so this is why Apple played dirty

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fuck Apple


Attached: 1552433980815.gif (540x304, 1.78M)

how can ishit even compete?

Attached: 1535881058807.png (1201x843, 476K)

Poor people are cringe

what kind of idiots would take pictures in the dark anyways?

Nromalfags taking shittier selfies thinking dark = deep.

Why do I need to take photos in the dark?
No one needs this.
I'm not some creppy pedo.

>my iPhone is made in USA!11

Three letter agencies?

"if it isn't the liquid, we have to fix the liquid"

viddy well, oh my brothers

>Hey, let me take a picture of my friend doing that dumb hand gesture thing while he's holding a lit joint in a dim hotel room that says no smoking
>Man, that's a cool looking cat over there by the fence. Really looks like a raccoon but I can't tell.
>Boo, check out this selfie of me in bed, I miss you, xoxoxo
>Damn, that chick over there at the bar has a PHAT ass. Lemme grab a shot for my buddy real quick
>Oh no, there are 30-50 feral hogs about to run into the yard with my small children and I only have 3-5 minutes to set up lighting to get this shot of them being mauled to death because the libtards took my assault cannon

But seriously though, there are tons of instances where I end up shooting a shitty ISO and shutter just because ambient light isn't enough for whatever I want to shoot. Better sensitivity in cameras is NEVER bad, especially when it's a camera you'll have on you all the time. I got the patched google camera app for my G6, just for the Night Sight mode, because it makes that huge a difference in photos.

Was there no Pixel Nightsight in this comparison? Pretty bullshit to exclude it

landscape shots while nighthiking

feisty jew rossman dunks on apple again.

lmao ikr. really grasping for apple hate fodder when there's plenty of low hangers

I fully support Apple on this. Apple has the right to rip off it's retard user base.

Yeah great thread. I’ll take pictures with my Nikon thanks.

Follow up get's worst, they actually break your stuff even worst at Apple repair.

Okay to be fair though, doesn't the P30 use some kind of proprietary huawei "night sight" thing that works similarly to google's implementation? What if the other two android phones were using that too?

will still look dogshit from your phone camera with no tripod

This is an old video. Samsung updated their phones recently and now their low light performance mogs Pixels. They're second to Huawei now and pretty close.

significantly different iso sensors??? so advanced..


Why do you incel creeps want to take pictures in pitch black?

Just turn on flash that's what the LED on the back of your phone is for haha


No Pixel makes this comparison extremely disingenuous


Why do you hate progress?



What the fuck
How a phone can make so bright images in darkness
That's pretty nice
I'd get it just so I can see African Americans lurking in darkness

Wow, do ifags starting the "doesn't matter" list like Intel..?

Attached: 1540984966015.png (799x628, 341K)

>hear footsteps at night
>can’t see shit
>wish I had a p30

So p30 is a must buy for someone that likes to take pictures of cities and skies at night?

Attached: 1565456532357.jpg (800x800, 328K)

Not to defend apple, but why do people care about cameras in their phones anyway?

It's so you can make sex videos without a bright LED on lol

To someone who's not a photographer but wants to take pictures of memorable moments. Because it's in a phone - convenience.
You won't understand. Because it's for people who actually go out and have friends.


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It's the camera you always have on you basically no matter what
It would be nice if that same camera could go the extra mile if need be



A camera is a must-buy for someone that likes to take pictures, dumb zoomer scum.

If the chinkshit is this much better, it's time to buy chinkshit.

Presumably it will take better pictures in meh lighting if it is this good in damn near no light.

The problem is that the software is garbage (and botnet) and you can't root because they only let chinks root (and require ridiculous amounts of info on you before allowing you to anyway). Also, double the botnet: you have both a chinese botnet (can't use any base app without logging into their chinese botnet that automatically backs up your stuff to their cloud without your permission) AND google botnet.