YHWH allows child brides. Whites are heretics

>You fucking moron.
I am not "fucking moron"
>What stormfag circle jerk did you get that from?
The Torah.

> I know you can\u2019t have read the actual fucking source material,
I did. Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. I studied it in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin.

> because I have and know for a motherfucking fact that\u2019s not what it says.
Devarim chapter 22, verse 28, says that if a man rapes a female child, who is in her fathers house, who is not betrothed, he keeps her as his woman, pays the father 50 silver, and does not send her away all his days.

>The whole fucking ruling was what to do if some asshole rapes a little girl. Normally, not being a virgin a whole bunch of other shit would go down that would fuck her whole life up.

>The ruling is intended to be merciful:
I did not mention the talmud, white idiot.

> that if she\u2019s three or under, they look the other way for HER. The asshole still gets what\u2019s coming to him, but she doesn\u2019t have her chances at marriage, property, and etc fucked.
I did not mention the talmud, white idiot. I am quoting the Torah.

YHWH explicitly allows child marriage, including in cases of rape (taphas).

This is good. White men are scum sucking woman worshiping pieces of shit, like yourself. The muslims will eradicate your religion of woman worship.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The Muslims are replacing you, stupid white men ("MUUUHHH WHOOIIITTT WUUUUMMMAAAANNNN"). They, like all other cultures and religion OTHER than the heretical white woman worshiping scum, allow child brides.

Just like YHWH allows explicitly in Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (Child: Hebrew Masoretic Text), Padia (Child: Greek Septuagint, from which you white pieces of garbage get your favorite hate-word: Paedophile (Child-friend-of)), Puella (Young Girl: Latin Vulgate, which you heretics ignore along with the other 2).

"MUUUHHHH KJV" "MUUUH YOUNG WUMAN KJV!!!" Yes; stupid white male golem: a female child is both a woman and young. Monoliguist scum.

Before Democracy, men had child brides. White men's minds are controlled by white women.

In the middle ages the Catholic Church reduced the Age-Of-Marraige-Without-Parental-Consent to 12, down from the higher roman age for non-consented marraige. The min age of marriage in Catholic Europe was the age of reason: 7

White men are _HERETICS_

Vote Biden 2020. Irish are not white. Catholics are not heretic filth. Biden seems to like cute gurls and has good tastes.

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Yes I believe and support the law of YHWH and child marriage of girls to men, as YHWH clearly allows.
Do you deny that Na'ar means child?
Do you deny that Padia means child?
Do you deny that Puella means young girl?

As for visiting you: What is in it for me?
To open myself to be assaulted by some moronic while golem who's master is the white woman?

Here's a hint: A reasonable way to fight someone: from the darkness and from range.
Not stupidly opening oneself up for attack in a melee so other ******** white men can "vouch" for one's "street cred". You are as moronic as the people you hate.

>I'm guessing an underage troll. 16, maybe?
I'm a licensed attorney and a programmer.
Go look up how long that takes to accomplish for a ball-park estimate.

>Go away, mosquito. You're bothering people now.
Says the golem. Enjoy paying child support, white man, knowing it's people like me that help with the paper work. The whites are the only race where the man is dumber than the woman. Europe didn't send it's best to create the "white" race.

>Full of false bravado and insane notions.
Only insane to a mono-lingual fool such as yourself. You do not know what you do not know.

Originally Posted by Bignatius
If you actually believe that drivel, pleasez please, come visit me in Colorado and dare to flap your ignorant gums like that to me in person.

I'll happily stomp your absurd self into the dirt in front of everyone and youtube it. You're either a foolish child trolling, or an even more follish adult.

You know that, though.

I'm guessing an underage troll. 16, maybe?

Full of false bravado and insane notions.

Go away, mosquito. You're bothering people now.

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I think you're on the wrong board

really makes you think

boomers were a mistake

Allowing kids near the internet is a mistake.
This thread and your post are proof of this.

