I've trained my neural network to play tinder

The video is here: youtube.com/watch?v=Ohs6sgmVNYI
This video is a prof of concept. I always wanted to see if I could make my Neural Network play tinder for me. So I gather some pictures, created a fake tinder app (so I don't expose real people) and began the training.

For this experiment I'm using scrcpy to control my cellphone and pyautogui alongside my neural network. The script is very simple:

Get the image, run it trough a neural network, move the mouse to the output (yes or no) and click.

There's a lot of hard coded things in my code, but as I said earlier, it is just a prof of concept.

The code is pretty much garbage, but here's it if anyone care to look:

import json
from PIL import Image, ImageChops
import numpy as np
from Dejavu import Dejavu
import pyautogui
import time

def trim(im):
bg = Image.new(im.mode, im.size, im.getpixel((0,0)))
diff = ImageChops.difference(im, bg)
diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -100)
bbox = diff.getbbox()
if bbox:
return im.crop(bbox)

data = json.loads( open('nn.json','r').read() )

nn = Dejavu()


choices = { 0: (900,565), 1: (1055,565) }

pyautogui.moveTo(850, 210)

for i in range(7):

img = pyautogui.screenshot().convert('L')

img = img.crop( (810,210, 1150, 500) )

#img = trim(img)

img.thumbnail( (36,36) )

arr = np.array(img).reshape(-1)

arr = np.pad(arr, (0,36*36-arr.shape[0]), mode='constant')

result = nn.predict( arr.tolist() )[0].tolist()

result = result.index( max(result) )

pyautogui.moveTo( choices[result] )


if i < 6:

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Está fixe

So what

Attached: 1563514986889.jpg (533x467, 155K)

that's PT from Portugal

I'm soon releasing my neural network with the files to create the data set from pictures you like. though any neural network can do it.

your a faggot

How do you "play" tinder? Lmao, just generate a random number between 0 and 1.

"lots of things are hard coded"
What a bait title, fuck you OP

"so user, what do you think"
"i did not think. 'my' judgement of you was carried out by a machine learning script that i wrote to offload decisions regarding my preferred mate to a computer. my thought process will not be clouded by my mood of the moment - rather, the computer analyses and determines suitability of each face with the same resolute consistency as the last. in this moment, i am become euphoric."

Attached: wtf.webm (312x450, 664K)

Great, now you can get rejected by women automatically

>natalie kikeman
>swipe right

With a virgin like you, I'd say make a program that swipes them all to the left because nobody is interested in you anyway.

>make neural network to act as a chatbot
>make neural network to generate portrait images of people
>make it all interface with tinder/okcupid/whatever
>congratulations, you now have a botnet of fake people to catfish with/social engineer/spread disinfo
We live in a society, gamers rise up

Attached: thispersondoesnotexist.com.jpg (1024x1024, 327K)

This but unironically. If anything you should focus on marketing this to women as they're the one doing all of the selection on Tinder.

It helps to fuck?

the roastie fears the nnCHAD

Women get 1000's of matches on Tinder. Literally. Unless you are high status male no point in bothering.

a nice thing you can do to bypass this is meeting people on the streets, you'll hack the world

Where can I nakadashi this cutie?

Literally looks the same as any insectoid woman. Just visit a hive.

Why not just use beautiful soup and the web version of tinder on tinder.com

user I think you may have an unhealthy view of women

What's your git hub username. I want to bookmark it otherwise I'll forget about this thread

Attached: BonbiBonkers.1564180955470.gif (300x300, 1.96M)

I wanted to proof that I could use it with any Android app

that's not it at all. I just want to try this experiment. the Gabe tinder app was just to test if the neural network could pick one's preference regarding woman. so I only used public pictures.

yeah, they can use it, of course. all they have to do is create two folders: one with guys she likes one with guys she doesn't. the script creates and train the nn with these folders. the hardcoded part (wich can be better programmed) was the location of the picture and the yes / no location. pyautogui includes location by image, I just got lazy and hardcoded the coordinates

Fixed for you.
There was some mistakes and useless code
import json
from PIL import Image, ImageChops
import numpy as np
from Dejavu import Dejavu
import pyautogui
import time

choices = { 0: (900,565), 1: (1055,565) }
pyautogui.moveTo(850, 210)

for i in range(7):
pyautogui.moveTo( choices[1] )

if i < 6:


now you're importing a bunch of things you don't use, kek

Saw this on hackernews...

yeah, it was me. I'm always promoting my shit over there

>all that code to randomly chose one of two options
poo in loo rasheesh

yes, cause that's how you solve a linear separable problem. you choose at random

wtf are those disgusting toes dude? wtf

you sound like a moron. op means the "tinder" app has hardcoded stuff in it. his neural net is a separate system.

how are you doing they button clicks (yes/no) without a user touching with finger? eg: how do you simulate it so that the tinder app thinks it's a real finger?

I'm using scrcpy with adb to connect with my cellphone. if I click on the screen with the mouse it sends a touch signal to my cellphone


the hardcoded part is the location of the buttons. I could make the script more robust by having pyautogui locate the buttons and from there get relative positions of the other stuff, like where the actual picture is