Minimum 3/4/5/6+ years of work experience required

>minimum 3/4/5/6+ years of work experience required
>Degree + proof of consistent high grades during that period
Why do they do this for a starting position with pay that isn't even good

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so they can justify hiring H1B's

I'm not even American I just want to make a living

They're not hiring, but want the appearance that they are.

This, they'll claim they didn't find anyone then hire tryhard pajeets for half the salary.

Sometimes they just don't have a position open up, so instead of stopping and starting hiring campaigns they'll just keep the "requirements" high so that they don't have too many novice applicants. If the position doesn't open up, or they decide to higher for something else completely they'll just give the "we found someone who better fit out needs".

The trick is to treat them the same as they treat you. Apply for literally everything that vaguely resembles what you gave.
>4 years industry experience
Fuck you, 6 months internship
>PHP experience
Fuck you, plain javascript with Bootstrap
>Honor role student
Fuck you, straight C's
The worst they can do to you is say no, so fuck em

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It's just like tinder girls with unrealistically high standards. And once you meet in person for the interview be an asshat and make them uncomfortable when they can't support their unicorn description.

Midwits, nepotism, and H1B laws, and a culture of credentialism. Read Chris Langan.

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Yep. I started sending my resumes in comic sans inside a .bmp image put in a docx (just screenshotted and pasted) then saved as pdf. 10-20mb email space fuck them

This is exactly why you shouldn't contribute to a rigged system and be a net negative on society until it collapses. The more intelligent you are, the less incentive you should have to contribute to a system that values brainlets more than you. We live in a dysgenic, broken society, built on democracy, that mandates soft-equality, that constrains greatness, that values superficial boxes that one ticks more than any innate talents, all for consumerist bugman reasons.

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>dude, they worked to get where they are, how fucking dare you. Maybe like instead of shittin on these jobs you ACTUALLY LIKE WORK and get 6 frickin years of experience, then maybe, like just maybe you would have a chance of being interviewed with them.

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If you don't live your life putting yourself, and the ones important to you first, you will end up nowhere. Fuck everyone else, I got mine.

stop living in a shithole

It's quite literally this . If the posts stays unfulfilled for long enough they can justify importing more visa workers and pay them dirt (which they accept as a price for first world citizenship).

They did this with Chemical Engineering to drive the wages down and now they're doing it with Aerospace and Software too.

They do it in every field now.

I don't know why you guys are complaining, the job market is good right now.

>the job market is good right now.

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How is someone supposed to get years of experience if you internships don't count and all jobs require years of experience or those who don't are flooded with people or fuck you over with stuff like "good at multitasking and willing to have flexible working hours" meaning they're going to fuck you in the ass and make you work like 3 people

>the job market is good right now.

Just because people are employed doesn't mean they are employed gainfully for their own mutual growth or benefit. The definitions of employment need to be changed drastically.

I'm not complaining at all, I got my current job by ignoring what the job description said and just applied for everything.

Yes, especially nursing, and then they all quit after 4-5 years when they get permanent residence and do literally anything else. The business models where they pay like shit all rely on people who either don't plan on raising kids or have an upper class family back in the third world who supports them.

We have some truly shitty managers, but none of that matters when they """sustain""" it all by using our tax money to bail these shitty companies out.

In software? It's great, just got hired for a job earning more than a lawyer with 30 years experience gets.

>Not having 10 years experience with server 2019
I know someone in New deli who does

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>we have so many jobs open we can't enough people to fill them!

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>In software? It's great, just got hired for a job earning more than a lawyer with 30 years experience gets.
Of course, Prabhu. Congratulations on your new job.

I'm not saying it's perfectly healthy, but software is literally the only sector still growing right now. Every other market is abhorrently shit. Most fields have over 70% underemployment. I don't mean salaries, I mean they can't even find a job offering field relevant experience for shit pay.

I'm German friend.

