How many hours do you spend sitting on your PC?
How much do you weight?
What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Doesnit help your abilities? (Healthy body=Healthy mind)
Kettlebells? Running?
Jow Forums related pls.
(I knew of an Italian programmer who did contact sports everyday. He was a very though fighter.)
Fit Jow Forums users
Other urls found in this thread:
if you want to lose weight then literally calorie count and/or fast in moderation
also cut sugary drinks and drink water
it's so simple yet people do stupid shit like keto or become vegan and shit
>How many hours do you spend sitting on your PC?
18 hours and i'm 185/65kg
i just don't eat/drink any bullshit and i do muscle workouts
5-7 hours a day.
190lbs, 6"5
Squats, upside down push ups, yoga, heavy dumbell exercises.
>How many hours do you spend sitting on your PC?
8 per day
>How much do you weight?
175lbs, 6ft
>What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Doesnit help your abilities? (Healthy body=Healthy mind)
Go on walks with my dog
I wish i had the motivation to go to the gym. But i already have a gf.
dream bf
During the school year, probably about 3-5 a day.
165 lbs and 6'2"
Walk to the gas station to get cigarettes lol. Also eat like crap too.
50kg 1.73m
All my time.
I has 7 or 8 thinkpad cheap laptops with different installed distros: crux, gentoo, lfs, void and openbsd.
Iam jobless incel and have a lot of free time
16 hours
160 pounds, 5'11"
I do intensive sport training for a couple weeks then spend months doing literally nothing.
Normal weight/bmi (currently building up muscle) and 11% bodyfat. I go to the gym 4 days a week and eat lots of vegetables and mediterranean foods. It sure helps. Pretty much the entire rest of the day I spend in front of a GNU/Linux PC if I'm not reading, eating or riding the bike to the gym.
Not as fit as I used to be in high school when I took Judo 5 hours a week then Jeet Kwon Do with my friend randomly outside a class.
My last job was dumping 100lbs milk cans all day so I'm not that representative in that aspect. Currently I have a first iteration omnidirectional treadmill that works only OK, I have plans on a second iteration but am too lazy, lack the skills to finish it myself.
I could lose about 40lbs to get back to 9% body fat. That sounds bad but it only looks like I have about 10lbs extra because my muscle holds it.
12-16 hours a day
150lb 5'11"
I don't work out except for occasional runs or cycling once or twice a week
I have a few plates that I do squats and other shit with
basically doing just enough to keep my resting metabolism high enough that I don't blow up to 190lb again
>How many hours do you spend sitting on your PC?
Almost all of them im awake except when its term time and i gotta go to lectures so currently about 16 hours a day
>How much do you weight?
180cm/ 73kg
>What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Doesnit help your abilities?
I did goto the gym at the beginning of summer but my trial expired and i dont have money until i get my next sudent loan was doing this workout tho
>Healthy body=Healthy mind
not sure i agree with this only way to keep a mind healthy is a good sleeping pattern without one i turn Jow Forums or /x/ tier
>How many hours do you spend sitting on your PC?
I dont sit on my PC. I usually use a chair or stand up
>How much do you weight?
fuck off ya nosey bastard, are... are you Mark Zuckerberg?
>What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Doesnit help your abilities? (Healthy body=Healthy mind)
>Kettlebells? Running?
I normally go mountaineering and skydiving
9 hours
91 kg
Im a little bit fat since I build muscle. Rather be big and strong than weak and maybe fast
10+ hours between work and home
bulked as fuck want to sculpt up. any recs?
i usually WFH so i can exercise between calls
>How many hours do you spend sitting on your PC?
Whenever I get the chance usually, but I'm a part-timer so that helps getting some exercise into my system.
>How much do you weight?
58 kilos. I'm an ectomorph and no matter how lazy I can be, I barely gain any weight.
>What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Doesnit help your abilities? (Healthy body=Healthy mind)
I just lift at home (bought adjustable dumbbells, a heavy bar and a bunch of weight plates) and try not to eat too much garbage. Intermittent fasting also helps keeping binge eating in check.
