programming jobs in the near future

>money isn't money

>Americans money is owned by a private company


wtf does stock even mean? can I sell and get cash?

Nice ESL

cost of living in SF
this. Diversity hires are peaking. Go back 3-4 years and they still hired based on merit. The diversity hires are going to take a toll as these companies get their priorities straight and realize building college campuses and paying a bunch of minorities to hang out there all day was a poor business plan.

Less than 5% of people are diversity hires. 90% of the industry are white/asian males.

>he can't pass the interview so COPING this hard

It's a trick like the petroleum engineering boom to convince a bunch of people to flood the market so that they can pay pennies for work. CS majors are in for a rude surprise in around 5 years when they all get fired and will only find work for a quarter of what they had before.

>working for google

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>working for Alex Jones


This. They're the toughest they've ever been. Like 5 fucking sessions that are several hours long and they basically have disguised psychologists to make sure you're not a fucking incel.

>It's totally part of your regular check but also not
Yep, that money doesn't have to be money.

I never said it was part of my regular paycheck and it doesn't make a difference at all.

doesn't seem to be profitable for you

Not him, but you're lucky.
Most people at my place work 50+ hours a week even though our contract is for 42 hours a week and we aren't guaranteed bonuses. We put up with it because we don't want to deal with trying to find another job, I think. The comfort of stability is too great.

If it's not part of the paycheck, then why advertise it? Oh right, because you're just fucking cucks.

Because it's a part of the pay. Are you stupid?

Wow sure seems like it from that unsourced graph.
How much do you make right now, by the way? :^)

around 350k

>diversity hires
>80% of tech companies' SWE workforce is white and asian males

I'm somehow missing all these blue-haired trannies that, according to Jow Forums, should be everywhere in software development. Maybe "diversity hiring" is overblown PR grandstanding by most companies, and they're continuing to hire based on resumes and technical screens?

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Oh it's so cute when people think acting like an obvious retard is trolling.

Getting into programming was the worst mistake of my life. Grew up getting spoonfed all this bullshit about how profitable it will become and how you can do all these cool things. Enjoyed it for a while as I learned everything I could. Can't get employed on my word though, so I entered university and majored in Computer Engineering and Software Engineering. Three months in, I learned how soul devouringly dull the programming world can be. Unless you're purely freelance, developing your own shit and taking side jobs with realistic timetables, you will be privy to the demands of unrealistic deadlines and constant crosschecking and changes by a group of other people who have probably been doing things differently, be it more efficiently, less, or straight up retarded, for years before you came along. By the time your chunk of shit is submitted, it will have gone through the wringer and come out looking like a failed lobotomy.

Glad I quit. I am happiest just doing my own thing. Got into small scale freelance shit while working as a network technician at a school district. All the benefits, plus the weird amount of money some people are willing to pay for simple code.

>coping this hard

Big tech companies bait smart people with huge paychecks so that they don't go to their competitors or create their own startups.
They are not paid mainly for their 'coding' skills, companies own them to kill the possibilities of competing with them.

>They are not paid mainly for their 'coding' skills
>Big tech companies bait smart people with huge paychecks so that they don't go to their competitors or create their own startups.

That seems low for an L3.


10 employees at Google can sell cookies to 100 million customers. (make a product that can be sold an infinite amount of times)
10 employees at your local bakery can sell cookies to 10 thousand customers. (make a product that can be sold once)
And 10 employees at a law firm can sell cookie agreements to 100 customers. (you sell your own time for a maximum of 40 hours a week)

>companies own them to kill the possibilities of competing with them

A bunch of low skilled Pajeets wouldn't be able to compete with Google.


>Less than 5%

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changs are considered minorities and get a free pass

oh god we are so flooded with female interns, males are fucked

Those include chinks.


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Exactly what I did. Started as an engineer at Denso, maintaining and fixing garbage-ass Patel code. Walked away, took on a sysadmin role for a day job, working on passion projects and bespoke shit off hours.

>took on a sysadmin role
RIP your career


Not the experience I've had but alright.