> >under the law the original creator of the program can just revoke the license and do whatever they want.
>this is false and the people who claim otherwise are spreading FUD

Wrong. is correct. Absent an attached interest, a non-exclusive license is revocable by the grantor. The original poster is correct: the creator can revoke from the gratis non-exclusive licensee.

>>No license restricts the original creator in any way.
>the gpl doens't restrict the original author of the code as they maintain full copyright to the code and can relicence it to a proprietary or a more permissive licence if they choose to do so, the original author of the code cannot retroactively revoke licences however

Yes, the original author can "retroactively" revoke a free license. First: non-exclusive licenses are NOT grants/transfers of ownership: they are PERMISSION to use property the Owner still _OWNS_. That permission can be revoked at any time; it is not a covenant, it is not a gift: it is a license (permission). Only when the licensee has a contract with the licensor does he have a defense against revocation (breach of contract: and damages from such (reliance etc)). When the licensee has no contract: such as when he take the licensee for nothing (which is the very reason Free software licenses are popular); he has no claim against the owner if the owner decides to terminate the license.

Yes: Free licenses are Freely terminable. No contract between the "buyer" and "seller".

>> scholarship.law.duke.edu/faculty_scholarship/1857/
>> amazon.com/Open-Source-Licensing-Software-Intellectual/dp/0131487876
>> papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=243237

Commercial Consumer licenses are only terminable within the terms of the bargained-for license contract.

Commercial Business to Business licenses may perhaps be terminable outside of their express terms.

For lay people; read: lkml.org/lkml/2019/5/3/698

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I'm a licensed attorney, and a programmer.

I have a different god than your pro-wuuuuuhhhmmmaaannn jesus/us-code. White piece of shit.

> I think you're on the wrong board


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Alan Dershowitz did nothing wrong.
White men hate him because they think he likes younger females. White men worship MUUHHH WHOIIITE WUUUUUHHHHMAANNNN.

GPL is revocable.

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>defends other jews
imagine my shock

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Enjoy a great opensource game who's development was ended by a white-knight fortnite developer ("fooflinger": who is opposed to men marrying cute young girls.)


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Fuck christians, fuck Jews, fuck muslims, fuck all desert cults and their people.

fuck off this is Jow Forums
go back to you got lost

Marrying cute little girls is based and in no way exclusive to abrahamics.

It is only "degenerate" to you _WHITE_MEN_ because it does not generate revenue and power for "MUUHHH WHOITE WUUUHHMANN".

YHWH explicitly allows men to have child brides (na'ar, padia, pullea), including in cases of rape (tahpahs).

You reject this because it is /AGAINST/ the interest of your God: Womyn.


Muslims ARE being imported to REPLACE and END you because YOU reject YHWH's pro-man law and enforce your pro-woman law across all the world.


>I'm a licensed attorney, and a programmer.
are you the guy who was making a game with hundreds of weapons?

Get back to your tree

fuck off kike

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>Marrying cute little girls is based and in no way exclusive to abrahamics.

Punishing men for marrying cute little girls is EXCLUSIVE to the white man.

Vedic religions allow child brides. Abrahamic religions allow it. Ancient indigenous religions allow it. Pre-Christian religions allow it. Catholic religion allowed it.

ONLY the white HERETIC stops it world wide: he is a golem of the white woman.

Anything no in her interests is "degenerate": since he wishes us to be under her and not be ba'al over the female.


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White men were all about cute little girls before female empowerment and more spurred on by their abrahamic brainwashing. Rome marriages were mainly 12 years of age. In the US aoc raises were brought on by christian women.

The modern woman inspired ages of consent and "dating" culture is cancerous.

>are you the guy who was making a game with hundreds of weapons?

Yes, and not "was making a game with hundreds of weapons?": the game DOES have 100s of weapons. 206, not counting the mounted weapons, not counting the vehicles, not counting the spells.

It wasn't something I ASPIRED to do: it is something I D_I_D.

