Holy war thread

Tabs or spaces Jow Forums?

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4-space indentation for any new project, if you're contributing to any existing go along with whatever they're using.

tabs for indentation and spaces for alignment

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tabs > spaces

Set vi to replace tab with 4 spaces. Continue to focus on the objective and not let women derail my project with pretty arguments.

ebin war

i remember pic related men
glorious comic sans poster got banned for spreading the truth

8 spaces to force everyone to switch back to tabs

they're not though, spaces allow you to format any way you want and are consistent across editors with 0 modification.

tab represented as 4 spaces for anything that doesnt already have an established code style guideline

imagine being autistic enough to think the "debate" wasn't over when somebody mentioned you can turn tabs into spaces

spaces are superior since they are all the width on different operating systems.

stopped reading right there

>not using a mixture of both tabs and spaces with no clear defined pattern of which one to use.

>Tabs or spaces
depends on the language and the project
html, css, js; i always to 2 space
java, c#; 1 tab of 4 spaces

Attached: comicsans.jpg (664x141, 20K)

Tabs. Only takes one character and you can choose the width you want.

In practice, whatever emacs default.
In ideal, tabs for indenting, spaces for alligning

imagine caring about fucking white space
get a fucking life

Both, a tab and then two spaces.

Tabs for indentation and spaces for alignment.

bUt iT's HaRd tO kEeP tRaCk Of iT aLl By HaNd

Sounds like a 'you' problem. Use Emacs.

my IDE doesn't care and neither do I, if you don't understand that you can easily configure any text editor to show either as the same you are a fucking retard.
This is bullshit and retard-pilled.

spaces are for fascists -- who told you you could determine the indentation level of code on /my/ machine

Tabs are superior of course, but it seems that spaces are in every project now so you have to follow the convention

excuse me, but isn't this from some episode of 'silicon valley'?
is Jow Forums just full of posers? I've never heard anyone argue about this before in my life, mainly because nobody actually uses spaces to indent code.
