why do normies think programming is hard?
its fucking easy as fuck lol
Why do normies think programming is hard?
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Why do frog posters think their opinions matter at all? They're fucking retards lol
It's easy to program with the internet. It's probably hard if you don't know how to *insert search engine of choice here* answers.
nothing is hard if you apply yourself, young padawan. you'll learn it when you grow up
Mostly because I don't know where to start. Everyone on this board says different things.
>I have no ideas, or problems I want to solve. I just want to program for some reason cause it looks cool
user if you actually listen we all say the same thing, install gentoo
I just want a job that pays well.
You will never be a competent programmer.
Speak foe yourself.
I cant even solve basic synamic peogramming tasks. I always have to google solutions or books becasue i dont have the iq to comw up with a solution nyself
oh well at leatst there are others like me on stackoverflow,
because they'd rather party and have sex than grind leetcode
no time to practice = it's difficult for them
Lynda.com > Programming Foundations Course
Also look in your area for programming jobs available on indeed or whatever. See what languages and software those companies are seeking talent in.
Learn those skills on Lynda.com and stop listening to the memes. Good luck
Thanks, but I have to pay for this?
console.log("haaxxd by j4s0n11");
lul guiz programming iz soooo ez. u must be 2headz.
cause they think its this
I be you don't actually know shit about computers nor programming you retarded frog poster.
Because most programmers are autistic and really enjoy coding for 14h+ a day. You'll never be able to compete if your only aspirations are "I want a well-paying job", just pick up a trade before you disappoint yourself after wasting precious years learning CS.
How about networking? I'm not fund of manual labor.
start by making excel macros. It's basically programming only more visual.
Yes, but it's cheaper than going into debt in college. And the info is just as good if not better.
You can also pirate the videos or find a local library that gives you lynda.com access with the library membership.
Now get off Jow Forums and go learn.
Thanks daddy.
Dumb Frogposter
debt doesnt matter dude its a jewish trick
You’re clearly at the peak right now OP
It's just not enjoyable
dumb frogposter
>t. just wrote his first python fizzbuzz
Because media portrays it as magic. And autismos try to gatekeep it that way with buzzwords and obfuscation.
It does require you to think in 2-3 layers of abstraction which isn't always easy, but just about anyone on the right of the curve can do it.
Then be super handsome and charming and sociable and go into business. If people like you they will hire you to do nothing.
Some of the shit my chad business friends complain about is absolutely baffling. Some of the business chads I was doing IT support for at our clients were literally just showing up in the morning and shooting the shit till 3 and would meet up with the three other interns and work on the same proposal they’ve been working on for 3 months, all on the same google drive, pretty much doing nothing.
Shit I had a compsci degree and my brother had business degree and even tho I busted my ass for all these math classes and OOP classes and shit, he was making more than me out of college. The receptionist at the company I was doing IT for casually mentioned that she was make $24,000 more than me for her first college job, in the same city I was in currently. Some fat black constantly-triggered emotional mess making a quarter of a hundred grad more than me as a PR intern vs my compsci degree.
Luckily the 27-45 age range is better for us and if you can get into management at 45 and consulting at 55 then you’ll be making more than all of them. Probably. There are only so many c-level exec jobs in exchange for personal favors.
There was a time of books, trial and error and you needed to write out all of your program onto paper before you typed it into the compiler and discovered the errors.
Then repeat as needed until the program was complete.
Shhht the fuck up dumbass. I'm getting paid good money over here!