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European men were not "white". There was no such neo-ethnicity needed.

White is _purely_ an American concept (though the English did invent it) in practice.

White men: the european mutts, have ALWAYS been pro-wuuuhhmaann an anti-dddeehhhgennerracccyy for their entire existence (it hasn't been a long existence). Even 100 years ago, many people were NOT white: they were still pure polish, pure anglo, pure Italian etc.

ONLY when they mixed was a "white identity" crucial. And yes: all white men HATE child brides: the LYNCHPIN of white identity is "MUUHHH WHHOOIIITEEEEE WUUHHHHMMMAAHHHHNNNN": protecting the white woman.

YHWH is rejected: J*W G*d who helps men over women: not the WHOOIITEEEE way.

Everything is retconned to be "18 and over" throughout history by the WHOOIITEEE reading of it.

White men are ENEMIES.

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No it isnt. Even Egyptians had concept of whiteness and people in europe intrinsically knew others looked similar to them. Please for the love of gods dont regurgitate that redditor nonsense. Look at their religions to understand how similar they all were. Very indo European.

Before the semite brainwashing white men were fine and had great societies and structures with religions of their people and had many cute brides.

Look all around the world: child brides are now banned. Even in muslim countries.

That is the _White_ __M_A_N__'s doing. The white scumbag piece of shit man has a religion he is enforcing. He has his global inquisitors (FBI etc), he wants to torture "pedos" (BETTAH UH MILLSTONE).

Christianity is now the (American) white man's religion and it is ABSOLUTELY anti-man, anti-child-bride, and pro-woman.

It ALWAYS will be this way, and white men will ALWAYS follow this religion until the white men are ERADICATED as a force.

Sorry, they were NOT white.

They were English, Welsh, French, Greek, Roman, Sicilian, Celt, Norse, German, Iberian, Russian.

They had child brides. Whhooiitteee men do not

>sandnigger mad he can't fuck kids anymore
keep seething shitskin

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Some gems from white men:
>No one is saying that fathers shouldn't be able to make arrangements for their daughters and another man but do you really think if that was the case you would get to diddle some kid you fucked up pervert? No, you're a fucking loser, degenerate piece of shit who should have a bullet put through your head for literally acting like a reptilian faggot. I can't wait for the civil war to dump your corpse in a mass grave along with all the other fucked up pedos in this world. Just try coming around my daughter and see if I tie you down to a saguaro cactus, skin you alive and let the coyotes have what's left. You need a good beating boy, as in, you need to be beaten so hard your eyes pop out from your skull and your legs are broken in so many places an amputation will seem like mercy. Or maybe I should just amputate your legs so that you will never be able to diddle a kid again? I think that would be a solution.


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What are you even talking about? Just because now it is more common to refer to groups as white which encompasses many of them, who ARE white, doesnt mean they no longer exist.

Although if whites want to survive they will definitely have to wake up and stop the feminist nonsense and stop worshipping toxic abrahamic faith. There Is no way forward for white christianity.

Some more gems from BASED white men!:
>Because pedophiles are the lowest of the lowest form of humanity since they prey on kids.
>Look man, there is nobody more redpilled than a prisoner or a person who was on the path to going to prison. Myself? I was the drug lord for North Texas. I sold drugs from Sherman TX all the way out to Louisiana and you niggers never caught me. I quit on my own volition after awhile of playing cowboy, fucking the system up and shitting on the braindead normie retards.
>You know what we have in common? I'm a predator who takes advantage of the low IQ American consumers who need their next "fix" to find meaning in their pathetic lives because they've rejected god, holiness and all that is good about the world. I did a lot of things, the state militia was even eventually called into Sherman because of how much fucked up shit I did in that state. I never sold drugs to kids though and I never pushed drug use as something that was "cool" in order to make a sale. Everyone destroyed themselves willingly with the drugs I sold them.
>Pedos on the other hand predate on innocent children. Children who adults are supposed to be protecting instead of raping or fulfilling their sexual/degenerate fantasies. Children don't understand the world, they don't understand killing your best friend who stole money from you, they've never gotten the thrill of watching the whites from a man's eyes fade away as his soul leaves his body, they've never fought in war or stolen from someone. Frankly, kids are innocent until they've been polluted by the fucked up shit in the world around them.
>I'm a bad dude and none of you should ever aspire to go down the path of life that I've gone down. But pedos? As bad as I am pedos are even worse because they want to literally rape your children.