6-7 hours
165lb 5'10"
Powerlifting, casual cardio (walking)
Take care of your bodies. You've only got one.
192, 6'2"
3-5 hours a day
On a break from lifting, just bike run skateboard.
Reading nonfiction keeps my mind happy and healthy.
Most of the day
250 lbs
Dont drink soda
Every waking moment when I'm not running errands. I HAVE A PROBLEM AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I forgot...
>height: 6'2"
>weight: 190lbs
>music: 4TB
Why do fatties insist on non-diet varieties of soda? I don't even drink the stuff often because it it's nutritionally devoid with zero redeeming qualities (except for hydration purposes... high sodium content of diet soda is pretty good for that).
the diet varieties are worse they cause diabetes
I do boxing + lifting/bodyweight. Also I don't eat/drink garbage food.
And have aborted anime lolis added to sweeten it
lol just stop eating fatasses i've lost 55 pounds in 5 months by only eating 1200 calories a day theres no excuse for anyone to be fat
>the diet varieties are worse they cause diabetes
Show me one study where the participants weren't diabetic prone fatties.
I spend about 12 hours per day or my PC, sometimes much less though (weekends). 180 cm tall, 74 kg of weight. I don't eat much, don't drink sugary drinks often, mostly stick of water and beer, and I do hard physical labor (I own a farm).
doubt there is one kek, i just know that the sweetners mess with insulin production or something because your body thinks its getting sugar and then doesn't, after this pattern repeating it jsut stops producing insulin
Enjoy your ban for off-topic, degenerate.
go for a jog lardo
fatass triggered
hows it feel to be 200+?
65kg is severely underweight for that height, get to 75kg twink
>How many hours do you spend sitting on your PC?
probably like 14 a day
>How much do you weight?
>What do you do to keep yourself healthy?
i don't in case you couldn't tell
>Doesnit help your abilities? (Healthy body=Healthy mind)
no, of course not, but in the intended spirit of this question, yes, i've noticed i have more trouble with programming due to being fat
>Kettlebells? Running?
god no
>it's so simple yet people do stupid shit like keto or become vegan and shit
people do stupid shit because simple isn't easy
just because it's blatantly obvious what needs to be done doesn't mean you can just go ahead and do it, some people have psychological dependency to contend with
i speak not from the perspective of not wanting to try but from the perspective of having tried and failed repeatedly for many years
>How many hours do you spend sitting on your PC?
>How much do you weight?
>What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Doesnit help your abilities? (Healthy body=Healthy mind)
Just dont eat like shit and pick up metal once a day.
>Kettlebells? Running?
sometimes running, sometimes kettebells
a real life skeleton
>severely underweight
>"""""""severely underweight"""""""
explain you're self
8+ hours
19% bf
178lb / 80.7kg
Move heavy things until tired.
also I'm 170cm/80kg but it doesn't really show because most fat goes into thighs and people actually think I'm lifting which I'm not
0-cal sweeteners mess with insulin a little bit, but the real danger is to your gut bacteria. Aspartame is toxic for the wee fuckers, and gut health has an alarming amount of correlation with mental health.
>tfw 23
>tfw too late to become a qt twink
3-5 during school, 8 while working over the summer
6'0" 165
Lift once a week, play basketball 4 days a week or so
you are mentally ill
Recent studies actually show that your gut bacteria normalize within 12 hours and that its purely genetic. Some people have a genome that promotes healthy gut bacteria and no amount of probiotics can "cure" you if you have bad gut genetics.
>no amount of probiotics can "cure" you if you have bad gut genetics.
dont they do shit transfers to fix that
i was in jujitsu/wrestling/boxing etc...
now i know how to code and im fat
I used to weigh 160, play hockey and run a 6 minute mile
Now im a 250 lbs linux neckbeard who gets tired walking up my stairs
test captcha wont let me post
6ft 70kg im not fit but i enjoy cycling to get off my ass. i'm always on my computer when i'm at home, but i'm not at home 24/7 so it varies.
