/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Do not dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>Which web browser performs best on GNU/Linux?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for Arch Linux

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First for Linux without gnu is best possible amount of real freedom.

I love the ubuntu operating system! Its so fun and easy! It just works!

is there a way to inject custom css into certain websites a la stylus in qutebrowser?

>best possible amount of real freedom
oh you bastards

So Android?

If I'm using wayland, should I fall for the wm meme and use sway, or just stick with plasma? Pretty sure gnome has the most polished wayland implementation so far but I don't really like it that much.

What am I supposed to look at in the output?

Linux without gnu

So yes.

gnu is an animal, you probably mean GNU.

I feel like trying another distro. all I ever used was Debian, Ubuntu and Mint which I liked but I felt Debian is way too out of date even for its testing build and Ubuntu/Mint were too bloated. thinking of trying something with a rolling release and fairly up to date. what would you recommend? Manjaro?

No, I can use Linux without gnu, and without the Android userland

So I tried to change my greeter as instructed on the github but literally nothing changed.

Does anyone know if this is simply not compatible with manjaro maybe?


Please do elaborate.

manjaro is eh, might as well just do arch with a DE if you're considering it. I heard it has good KDE support.

When you have a file with unsorted lines and you want to sort the lines, is there a better way to do it than:
>$ sort file > filesorted; mv filesorted file

You can jump out of your window.

Nevermind I'm an idiot and forgot to reboot. It works.

cat file | sort > file

>what would you recommend? Manjaro?
Sure. Manjaro is one of the most used distros for a reason.

Thanks, much more comfy from a brain perspective.

isn't Arch primarily a meme for "btw I use Arch"

Don't do this. This will overwrite the file with nothing!

Typical gnufag. Cant handle that theirr precious gnu dosent have to be used with Linux at all, and that stallman literally spent 60 years of his life trying to force people to call it gnu,when you dont even have to use shitty gnu tools in your OS



You no longer need gcc to compile Linux either

Why can't pacman find the aether package?

sudo pacman -S lightdm-webkit-theme-aether
says the file couldn't be found, but the package is right according to the arch wiki

Listen. Here's a thing about pipes. Pipes don't work like "this goes through this and then through through that". It works like "this goes through this and that at the same time". This means when you write to a file something you're reading from the sane file, "this" becomes "nothing".

Try it:
$ sleep 3 | echo hello
This will print hello and wait for 3 seconds, bot parts starting at the same time.

It's an AUR package

some people think they are 1337 hax0rs for installing it I guess, but it's just copying commands and installing a DE and then you're at the same point at any other distro.
there's also opensuse, actually, I haven't looked into that much so I don't know a lot myself, but check it out

I'm retarded, recommend me a music player with a wall of album art?

I updated Manjaro and now Lollypop doesn't launch. I'm literally too stupid to understand why.

Attached: lollypoop.jpg (1116x146, 48K)

And how would an absolute linux babby like me download/install this?

install yay
Read the wiki on aur helpers and makepkg

>download a snapshot from aur.archlinux.org
>cd into your downloads directory
>tar -xzvf [package_name]
>cd into package directory
>makepkg -si
alternatively, RTFM

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fuck this
back to windows lmao

>advising scrubs to use aur helpers

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ldd could work. or try reinstalling from octopi

Nobody asked to call systems with GNU tools GNU/something. You should call the GNU system GNU and the variant of it with Linux GNU/Linux. Spend some minutes and meditate this.

>advising anyone to use their distros package manager and not compiling everything by hand and installing it by hand and updating it by hand

Thanks, but I did it a bit differently in the end. Went into the pamac settings, enabled AUR support, found it there and just let it build it for me.

install yaourt already

Attached: 1562623840671.jpg (759x847, 72K)

>recommending a dead tool
dumb anime poster

This, but unironically

>to low IQ to get the point
nice post

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No, it's actually relatively easy to install and a pretty great distro.

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Who cares?

And this is a good thing.

is this way

really dumb anime poster

stop replying to these troll posts in every thread. it just attracts more of them and defeats the whole point of the original general

>want to make a boot usb stick
>people tell me that making a boot stick in Linux is a hassle
why? why does something THIS fundamental have to be such a hassle?
this is why this "OS"(i.e "obsolete shit") will never kick off with end users

ouch, lurk moar newfriend :^)

cat is the best text efitor

You really need to go back to /v/ mate

>dd if=gentoo.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4m status=progress
fuck off

I dont use gnu on my system
I dont use coreutils
I dont use gcc

I will not call my system gnu anything when

you've missed the point, the reason pacman doesn't handle AUR packages in the first place is because they're not safe, and require the user to check if they're OK, they're unsupported packages, and yay is both not the distros' package manager, and it itself is also not a supported package

>using gnu software

>some gibberish
wow really btfo

Meditate a little bit longer. You will get well soon.

>too much of a brainlet to read up on things
yeah, linux is not for you


Can someone post the link to the vector collection again, please?