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Why don't you post this on Jow Forums? afraid?

Yes it is pathetic how far our people have fallen for this feminist trash. On that I do agree.

There was little that the criminals from europe had in common when they came to american. So a lynchpin was found: "MUH WHOITE WUUHHMAN" Protect Her!.

That is the foundation of the white identity.

I posted it on pol 100 times you fucking retard.

That wasnt the original nature of whites even in the founding of the US. It became that later around the late 1800s early 1900s. Even with christcuckery it only got really bad fairly recently.

> >sandnigger mad he can't fuck kids anymore
>keep seething shitskin

I'm over 6ft.
Under 190lbs.
Blonde hair.
Blue eyes.

I am an attorney.
I am a programmer.

I hate white men however (I know many!). All are pro-women's rights (except, perhaps, Italians), all are anti-child brides (except, perhaps, Italians).

My cusin in law is a self-proclaimed multiple murderer and drug runner (accd to him), he wishes to "kill chomos" and wants to chop off my limbs. He's a white man.

He denys that Islam, Old Testament, Vedic religions, etc allow child brides, and hates my "Lawyer Bullshit".

He believes all religions, because he's converted to them all, oppose child brides and it is a universal belief. I brought up the Bukari Hadiths, Devarim, etc etc: NOPE!

If I ever was in a position of power I would flood white countries with "shitskins" so we could wrest the white daughters from the white fathers who CONSTRUCTIVELY marry them to proud black men (IE: they will kill white men, but don't dare step to the black or hispanic man: the black or hispanic man will sever the white father's head).

White men are enemies to eachother. They always have been. Stupid morons who are controlled by the will of "their" women, and always will be.

what the friggin hell does this have to do with technology/g/y????

Subverting countries is a form of social technology. It requires mental processing power white men could never dream of possessing, though not actually alot of processing power.

>nigger lover

I was at least somewhat with you until that. Sad.

The moment the "bible" was translated into English it started. "White" men are retards.

Vulnerable to semitic tricks. I guess thats a form of retardation.

But so are Arabs. Look how they adopted an offshoot of christianity and worship of yahweh. So many piss in the faces of their peoples gods to worship universalist abrahamic trash.

I am saying that because white fathers will kill, imprison, etc any white man that likes their daughters, but do NOT DARE do such to Black or Hispanic men, in reality:

They are _Constructively_ giving the girls to the black and hispanic men. It is a legal term.

The black and hispanic men will kill the white fathers if the white fathers do anything against them, while a white man will turn in his own son if violating the white religion (the law).

The ONLY real-world solution is to import MUSLIMS as a counterbalance and as an argument under religious freedom for child marraige of girls to men.

Everything else has been tried. White men are obstinate and firm: NO white man is to even LOOK at "MUUHHH DAUGHTAHHH". They are an obstacle. A golem of their "wife"

I'm sure semites would rather you read their texts in their original languages and not in English.

It wasn't they doing the trickery. The white man chose to fool himself.

>Yes it is pathetic how far our people have fallen for this feminist trash. On that I do agree.

There is no "our people". White men are all enemies of eachother and allies of "MUHHH WHOIITEEE WUUUHHMANN".

There is no friendship nor family bond between white men. Everything is for the white woman.

White men translate:
Puella (young girl, latin vulgate)
Na'ar (child, Hebrew masoretic text)
Padia (child, greek septuagint)

as "young woman" and then argue that God wants child rapists to be tortured to death.

