Have sex

have sex

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I know what site you got that picture from you fucking weeb

i wish

all of the faces are ugly
2,3,5 have ok bodies

tfw was in a happy relationship for the first time in my life
lasted 2 years then we've been forced into long distance
I fucking hate my life now, in some ways long distance is worse than being single

Only the one on the far left

I will not.

Too old

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friday night, i guess

she's getting drilled in all her holes by niggers right now

Ten bucks says you're American

I'd say 1,2,3.

marry 1
fuck 2
nakadashi 3
kill 4
rape 5

OP is a weeb who browses 2chan, I saw the same thread and downloaded the same image. If anyone isn't having sex it's OP

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Stfu niggerfaggot


5 > 1 > 4 > the rest


I would if I knew how to?

I mist have skipped that class in school, maybe I was sick or something. Now I'm utterly confused as to how to achieve that.

Also, most women are unbearably vapid, and those that aren't usually are already married. But thanks for advice anyway.

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far right girl uwu

tfw was in a happy relationship for the first time in my life. We were daydreaming about getting old together. I was planning to propose to her. Then, out of the blue, she says that last 3 months she doesn't feel that she loves me anymore and we should break up.

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based high inhib low social skill high iq incel

>picking empty sag and skin disease first


fuck 1
marry 2
kill 3
paizuri 4
rape 5

Based and cunny pilled

100% was getting drilled by Tyrone and you were cope for Tyrone not drilling her more

5 is 10/10 . She has that yayoi princess look, just needs some makeup. Rest are generic japanese JAV looking thots

I know this doesn't mean anything coming from my own lips(or I guess from under my own fingertips), but I am actually quite good at socializing. I've led few engineering teams, I've started a poker night as a regular social event in at least 2 cities I've lived in, and even since I've been working remotely I've been traveling and living in a different city every month(Airbinbs) and working from bars and cafes, talking to random people all the time.

Most people don't believe me when I tell them I've never had a girlfriend.

I think my libido is just too low to motivate me enough for me to bear presence of vapid women just to possibly gain access to a we hole. But I still have hope I will find a non-vapid woman.


Why do they look like men and why have you been spamming hundreds of yellow fever threads on Jow Forums in the last few days?

No thank you, I'm trying to become a wizard.

>wh*toid rage

all of them have good/great bodies

I have a soft spot for 2's mug but they are all butterfaces

have standards yellow fever cumbrains, if they were white you would call them butterface

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This. Sex is way overrated and wizard powers are amaaaaaazing.

Just the pranks I can do are worth it, not to mention all the money I get through my wizardry.

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1 looks good for a gook

1,2,3 has decent face. 4 is bit "oldish" style face. 5 has that weird face that could be considered sexy in certain sense.

The bodies of all 5 are fine. 4 has huge tits and might be an issue for me. 2,3 are flat and delicious. 1,5 are okay.

Is there any bigger indication that a Jow Forums incel is an ugly, miserable, poor, uneducated, inbred beta male than when they literally put yellow roasties on a pedestal, yellow knight them for absolutely free, spam photoshopped pictures of yellow roasties with surgeries and make-up and screech about white women on a daily basis behind their monitor and keyboard in their parents house? You're the minority, congratulations for being the last "men" in this world pathetic enough to yellow knight for yellow roasties on the Internet.

Ever notice how these ugly incels from Jow Forums also go on r9k? Ever notice how these incels with yellow fever never get upset when you let them do their autistic spam or when you upload photoshopped pictures of yellow roasties with surgeries and lots of makeup?

It's nothing resembling being a man to do this. You are a pathetic incel and we all laugh at you. Everyone knows you are doing it to postpone your inevitable suicide. Do yourself a favor and shoot yourself in the head with your dad's gun because you know you want to do it.

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Have sex

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imagine being this much of a virgin

>telling anyone they're raging when you're spamming yellow fever shit on every board because you think your projection will normalize your insect fetish
Cool story, schizo gookposter.

read sicp

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I don't know, to each their own i guess.

But slavic girls are the best. Polish, Cech, Slovakian, all are fucking adorable and almost never fat. And they usually know how to cook too.

those are two men

Yeah but Slavs age like shit.

For me, it's Nordic and Spanish women.

Have Sex

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>Yeah but Slavs age like shit.
Do they really? That's not my experience.

this seethes the roasties

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Have sexx

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No thanks I'll wait a little longer thanks

Heh, im so cool.

We don't have niggers where I live.
She was probably on some fucking emotional breakdown or whatever the fuck... I was happy for 3 years tho
Would not do it again, tho

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Come on over, girls.

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Everyone just have sex dammit

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Uhhh user where are you going with this?

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Skin cancer poster child.

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Thanks Jow Forums I'll look up some JAV tonight

No fucking way

this. slavs are fucking hot

Make sure its Reimi Fujinomiya

I do, thanks for the reminder anyways.

you just KNOW

>not anri okita

whats a bunch of cuties

God number 2 makes me want to race mix so bad

Based high test user.

yes pls

All besides 4 make me want to race mix. I would race mix with 4 too but I wouldnt marry. I'd Khan it up.

Shhhh goyim. ignore everything I just posted. HAVE SEX.

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i remember reading somewhere that her tits are fake (fat injections)
i guess we'll never know

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dfc are the best


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