Reinstalling from Octopi didn't work
ldd is too big brain for me

Feels bad to be a brainlet

you know you can quite literally just
# cp gentoo.iso /dev/sdb

You should meditate, too. Stay professional, friendly and don't feed the trolls.

stop lying pls

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>first there was /flt/
>then where was /fglt/
>now you want just /fgt/
what do you have against linux, gnu-kun?

When I bind a key to run a custom script from i3config it seems like it's executed with a delay, compared to when I just cue all its commands in the i3config file. Is this normal? What is the best practice?

It's true. You can also use cat or whatever that writes to a file. dd is preferred since you can control the block size.

you really can
[root@mikurok-main tmp]# cp /dev/sdc3 sdc3.bak
[root@mikurok-main tmp]# sha1sum /dev/sdc3 sdc3.bak
fe51dec14880d65580a81a1a8b0cd2d08cb671b9 /dev/sdc3
fe51dec14880d65580a81a1a8b0cd2d08cb671b9 sdc3.bak
[root@mikurok-main tmp]# cp /dev/zero /dev/sdc3
cp: error writing '/dev/sdc3': No space left on device
[root@mikurok-main tmp]# hexdump /dev/sdc3
0000000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
[root@mikurok-main tmp]# cp sdc3.bak /dev/sdc3
[root@mikurok-main tmp]# sha1sum /dev/sdc3 sdc3.bak
fe51dec14880d65580a81a1a8b0cd2d08cb671b9 /dev/sdc3
fe51dec14880d65580a81a1a8b0cd2d08cb671b9 sdc3.bak
[root@mikurok-main tmp]#

AUR is hosted on the offical ArchLinux Website, by t he ArchLinux Developers.
The AUR website and all it's software is directly managed by Trusted User assigned by the Archlinux Developers.
All programs are monitored by ArchLinux Offical Users.

So anything not in the [core] repo shouldnt be installed since technically it isnt the intended software?

Kill your self

Every AUR helper is just a wrapper around pacman libapm that can access the AUR API. Thats it
>any ease of use program shouldnt be used because i only want to use make

that's really neat, actually. would cp be slower compared to dd?

please stop telling people to kill themselves

>getting this heated up over an online argument about package managers

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Im sorry for autism. Please forgive me.
Also reminder to test commands strangers give you before running them, because people are assholes

>AUR is hosted on the offical ArchLinux Website, by t he ArchLinux Developers.
doesn't imply support
>The AUR website and all it's software is directly managed by Trusted User assigned by the Archlinux Developers.
the community repo is, but not the aur, they are not the same thing
/anybody/ can make an aur package, and update it with anything at anytime, it is as safe as running scripts from Jow Forums posts, they are NOT CHECKED BY ANYBODY EXCEPT THE END USERS
i say this as someone who maintains 11 aur packages, i know how it works

You are, in fact, retarded.

Can I get openbox to change fonts through terminal commands on manjaro? Please help I'm really screwed here.

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na, there is things dd can do that cp can't, but it's irrelevant for just putting an image on a disk as-is
if you really need a progress bar, pv has a nice one (use it like cat)

sort < file | tee file

You don't call windows "NT" or mac os "Darwin".
It should only be "GNU", the GNU OS from the GNU project.

I don't use dead wms but I am pretty sure you can just edit .config/openbox/rc.xml and change the font from there

You can adjust the speed with dd's bs= settings.

even when talking about Linux distros that don't use GNU, like Alpine? which run the same software, and are 99% compatible with everything talked about in these threads?

As long as you reply, she will reply too.


No, GNU is the creator, GNU Core Utilities is their product, there is a large amount of other GNU software which is not found on many GNU Core Utilities systems.
You are in fact using GNU Core Utilities, or alternatively coreuttils.

Welcome to /fcug/ friendly coreutils general.

someone recommend me a fun distro to install on my old thinkpad pls

Arch is a great coreutils distribution.

I've installed Arch countless times (I use it right now, btw), I am looking for something meme-y. I may try Plan9 actually.

Alpine is compatble because it emulates the GNU system using programs with a smaller footprint and less features. Luckily Alpine provides all GNU software in its repositories, so if you decide to actually use Alpine, you can turn the emulator into a working system. However, Alpine is initially not a GNU system, so nobody would ask you to call it the GNU system.
Btw, i think 99% is a bit high, don't you think?

Fedora systemd



that would be finished in 10 minutes clicking through a GUI, not much fun at all. Or am I missing something?

>N and BYTES may be followed by the
>following multiplicative suffixes: c=1,
>w=2, b=512, kB=1000, K=1024,
>MB=1000*1000, M=1024*1024, xM=M,
>GB=1000*1000*1000, >G=1024*1024*1024, and
>so on for T, P, E, Z, Y.
I'm wondering of 1Y would crash my system.

this should be interesting, downloading it right now

I just did freebsd last night