
Any tips on dealing with ransomware?

Attached: Ransomware312132312.png (936x246, 16K)

dharma ki adharma pe vijay

restore from backup
wow this question really needed to have an entire thread dedicated to it

The backup i have is from 2 months ago.
Asked a firm to decrypt my files and they want 10K$.

How do you fuck up this badly?

now you know that you should backup important files right away.
if your backup is 2 months old, the data couldn't have been very important to you.

>Asked a firm to decrypt my files and they want 10K$.
That's a nice way to get scammed out of $10k.
Accept your fate, OP. You've been owned. The only way you could possibly get your files back is by paying the hacker. Next time, make backups of important shit and don't be a stupid nigger.

Those are some greedy motherfuckers

Don't get it in the first place

I have no idea how i got it.
Im very carefull with opening emails and the only thing i think that might have screwd me is TeamViewer.

Can opening emails really just be, welp, you have ransomware now

What OS are you on?

backups, backups everywhere

Looks like now is a good time to install linux

windows 10. Most people i work with cant even work with gmail.(60+).
I was just wondering if i should even try to get the files back with a firm or just take the L.

restore from backups
stop being a retard

>I was just wondering if i should even try to get the files back with a firm or just take the L.
I mean what are you asking really. Does the firm have a money back guarantee or anything? If it's just 10k for your own data its value is up to you

You use firejail to limit the amount of damage that can be done. Then, you take all important shit, and keep it out of your downloads folder. Furthermore, you should keep a backup of your important shit some place safe. As an example, when I get my pay stubs (which are password protected), I download them into my temporary payroll folder in Downloads. Then, I immediately go and move the file into my Documents folder. I put it in an encrypted 7z file containing all my other pay stubs. I then create a backup of them (in their encrypted format) on a Mega account, which has 2FA enabled. So, I have my paychecks in my encrypted (with 2FA) email account, as an encrypted 7z file on my laptop (which has boot encryption), and on Mega, which is also encrypted and has 2FA.

You know the firm will just pay the hacker, right? But if you're so fucking clueless that you need a middleman to do even that for you then its no wonder you got pwned.
Winbabbies are a fucking joke baka

Is this what having a backup looks like? Not that guy. I thought it was automatically mirrored to a server in storage or something.

You could just regularly backup all your shit to a portable hard drive or cloud service. But I'm bad about remembering to backup. Right now, if I got hit with ransomware, I'd just delete my downloads folder. It's mostly Jow Forums memes, anyways.

>a backup of them on a Mega account

My HDD broke, but I had a backup of a bunch of things I wanted to keep on Mega. Thought I was saved... nope, the Mega file was somehow corrupted and I can't download it.

>the Mega file was somehow corrupted and I can't download it.
what? This is the most retarded

you can't be serious. How does that even happen? What "mega file"? I unfortunately host too much unencrypted personal shit under mega, and I sincerely doubt any of it corrupted at any point.

If you can download the file itself and its corrupted there are programs to that maybe be able to fix it.

I'm sure it used to say something else before, but this is what is says now.
Sadly I'm unable to download it.

Attached: 2019-08-12 12_12_02-Action center.png (824x50, 4K)

I have never had a corruption. Also, what do you mean by "Mega file was somehow corrupted."

Well, it's always good to encrypt your shit before uploading it to a cloud service, but I do believe Mega is E2E encrypted.

>what do you mean by "Mega file was somehow corrupted."
As in that was the error message it would give me when I attempted to download it. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I believe that is what it used to say. Now I get

I guess you can write support ticket to mega and hope for the best.

>but I do believe Mega is E2E encrypted.
Jow Forums always says mega was sold to a chink company at some point, and the original owner professed to not trusting mega with his own data anymore. I've never seen a source, but people parrot that shit all the time, so I assumed it was partially valid.

format and reinstall

I guess I should give that a try.

Tbh he should preserve the HDD and give it to his grandson, who will probably be able to unencrypt it with bullshit he googled in 5 seconds cause it's old technology

It can be, but it's pretty rare now since email clients arent garbage like they used to be.

Depends. There's a reason entire cities get ransomware'd overnight. Outlook Express is way more commonly used than it should be.

That is super fucked, honestly. I thought you had to install something to be fucked so thoroughly but perhaps not.

It's pretty easy to protect yourself on Linux distros. You'd have to run a browser as an Admin. Plus, you can further protect yourself with something like Firejail.

>this thread
Is this Jow Forums I'm on u guys?

Even more fucked is that you might not have to open it, just visit your inbox and bam. I don't think that's happened in the age of ransomware though but I could be wrong.

if you pay the ransom they'll take the money, laugh and then vanish. you're fucked, user. restore from the two month old backup and learn this expensive lesson.

>not making your important files write-protected
it's on you bud

>low IQ shitposts
sounds like Jow Forums alright

trolls trolling trolls: the thread

that's bullshit but i believe it

airgap your important shit moron