That explains it. America is a wasteland for careers unless you have postgraduate education or higher, unless you have connections from the start.

I've McFucking had it.

It's time to bring apprenticeship to software engineering and technology. If I had someone working under me as an apprentice, all I would ask of them is that they listen to me, work hard, and learn. They could come in off the fucking streets without an education. I wouldn't care. The pay would be shit, but the apprentice would learn in a matter of months to a year a skillset that can earn them millions of dollars over a lifetime. Someone working under me would develop a skillset in 6 months that would make a MIT graduate look like a diversity hire by comparison.

This is the only practical model for rapidly educating new entrants into the field. There is too much distracting bullshit out there that is financially motivated to capture your attention and suck you down incorrect paths of engagement. College and online bootcamps are a fucking jewish prank. You will also never get good via osmosis of hacker news and SJW-driven NPM events. You need to work on practical problems with a true master to really get it.

We should bring back indentured servitude. It was unironically a good idea.

>. America is a wasteland for careers
This is fucking bullshit and you know it. It's probably the most meritocratic, opportunity rich market on the planet (again not perfect, just better than the rest of the world). You truly have to be an unmotivated piece of shit to not get a job if you have US citizenship.

>unless you have postgraduate education or higher,
No, this is Europe, America is probably the only first world country except for Australia where you can still find work with just a bachelors.

>unless you have connections from the start.
This is true everywhere. The vast majority of jobs are gained through nepotism. If you don't have family members in your industry then you're the unlucky cuck who has to compete everyone else who doesn't. That being said as long as you're in the top ~15% of your class then you should be able to beat the odds. Once you break into an industry you can start building a network.

I agree. If you could create a legal framework in which that is possible today, it might actually be the best way to fix all the things that are really fucked up with our society. Don't show up to work for your master? That's gonna be a red mark. Too many of those? Ah, yeah - You aren't going to be chained to your workstation, you are going to the plantations in the Deep South. Would you rather do that or sit at a comfy desk and take orders from a god-tier developer? I think this model could succeed tremendously on multiple fronts.

Do you think it would be difficult to find a job in Germany having worked in the US tech field? I have German citizenship so it wouldn't even be an issue for employers in that regard. In other words, how cutthroat is it compared to the US?

It's not hard if you have a 30+ page Resume

>Do you think it would be difficult to find a job in Germany having worked in the US tech field? I have German citizenship so it wouldn't even be an issue for employers in that regard. In other words, how cutthroat is it compared to the US?

Not sure about US, but I have a friend from Australia also with German citizenship who has a Masters in Engineering and has been unsuccessfully applying to German for over 6 months. The language is not an issue since many companies only work in English. I think your experience would help a lot in any case so it's worth a shot.

Note that you will probably be taking a massive paycut if I consider what my American friends in the field earn.

Or chinks/pinoys for 1/3rd the rate and will do whatever you say even if it's

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But they don't offer training or if they do they still ask for years of experience in other languages

>applying to German positions* for over 6 months.

Oh also language does help, but only if you're certified at at least B1 level, everything below you might not as well put on your resume.

Also _this_, the amount of bullshit on the internet about limiting to the 1-2 page resume is staggering. Sure some shittier HR people will throw you out, but fully detailing your experience just looks more professional to HR who isn't dealing with a 1000+ CVs anyway. I'm thinking about going on 4 pages and I'm only a few months out of uni.

Who's they? I am speaking of a completely hypothetical arrangement in which a master and an apprentice are paired for purposes of learning the art of computer programming. This doesn't really happen today, at least not explicitly. In my hypothetical, the master doesn't care if the apprentice knows a goddamn thing. It's actually better if they know nothing then if they come in with 2 years of thinking they are hot shit at the latest hipster javascript framework.

I've come to discover that people who use the word bullshit right from the start are brainlets and your post is no exception to this rule.

America has the highest salaries and low unemployment. Maybe you're just a loser?