/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Do not dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>Which web browser performs best on GNU/Linux?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

Attached: 1493902875326.png (800x600, 597K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Give me your best background for GRUB!

Nvm, found it.
Just have to edit in "iToddlers BTFO" now.

Attached: wKRTX2j[1].png (1980x1080, 45K)

Attached: 1470239457793.jpg (2175x1300, 652K)

Who drew that?

How the hell do you customize manjaro properly?
Everything looks like shit

Attached: 1470173637545.jpg (2688x1520, 1.19M)

>2) Do not dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
>Do not dual boot

Patience and a lot of time.
(Or you install the comunity edition with bspwm, it looks nice)

Attached: miku.jpg (1920x1200, 365K)

What are those special options you have there and how did you change the title
Cool btw.

Original is from gnu.org, graphics/art section. To lazy to search.

Attached: 1564856339955.jpg (1250x802, 427K)

so i have a ryzen 3700x and i'm planning on building my own kernel from source, haven't done this since around 2011. did anything major change in the process?

>everything looks like shit
That's why you installed Manjaro though... for those based defaults they set. And the broken packages.
>muh unstable distro

Alternatively you could just change everything to Adwaita, which is default for GNOME. Cinnamon usually comes with a few themes, and you can find more on gnome-look.org (or one of the sister sites like cinnamon-look.org, that's just the main portal). Just extract to ~/.themes and use your tweaking tool (depending on WM/DE) to switch to it.

What are some cool terminal commands?

Attached: 1564856686584.jpg (540x767, 76K)

What the fuck is taking up all this space? Looking through ncdu I don't see anything I could delete without messing stuff up.

Attached: 2019-08-03-132656_654x439_scrot.png (654x439, 59K)

Attached: 1531336642998.png (3000x1688, 3.37M)

GRUB has massive lag with high resolutions. I found the best way was to run it in console mode.
The arguments against dual booting are that 1) windows and macos aren't free as in freedom and 2) people will just continue using windows for most things because of force of habit.

what's the closest thing to Gentoo's use flags on Arch?

Well shit, so I fugged up if I chose "use graphical terminal for bootloader" while installing?

i just want to mess around with linux on the weekends, i'm going to dual boot and you can't stop me!

GRUB is for dual-booters, I hide it to log in my system faster, it saves me whole 2 secs :^)

wget -qO- randomfunfacts.com | sed -n '//{s;^.*\(.*\).*$;\1;p}'

So, you've installed the system? Now you can kiss the hand of don Ricardo, welcome to the Family.

Attached: godfather.png (505x702, 530K)

>How the hell do you customize manjaro properly?
1) install Arch

Attached: 1497898828877.webm (480x360, 1.63M)


screenfetch vs neofetch?

same thing

development slow, but it's pretty complete
shows your colours, which is nice
really minimal

I mostly use neofetch and ufetch, although I'm a contributor to screenfetch (i think neofetch borrowed my contribution, the shitty elementary OS logo)

I'd investigate your .cache and .tmp directories, they're the ones taking up the most space

You can use a graphical tool like

to help you visualize what is taking up the most space. The predecessor to qdirstat (kdirstat) inspired the windows program windirstat, if you're familiar with it.

or any non-babby distribution

Dualbooting is worse for the world than sticking to Windows.

What distro has the best logo?

Literally debian.


Attached: 858.jpg (750x750, 69K)

Period going down the toilet.


arch, guix, gentoo, freebsd (though it's not a 'distro')

sudo du -xhad 1 | sort -h sorts all dirs and files in the working directory by human-readable size. start at / then work your way down.

Good post.

Attached: 1564858784061.webm (728x90, 425K)

cannot be unseen

Attached: 634231.png (154x155, 50K)

>you are now aware that debian's logo was designed using software that doesn't run natively on debian
>being a logocuck

Attached: debian.png (1167x271, 17K)

what program is this

Adobe Something

wasn't GIMP nonexistent at that point? It was released only in 1996

(((Adobe))) Illustrator

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

You are now aware that the first free softwares were written on proprietary platforms. Debian is one of the first distros (1993).

GNU Shepherd actually looks a lot like systemd, by the way

You look a lot like a faggot.

Linux kernel was written on MINIX
>Development was done on MINIX using the GNU C Compiler.

MINIX was proprietary at this time.

rate my uptime

Attached: 2019-08-03-221758_781x384_scrot.png (781x384, 85K)

But the security updates

Guess Imma take things slow then.

