How much longer do you think anonymous internet use will be tolerated by society?

How much longer do you think anonymous internet use will be tolerated by society?

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for as long as tech illiterate boomers run the government.

future gen x and milenial leaders will also be tech illiterate. Nobody on Jow Forums will run the gov in the future.

>implying g isn’t tech illiterate

not much longer, millennials are pretty hardcore leftists and once they get old enough to be senior in most companies we're going to be in full blown authoritarian internet and society

Not much longer. We're at a point where people respect the laws less and less. I don't mean they're committing more crimes than usual; it's more like they want to take advasntage of government mechanisms for their own gain and to use them as a weapon against others. For example, look at red flag laws.

i dont get it. i'm anonymous on the street as well. i dont have to give my personal details to anyone, why should i on the internet?

But it's already not tolerated.
Everything you do in the clear is logged by multiple trackers absolutely everywhere to feed databases and build your profile.
Using an adblocker makes you stand out even more.
Any anonymous browsing bullshit like Tor puts you on a watchlist and your ISP instantly knows you're using it.

Indefinitely. Mostly because federated identity turned out to be a colossal failure and no one in tech actually wants to be liable for verifying and securing your identity (they'd rather just gather vague statistical info they can sell advertisers on).
The current push for this shit is from an incredibly small segment of society - the sort of people who think being verified on twitter is a massive sign of status.

>i'm anonymous on the street as well

Not for long

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>being verified on twitter is a massive sign of status
it is

>aimbotting irl

I've read there are infrared leds that can throw cameras off.

I simply refuse to live in a country that implements this. If all countries implement it, I’ll dedicate my time to try to circumvent it. Welcome to the new world order faggots.

nah you'll just accept it, especially when you see how much worse it is living in the 3rd world and how much you get punished for trying to resist

better start learning to live in the mountains

Just buy a second identity in India.

>how is it tolerated
It is constantly tolerated by the whole of society. Does your daddy work at facebook?

the millennial generation ruined the internet, thanks to their technical incompetence and inability to grasp the power of anonymity. the zooms will inherit the digital dystopia their parents created.

internet has been dying for years. what we're witnessing now is the final death rattle before it becomes what it always was destined to be: a replacement for cable tv.

most millennials are actually pro-censorship and against free speech as an ideal, it's quite surprising how fast the ideology has changed

Society can fuck off. There will always be a network for anonymous communication.

3rd World countries font have the funds to do this

so the only way to not be tracked is to glow

terry was fucking right again

being gen-x, i actually feel sorry for zoomers. they got caught in the crossfire.

2-6 years.

>much longer
lurk more, the clearnet has been dead for more than a decade.

Just because you saw sjw Yale compilation doesn't mean everyone is like that. We value anonymity because everyone can say fucked up shit that they don't want it to be linked to their personal accounts. Or get tracked because of it.

If the mentality that you are talking about becomes more common, the best way to change it is to censor everything against the rules. That will generate lots of controversy and anonymity will become the rule. Unless people are so addicted to these kind of websites (like Twitter or so) and they can't speak up.

I chuckled

This is an outright lie. More millennials are in favor of censorship than their predecessors, but a solid 60% of them are still free speech absolutists.

>the zooms will inherit the digital dystopia their parents created.
Zooms aren't the kids of millennials (save for like, a very small number of millennials who immediately started pushing kids out as soon as they were old enough).

I just got finished with jury duty. It's not just millenials: nearly every segment of the population is somehow for getting their rights stripped away. There were people, from multiple generations, making reasoned, eloquent arguments about why the 5th Amendment is inherently wrong.

What did you expect from normies anyways? You should have learned in high school that there is nothing they enjoy more than the opportunity to gang up on an outgroup and get away with it.

it's not an online only opinion anymore dude. I've talked to plenty of millennials including family members who are pro-censorship irl. everybody is celebrating people getting thrown off of various platforms nowadays.

Yeah thats a great idea. Why don't you just wear a robbers mask? This will conceal your identity better and won't put a huge glowing target on your head.

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>wears a hijab due to religious purposes

your walk is enough to identify you

>uses a wheelchair


Gait analysis

Also beeing masked in public is illegal many places and will become illegal everywhere

How old are? I bet you are also a millennial, just too stupid to realize that.

Which is forever
Computer users are only getting dumber. The people that really know how to program and how all this shit works is becoming more and more niche

I think it's because we live in a time of comfort, and lots of people crave for a main problem. A villain. That's why they all want to be hero's, and anything you give them as the bad guy serves them well. Even if those are their own rights.

I personally think that if any platform makes a rule it should be applied to everyone, and if you don't like what you see you're free to go somewhere else. The problem comes when multinationals own the whole media, aka if you're and you get banned from Twitter your online career is pretty much over. And it makes me sad because people are feeding these ideas just to get their two seconds of attention.

PS: I come here just for information and tips, people here are very nice in discussions. Thanks.

I lol'd but this shit is not even fucking funny, this timeline is wrecked beyond repair. We need to go back and fix this shit.

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For as long as consequence-free bullshit rambling is considered normal.

nice esp faggot learn to play


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The people who will replace them have only ever used a phone and think adware is a normal and acceptable part of a user experience. They don't know what file extensions are, they have to ask whether they need to keep the installer after they torrent something, they have no idea what a CLI is, and if it can't instantly be accessed through voice search it doesn't exist to them. Et cetera. They are even worse than illiterate- they're right on the fucking peak of mount stupid, where they've been told their whole lives that they're THE techiest generation when in fact they know even less than some of their parents because they've never had to use a real, non-playskooled computer.

At least some boomers have the sense to know they don't understand shit and leave it alone!

Wearing masks in public is already illegal in a huge number of places. It's trivial to expand that to cover things like lights

There will always be convenient grants or friendly international corporations to "help"

Stop running/coding and start shooting. Make traitors afraid again

Or start bashing cameras, that's easier

Yes there's the justice cap but the problem is it only works in low-light environments. It would take a really powerful IR transmitter to block out your face during a cloudless day. You could probably get a somewhat concealed one but then you have the problem of requiring to conceal a large bulky battery without it getting to hot.

How do you Jow Forumsirls feel about the fact that only muslim women will be spared from surveillance?

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Is there a way to defeat this.
Like a small pebble in one of your shoes and not the other?

Gait recognition. You don't need to see someone's face, you can just analyze how they walk.


there was a book I read where one character did this to try and defeat it
dunno if it's actually effective

veils are transparent to infrared or teraherz / millimeter backscatter shit used at airports.


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>How much longer do you think anonymous internet use will be tolerated by society?
Given there's currently little public opposition to it, indefinitely.

old trick, stick a pebble in your shoe. Instant limp.