Do people honestly believe that diversity hiring has anything to do with social justice and not just companies trying...

do people honestly believe that diversity hiring has anything to do with social justice and not just companies trying to boost productivity?

Diversity hiring (in tech at least) obviously isn't about lifting people up or providing opportunities for the less fortunate, cause it doesn't. The barrier to entry will always be knowledge and tech companies with closed source products are doing very little to disseminate the knowledge that they need to strive.

Stop trying to defend diversity hiring. Its not social justice, its not fair, its bigoted, simple as that.

I don't know about you but I'm not a coffee bean and being compared to one just goes to show how little diversity hiring practices actually care about the most important aspect of any company, the people who make it run.

Workers are not cattle, coffee beans, H-1B visas, or business expenses. They are the heart and soul of any company and each and every person on this planet has their own life, their own story, and there own idea of whats important.

Suggesting that a diverse workfoce is better than one that isn't is just as bigoted as saying that a non-diverse workforce is better than one that is.

When your company motto is don't be evil how can you be anything but?

Attached: google_beans.png (793x843, 159K)

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I'm confused. Which one is the bean that commits over 80% of violent crime, despite being less than 20% of the population?


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>boost productivity by hiring less qualified lower intelligence workers

Stop posting.

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did you even read the post

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I saw the first paragraph and stopped reading. The stupidity there was enough for me to know I shouldnt read further.

I work at google and diversity hires and women get 3 attempts at the first round of interviews whereas non-target men get 1 attempt

For every shitskin who gets hired for no reason other than he's a black queer there's a genuinely talented white guy who gets turned down? How is that not racist against whitey?

The fuck you were trying to say in the first sentence? How is diversity hiring boosting productivity?

imagine being this retarded

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>diversity boosts productivity

Dont say stupid shit if you want to accuse others of being stupid.

fucking exactly, but read the image that's honestly the argument big tech makes for the practice. I don't think it holds any weight but if they're not doing it for this reason then why do it at all?

it's not just white guys, it's also asian and indian males. it's actually especially asian and indian males.

I don't think it does big tech thinks it does, but the whole notion of diversity hiring in and of itself is hypocritical. That's at least what I think the point was.

>Diversity hiring
Companies end up fill non-technical jobs with women and tech jobs with asian inmigrants.

There are a lot of government grants related to diversity where I'm from. I think that's the main driving force for diversity hiring within startups.

welcome to the affirmative action debates of the 1960s and 70s, things have only gone downhill and people are openly talking about reparations again fucking lmao

kys pedophile ff poster
you should be hanged


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Nice reddit spacing faggot
Have sex

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so it's money and not some vague notion of productivity?

So it's more fucked than I imaged :(

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its also optics. nobody wants a news report to come out how so and so company is all white and asian males. companies want to brag about how diverse they are to look good to modern sensibilities and maintain the narrative.

fuck reddit I need to stop it's more cancerous than Jow Forums at this point

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>(((a certain set of coffee aficionados)))
>”best” coffee
If this scenario were real, the company which used the simpler method would win.

remember when business were focused on excellence and innovation

yea me neither

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I saw the reddit spacing and stopped reading.

stopped reading there

>All of resource will be consumed by the market

>do you want

Fast gain of 100 with 20 loss

Slow gain of 100 with 2 loss

Because it's a simple fucking equation from there. If the resource is valuable what works is burning the field once you have majority control

Lmao fpbp

I would sell only orange beans blends because they seem cheaper to produce and teal beans aren't worth the trouble getting since, even if retards are willings to pay more for a mix, coffee addiction is a low IQ indicator, and thus affects most of the population, and the entirety of that population is incapable of having taste, so my orange-only would be cheap to produce and would sell easily.
I still refuse to believe people like the taste of coffee and aren't just after the effects.

>remember when business were focused on excellence and innovation
They still kinda are
Most companies (smart ones at least) flaunting their diversity only do so on the surface with diversity hires working remedial jobs while all the real work is done by asians and white males in the background and stay excluded from twitter photo ops

It has to do with companies lowering the cost of labor by flooding the job market with poo in loos since they vastly outnumber us. The more workers there are, the less valuable their labour is. It is supply and demand. Of course, tech companies also collude together to shut out competition, and the government isn't going to do a damn thing about it because they are afraid preventing the criminal activities of large tech companies woulf cause us to get behind China in innovation.

I mean naturally, it will be mostly whites working in high end tech fields. In the US minority communities have worse access to primary education since the funding for that education is linked to property taxes and thus community income. In addition there is more of a history of whites being employed as engineers including electrical and computer, with the easy ability to pass on those skills to their children; not so much in minority communities.

But the growth of Asian countries and their export based economies has led to extreme wealth accumulation, the point that many people in those countries come to the US for their education. This is why it is common to have many asians at these high end universities.

At least in my university, this is how things work; it is about a 50/50 mix of white and asian people. Many white people from the local area who are given preferential enrollment. But also many foreign students come from overseas, and they are almost always wealthy relative to the rest of their country.

So I think it is natural that companies like google would want to hire these people; they've had good education their whole life and are highly integrated in the global community. But these people are actively prevented from working in the US after they have received their education. So because of this, many continue their education instead of becoming employed, further driving up their skill.

For that matter: which one is the bean that has a history of not valuing education and family?

Dubs checked.

Why is it anyone's business which percentage of employees belong to a particular ethnic group?

>1% of orange beans are grade A and 1% of teal beans are grade A
ruh oh

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