>How many hours do you spend sitting on your PC?
16 hours and i sleep 8 hours
>How much do you weight?
179cm and 78kg i believe
>What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Doesnit help your abilities? (Healthy body=Healthy mind)
I don't, maybe i sometimes make 10 squats while waiting for the water for tea but thats all
>250 lbs
aim to have sex you'll be fine
>simple isn't easy
is literally just self-control
>How many hours do you spend sitting on your PC?
Roughly 6-8
>How much do you weight?
180ish pounds, and I'm 5'11
>What do you do to keep yourself healthy?
I run on a treadmill for two hours every other day and go hiking a couple times a week.
Breaking habits is hard
>computer dies
>parts expensive because concurrency
>buy motorcycle with my savings instead
>get contact lenses because putting glasses in and out of helmet is annoying
>get bored and exercise a lot
>went from 150lbs to 170lbs
>went from 10lb dumbbells to 35lb
>went from school shooter skeleton to average joe 6 pack
>girls don't look away anymore, some even smile or say words at my direction like hello goodbye and thank you
>check parts prices
>cheap again
>5700xt is blower
>spend more money on motorcycle
>get dainese leather suit
>getting way more looks from girls now
I may lose my virginity before 30 yet guys
Only 2 years left
Wish me luck
Fucking auto correct.
>hours on a pc
>how do you stay healthy
I workout 8 hours a week in my company gym
lifts are only 1/2/3/4 on all major compounds, and I do two three mile runs on the weekend
also I only take the stairs, and take a 5 minute walk around the office every 30 minutes
also fat lardass retards are only fat from eating higher than their TDEE, not because they use a computer
Yeah, and like I said, simple isn't easy.
It takes more or less self control for different people depending on how psychologically dependent you are on food.
I'm very psychologically dependent on food, so it takes more self control for me than for others. The amount of self control it takes for me is an amount that practice shows I don't have.
>How many hours do you spend sitting on your PC?
>How much do you weight?
58 kilogramm
>What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Doesnit help your abilities? (Healthy body=Healthy mind)
nothing, no
>Kettlebells? Running?
>Jow Forums related pls.
Linux, rolling release
why do you use the rolling release if you are not large enough to roll
i see wat u did there
183cm and 65kg
I drink 1 monster can almost daily and eat crap food between meals (around 2000carbs/day).
And I exercise almost daily (muscles that aren't sore) with dumbbells, squats and so on for about half an hour.
It's pretty obvious if your body isn't fine you're going to be an autistic mess, your brain is part of your body.
People who complain about what you exactly eat are mentally ill, just count the carbs and get enough protein. I feel sorry for those retards who can't have salty snacks because they think that shit is poison, yet they are fat fucks for eating big meals without exercise.
12 hours
112 kilo 6'2
I lost my will to live 2 years ago but am so much of a pussy to off myself so I just drag through everyday with vidya and lift when someone invites me. Fixing my life isn't even worth the effort since my family is rich as fuck so being successful isn't really an immediate concern
We all fat here
It isn't that hard to lose weight. I lost 6st in a couple of months simply by having a strict diet.
how to diet if overeating is the only thing that brings you joy and refraining from doing so makes you want to an hero
replace stress eating with jerking off
Try not being mentally feeble.
jerking off has become boring to be desu, the rush doesn't help anymore
Go toughen yourself up with adversity.
> does literally nothing to improve itself, by it's own admissions
> make excused for other genetic deadends who are too fucking lazy to just overcome and get their shit together.
I mean, I like that you'll never breed, but can you at least kill yourself now so society can avoid wasting thousands upon thousands on you to cover the avoidable diseases you'll have later in life?
