Ok so i watched a few of this guys videos

And now it doesn't matter what i watch, youtube is shilling Linus at me hard.
Every playlist morphs in to a marathon Tech Tips session.
Am i right in thinking our Canadian friend is paying $$$'s to have the algorithm weighted his way?

Attached: Linux Naked.jpg (1920x1080, 270K)

Other urls found in this thread:


imagine thinking there is actually a programmer sitting somewhere typing code that says "if demographic = tech; suggest LTT"

it's all done with neural networks and algorithms, 90% of people that are into tech aren't spergs like you, and have no issue with him. not saying I enjoy his content, but it's what people with similar watch histories enjoy

that'll happen with literally topic

>not using incognito
you're never gonna make it

>how do i delete cookies?

No thats just googles shitty algorithm, yesterday i saw like 3 of counter arugment's videos (having never seen him before) and then every other video reccd me at least 3 of his videos
Also go to other board for eceleb so ykaf

>Am i right in thinking our Canadian friend is paying $$$'s to have the algorithm weighted his way?
Doubtful, I have this happen with pretty much any YouTuber, no matter how obscure.

you know you can tell youtube you're not interested in his channel, right? fucking npcs

yt has permanently marked you as having 70 iq, ltt is the only tech thing that fits the bill

Yes youtube is a little biased and their algorithms help some people more than others (and "help" make sure some people are well hidden as well no matter how successful).

You can revert this by deleting your youtube history and search history. Or when you watch these videos just go incognito.

This. Any plebeian topic will basically override the majority of your viewing history, and they're not going to recommend some niche channel.
Going to LoL esports is going to get you more LoL esports, and LTT will get you LTT.

It's not cookies.

I'm not sure if that will only kill recommendations from the channel or if it will also downgrade the entire topic. Since there doesn't seem to be a way to undo it I use a different method: I delete everything from my viewing history that I'm not interested in seeing recommendations for. It works great.

Attached: Capture.png (1343x782, 1.23M)

>how do i maek new account

full identityfag

You can delete your entire viewing history and start from scratch.

now go watch 5-10 videos from fox news, like tucker carlson highlights aaaand... nothing in the recommended videos

Linus is the Blippi of tech, you can't excape him

Attached: blippi.jpg (900x900, 79K)

All the spergs I know love LTT tho

What do you expect them to suggest from Fox News?

The problem with conservative "truth" is that the narrative is utterly tied to agree with identity, but the identity isn't necessarily uniquely defined.

You could have a Catholic supremacist who wants to kill all Protestants and a Protestant supremacist who wants to kill all Catholics both watch Fox News. So which do you send them to next -- the Catholic supremacist or the Protestant supremacist blogger? They ain't gonna like it if you send them to the wrong one.

Type in anything art related and it recomends only drawwithjazza videos. He's a shit artist. Youtube just picks a "safe" youtuber to promote and if you want to see actual interesting shit you have to dig harder

>watch youtube logged into my account
>watch one (1) video by some big name youtuber and suddenly all recommendations/playlists are filled with their shit

>watch youtube, but not logged into my account
>entire home screen and recommendations/playlists are filled to the brim with shit-tier late night ""comedy"" highlight reels and TMZ celebrity gossip

Attached: hitler morrowind.png (720x715, 472K)

Is this body achievable for nattys?

Pure algorithms are only a baseline. They do extra shit on top of that to massage the data and get the outcomes they want.

This guy did an analysis of the youtube trending videos and found that there's a very clear-cut bias toward corporate media and away from independent channels.

fox is just on a black list, go watch half of one john oliver episode and you will get flooded with all previous episodes, no matter how many episodes of tucker you'll watch he never gets suggested

>the narrative is utterly tied to agree with identity
And not with the left?
You might get a female supremacist who wants to kill all men or a black supremacists who wants to kill whitey, do who do you sent them to?
They ain't gonna like it if you send them to the wrong one.

>You might get a female supremacist who wants to kill all men or a black supremacists who wants to kill whitey, do who do you sent them to?
What makes you think that's left?

This is one of the problems with you conservatives -- you literally don't understand the concept of liberalism so you think everything is reduced to right-wing politics, and you call conservatism that's not in your direction, "liberalism."

>What makes you think that's left?
Because that is what they call themselves?

What makes you think Christianity is "right wing"?

>you conservatives
I am not a conservative.

>you call conservatism that's not in your direction, "liberalism."
I literally did not even say the word liberalism.

Christianity isn't right-wing. The Pope is so far left as to make me feel humbled.

The Pope isn't calling for all Muslims to be killed and Mexicans to be put into concentration camps because they're not white American Christians, now is he?

He is paying top doru
My auto queue defaults to Linus since last week no matter what I watch

yeah dude the entire bread and butter of google's profits are just entirely controlled by a computer. they don't have people look over it at all. you naive idiot