Why is this language so retarded?

Why is this language so retarded?

Attached: python.png (1024x1024, 51K)

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it's you who is retarded

Lol stupid OP

Made by an idiot that decided whitespace will be important in the language structure. It was doomed from the start.

Significant whitespace isn't even the problem, it's the obsession with making everything a new feature rather than just having powerful primitives.

its designed to stop zoomers from complaining.

This, Guido should have read SICP before making Python.

Python is the favorite language of folks that got into "coding" for the income potential and are content with a career cobbling together a teetering tower of technology built by parts outsourced to smarter people.

That kind of tech lasts five years at best before being thrown away for the new shiny, and the fact that Python if the most popular language speaks to the sort of people entering the field.

Programs which last are built simply, at the lower level, by fastidious professionals who care about the art for it's own sake.

>gogo power rangers

Cope thread #7557458543

Is programming hard for you, OP?

Attached: duck.gif (108x87, 1K)

It's well suited for on-demand data tasks like crawling, file conversion, backups, etc., especially for one-shots. It is also a decent candidate for utilities when you need it to be quickly-made, quickly-maintainable and quickly-adaptable, and where the complexity of the task makes shell scripts a bad candidate. Its contemporary ubiquity is also worth noting.

The real problem that people started using it to develop services, games and applications, where Python ends up using anywhere from five to well over a hundred times as many resources (including time) as something built with gcc -O0. But I wouldn't blame Python for that; it would be like blaming ChucK because someone used it to make a web server (hypothetically).

Everything you're describing there is true for any dynamic language. The problem with Python is that it doesn't steer into its dynamic qualities and instead makes every feature as narrow in utility as possible.

zeronet was made in python and it runs pretty well.
You guys are just being pretentious.

It's designed to be easy over being fast. It's designed to be useful over being simple.
so, you get a slow, easy, mess of a language

most of the bitching about it is that it's popular, and then that it's slow
but it's popular because it's easy and allows you to get something useful out with very little effort -- remember, computing is simply a process you go through to get shit done
and its speed or lack thereof is pretty irrelevant in a lot of the places it ends up being used, although some people will sit down, load a big file into RAM, and then go at the bytes array like a retard with pure python and complain when it's slow as balls

some people will go "oh, ___ is written in python, that's why it's so slow" even though the task is in no way, shape, or form bound by data processing and they're just full of shit

see, more people should bring this up

They are trying to defend their dying C++ jobs.

It's useful.

>try to make language as retard-friendly as possible
>include whitespace autism
why??? no normalfag knows the difference between a tab and a space and indentation in normalfag code is always all kinds of fucked up

*screams in walrus operator :=

Why is this user so homosexual?

Any service built with Python _feels_ like it's built with Python. They all have this weird, bulky yet shaky quality to them, like the language seeps into how the software is configured and operated. It's hard to put into words. Zeronet exhibits this. Synapse (the Matrix server) feels this way too, for example, so I'd bet it's built in Python. Yup, 92% Python: github.com/matrix-org/synapse

You overestimate "good" coders. Any large project that doesn't use automatic sanitation ends up with weird whitespace and stylistic discrepencies. You also seriously underestimate "normalfag" coders, in that they're likely using an IDE that does the sanitation for them, even if they don't know the difference between whitespace characters.

It makes the language way more readable and concise and forces you to indent your code. It's an anti pajeet feature.

Attached: 06_01_1.jpg (529x279, 33K)

>swallowing the "I'm not doing it for the money" bullshit

God damn, if I was at HR I'd hire you on the spot.

Attached: kogoro_life.jpg (480x480, 33K)

>tfw 99% of software need will be crated using drag and drop puzzle pieces and programmers will be useless
>computers will be fast enough where speed isn't necessary at all, and when it will be covered by a small team of people excluding you or anyone you know

Man its a shame
this is the first language I started with but when i learned it was ASS slow compared to even JS I just jumped straight to C++ for all my projects.

How the fuck is it so slow?

Because there's a bunch of variants poisoning the market with too much diversity. BS Python2* and Python3* targets.

Its meant for nigger-rigging things that are supposed to be cleaned and beautified in other languages later on but they just stay in the Python because you know fuck optimization.

Far better than curly braces and semicolons. It's 2019 and we're still programming like cavemen in teletype terminals.

hi stroustrup

So you can make money retarded-ly easy. Somehow it had the opposite effect and retards can't into python.

I still fail to understand why Python makes Jow Forums seethe with rage so much, both Cniles and people into other langs.
Sure, Python does have legitimate issues and design problems, but its relative simplicity and wide library availability makes it very good for quickly accomplishing some tasks.
Before you can even get started with your meme C implementation for the same thing, my shitty Python script has already finished running and I can move on to the next task.
Because yes, you can use a tool for some things and at the same time not worship it.

supreme polyglot here, python is not so different from c++, you know. both are supreme low level scripting languages for those quick and dirty automation hacks not worth the shell script.