>can you at least kill yourself now so society can avoid wasting thousands upon thousands on you to cover the avoidable diseases you'll have later in life?
i consider it daily but clearly doing so hasn't convinced me to do it so at this point nothing can
dad raped me and then i got this fat, lost 120lbs and was about to make it, then mom died and i gained 60lbs back, it seems like adversity just makes me more mentally feeble
i guess there's further adversity i could go through on purpose, e.g giving up all my belongings and living on the street, but is there anything i could do that i would have no way out of (because i am weak and would take a way out if there were one so there has to not be one) but also wouldn't ruin my chances of success in life, because i mean if i give up everything i own and live on the streets then once i lose the weight how will i ever be a functioning adult
>it seems like adversity just makes me more mentally feeble
I meant physical adversity.
> 10 hrs/day
> 186cm / 77kg
> strong, wiry
work out hour and a half every day, mostly self weight and dumbbells at home. Some cardio. NOT EATING SHIT FOOD has the biggest impact though I know this now.
ok thanks too weak and depressed to voluntarily subject myself to physical adversity if my consent has to be continuous and proactive so instead i will try to brainstorm ways to force physical adversity on myself that i will then not be able to worm out of while also not preventing myself from achieving my other long-term goals
Have you tried fighting in a war?
pretty sure that would fall under preventing myself from achieving other long-term goals and as honorable as it would be for me to sacrifice all of my long-term goals for something outside myself the fact of the matter is i have no honor and am pretty much just a soulless pig
s-shut up coca cola salesman
take your mind off eating by joining a gaming group or clan (fuck movies, they make you eat more)
i will keep this in mind for if/when i overcome my fear of communicating with peers in any capacity in real irl
wait i just realized you don't have to interact with people in real irl to join a gaming group or clan
shit this could be the thing
i am such a depressed sack of shit that even gaming is boring
but maybe it will be able to hold my interest if i start doing it with other people
and i don't even have to look at their scary judging faces
fuck this could be the thing ok i will try this thanks
125 lbs, 5'10. 8 to 10 daily on weekdays Have excessive anxiety to reduce appetite. Ultimate poorfag technique.
I run a modified PHAT program. Strength upper and lower body days; hypertrophy back + shoulders, legs, chest + arms days. I try to keep workouts capped at 2 hours otherwise the CNS fatigue is too much. The end goal is to look hot for girls.
>How many hours do you spend sitting on your PC?
10hr, 8 as that for work. Remote.
>How much do you weight?
73kg, 5'10
>What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Doesnit help your abilities? (Healthy body=Healthy mind)
I go apeshit if I don't gym once a day, it dramatically improves work performance
>Kettlebells? Running?
Running yes kettles no
170cm manlet/ 70 kg
low fat, and even lower amount of muscle.
I eat like shit,(fat, salt and sugar) but thanks to godlike genes I remain thi... errr anemic...
How do you remove manboobs? Asking for a friend.
10hrs a day
75kg and 185cm
Lift 4 times a week for ripped bod but summer season is over so I'll be eating a lot more from now on. You get a lot more confidence from just being stronger or more ripped than the other dudes around you so that's a huge mental boost. Also count your goddamn calories and read up on ncbi not Jow Forums.
Very nice user
Around 6-10 hours depends on if I'm surfing the internet, prototyping some code, or gaming. But I do boxing and workouts such as running three laps of a mile, push ups, sit ups, pull ups, weights maybe 70 pounds (I'm trying to gain more) and shadowboxing to help improve my performance. After all that I'll eat everything in my house.
>GNU/Linux PC
You do know what PC means, right?
It's ok to like partners a little thic but hardcore fat fetishists are violating the number one rule, don't stick your dick in crazy. Do you realize how fucked up someone has to be to get this fat, if you ever got close to me i'd ruin you're (you are) life.
I masturbate furiously.
it's never too late to become a twink user
Bullshit. Losing weight doesnt make you healthy. Good food and and cardio do. Otherwise I can live on frozen vegetables and alcohol to reach my caloric goal, and destroy my body along the way.
There are calories and then there are nutrients.