First order would be finding out why "open in new tab" doesnt work at all and open in new window just opens a blank window.
Also, Firefox just froze on Manjaro and for some reason it literally removed the program when I closed it. Firefox was nowhere to be found and I had to install it again.

What a weird thing.

technically they do, or perhaps you didn't look at them properly and are agitated by tech forum bullshit.

rate this

*grabs dick*

Attached: Untitled.png (633x304, 10K)


You don't need to reboot to apply security updates

yep but it quickly changed
>Better late than never. I finally got permission from Prentice Hall to change the MINIX license to the BSD license. The lawyers sort of sat on this for two years.
>Sorry for the long delay. I had hoped this would happen earlier.

Okay, I get that, and I will probably disable it after being embarrased when booting with what I describe here: And yes, I do not dualboot, if I do I have separate disks and access windows via boot options.
That said, I do plan on going full linux in a few months.

what's the quickest system boot you've ever had?

Is it possible to boot without grub?

Void looks like an os for alt-normals

You need a bootloader.

>running a deprecated kernel
>running a deprecated OS (deprecated April 2019)
sudo do-release-upgrade

>muh uptime

Enjoy your pwning

Is it possible to grub without boot?

Just edit your /etc/default/grub and run grub-mkconfig. Or just leave it be. Doesn't really matter if you aren't dual-booting and don't need to change between menu entries often.
Not trying too. I'm dual booting too. Just wanted to clarify the thought process between the "don't dual boot" line in the OP.
Why? I dual boot because I want to keep gaymen separate from everything else and gaymz just run better on windows ootb.
Sure. There are a lot of alternatives. I remember using LiLo back in the day. Systemd-boot also exist and works fine if you are using UEFI
Sure. Just take off your boots before turning on your computer.

cope seething uptimelet
don't forget to reboot after replying to this post

dual booters are cancerous, they use linux for fun but continue being wincucks and spread the wincuck mindset (nothing to hide, stallman bad, pls make more proprietary software ports, etc) in the community
a normal wincuck just ignores linux, but a dual booter harms the community

You probably meant GNU/Linux.

Maybe you don't have the proper distro?
I use void, as a beginner, and it seems to work, but then again, I have yet to configure a fully useable and nice desktop.

kernelets will never know the feeling of being on the latest LTS kernel

Attached: kernelhero.jpg (1200x938, 256K)

Based and librepilled.

Attached: tux-dark.png (1366x768, 58K)

Go to packetstorn or whatever, enter your kernel version and enjoy the list of vulnerabilities.
Unless you've set up live kernel patching (doubt), I've bad news for you.


>obongo terminal
>error processing package linux-headers

>I've bad news for you
Linux kernel vulnerabilities aren't dramatic. Especially on a server/seedbox/VPN that runs maybe one or two public-facing services.


Let's go back to terminal commands for a while.

mpv $(xclip -selection c -o)

shutdown -r now

I've a similar one using xsel. Max. comfy. Is xclip better?

kek and based

and overall a good wallpaper

Attached: 6Ng44vH.png (1920x1080, 28K)

The song from this game has been burned into my memory from when i played it as a kid

give me more Tux games
I know only SuperTuxKart, Extreme Tux Racer and Pingus

The ganoo looks like a womb

Attached: 1549494025470.jpg (604x604, 46K)

As far as I'm aware, neither is particularly better or worse than the other. Just a matter of xclip being the first one I found when looking for a cli clipboard manipulation program to run that exact command.

say it to his face

Attached: Wildebeest.jpg (711x1024, 265K)

it's funny how everyone's overly concerned with kernel vulnerabilities whereas most of them use their system to watch youtube vids and download anime torrents and never ever do anything server-related on it.

I am a little downtrodden right now, for some reason specifying the path to /home/user/imgur.com/image doesn't work when using it in /etc/default/grub reeeeeeeeeeee

nvm, I had to update grub... heh

I stopped mentioning proprietary programs windows at all when I realized that the new win 10 system can't run 50% of my normal programs I successfully used on Win 7, and CorelDraw blocked all my blueprint files because of subscription issues

I stopped mentioning proprietary programs and windows at all when I realized that the new win 10 system couldn't run 50% of my normal programs I successfully used on Win 7, and CorelDraw blocked all my blueprint files because of subscription issues

It worked!
I'll probably use a different screen in a few boots time.

Attached: IMG_20190803_220818 - Copy.jpg (4608x3456, 3.63M)

made me smile

install openbsd

Attached: 2019-08-03-231225_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 31K)

Glad it did.
Good night.

sorry I'm not a "libertarian" moron

have a rare Eben Moglen

Attached: Moglen.png (592x601, 732K)