In YHWH's law the child rapist of an unbetrothed girl(CHILD: na'ar, padia, puella) who is in her fathers house, pays the father and keeps the girl.

White men could NOT accept that, so changed it in the english.

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No. Non whites and muslims bring things worse. It isnt worth it to counteract this one issue. And I say that as an open pedophile.

Not really. Look into Saul some. Doesnt excuse whites for falling for it so handedly, but still. There was an attempt.

I like cute young white girls.

It is white fathers who love black men: their daughters end up with them.

They'd hack me to pieces. Even though I'm tall, thin, but with muscles, and am a licensed attorney.

I hate my cuzin in law: drug dealer, murderer, wants to kill me because I like _girls_ rather than fat _WHOITE_ wumans. He's a REAL white man: kills people, runs drugs, has relations with fat women: and disparages my "Lawyer bullshit" and my programming.

Just like any white man.
Thugg Black man: woah: can't do anything about him.
Azteca Loco: here you go sir!

My other criminal-scum WHITE cousin (this time by blood) is a METH addict, thief, truck driver: think's he's better too.

That's white men.

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yeah, so you mods gonna actually do yer fucking job for once? Or is this the future japmoot intended?

Whites have made some of the greatest accomplishments the world has seen. We've proven ourselves capable we just need a return to form, like that of ancient Greece.

It is bizarre how some whites are more ready to excuse another race doing such things, that's what happens though when your race is vilified for decades on end. People like that are truly pathetic.

>No. Non whites and muslims bring things worse. It isnt worth it to counteract this one issue. And I say that as an open pedophile.

It's better to have you and your enemy die than just you yourself die.

White men want worse than death for you. They want it in their bones. Any that don't have been sent to the prisons to be raped by black men. The remaining whites celebrate this.

Without Muslims you get killed as the white men's purity spiral continues into the stratosphere with no check.

WITH Muslims you have a chance to have a child bride, or maybe get killed.

White men are the enemy. Muslims are a see-saw.

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>Whites have made some of the greatest accomplishments the world has seen. We've proven ourselves capable we just need a return to form, like that of ancient Greece.

Greeks are not "White"

The American-European-Mutt IS a different beast than the old-world Europeans.

Only the WORST of europe had to come to America. The _WORST_, and then they mixed. White is a different animal than the old european nationalities.

> >I'm a licensed attorney, and a programmer.
>are you the guy who was making a game with hundreds of weapons?

Did you like the game? I got too many negative reviews saying "1 star because programmer is a PEDOPHILE" from "fellow" white idiots. So I became dejected and stopped development for now.

I fucking hate white men. I HATE them.

It's easy to talk with muslims, japanese, chinese, etc.

I have chinese friends, jewish friends, italian friends. No probs.

Talk to white cuzin-in-law: KILLL KILLLLL!!! (After he asks to come over).

SCUM. I HATE WHITES. This American Invention.

The white fuck started a fist fight over my support for YHWHs laws too. Over MY bar.

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Greeks are white. They are a mix of the native European farmers and the indo Europeans like so many other groups in europe. They are most definitely white.

Europe has always been a nation of "mutts" its just that the groups are genetically closer than what people in modern times think of as mutt.

You do not return from demographic shifts. There is more of a chance of stopping the purity spiral than there is reverting a demographic change.

The Italians I know: Millionaire biz men and lawyers, don't hold your beliefs against you.
The Chinese I know: Respectable white collar, or possible political officers, easy to talk to about anything.
The Jews I know: Brilliant tech and Math post-grads, work in the defense industry. Can talk about anything with them.
The Polish I know: will teach you everything about electronics, wiring, brazing pipe, etc. No problems.

The whites I know (cousin-in-laws, cousin): MULTIPLE murderers, Drug dealers, theives, drug addicts: go BALLISTIC if they don't agree with you.

White Men are the enemies of all men on earth, and they are scum.

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