ZeroNet General - First Amendment Edition


We believe in open, free, and uncensored network and communication.
No single point of failure: Site remains online so long as at least 1 peer is serving it.
No hosting costs: Sites are served by visitors.
Impossible to shut down: It's nowhere because it's everywhere.
Fast and works offline: You can access the site even if Internet is unavailable.


Real-time updated sites
Namecoin .bit domains support
Easy to setup: unpack & run
Clone websites in one click
Password-less BIP32 based authorization: Your account is protected by the same cryptography as your Bitcoin wallet
Built-in SQL server with P2P data synchronization: Allows easier site development and faster page load times
Anonymity: Full Tor ntwrk support with .onion hidden services instead of IPv4 addresses
TLS encrypted connections
Automatic uPnP port opening
Plugin for multiuser (openproxy) supprt
Works with any browser

>How does it work?

When you visit a new zeronet site, it tries to find peers using the BitTorrent network so it can download the site files (html, css, js...) from them.
Each visited site is also served by you.
Every site contains a content.json file which holds all other files in a sha512 hash and a signature generated using the site's private key.
If the site owner (who has the private key for the site address) modifies the site, then he/she signs the new content.json and publishes it to the peers. Afterwards, the peers verify the content.json integrity (using the signature), they download the modified files and publish the new content to other peers.



What WILL happen in the next posts:
>glowies will flood the thread IMMEDIATELY shilling with CNN talking points
>fantasy fan fiction with no source for (((reasons))) why you should not use it
>get EXTREMELY mad when called out

Attached: file.png (466x358, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 muh cp hurrrrrr durrr go back to Jow Forums


I tried it. It is actually pretty dope.
I want to run it on a headless raspberry pi.
How can I access runinng on that machine from another machine without hacky ssh -L or other stuff?

whats up fellow znet users? whos interested in giving me your ip haha. i work for vice and we're doing an article on the IP addresses of all Jow Forums users. nothing special lol just get on zeronet so i can get all those ips written down. thanks.

> collecting a bunch of tor exit nodes IPs
> feel like a 1337 hax0r
the absolute state

>bittorrent derivative
wew lad

You can use Tor over zeronet. I’m not even sure why I’m telling you this since you obviously can’t read.

>getting angry on the internet
yikes, back to Jow Forums incel

>The Daily Beast captured 819 IP addresses for 08ch users connecting from 62 different countries. Most users in our sample, 437 of them, are in the U.S., with Canada (46 users), and the U.K. (37), a distant second and third place. Ordered by states, California, Texas, Washington, and Florida top the list.
>Some users connected over VPNs, shielding them from our analysis, but hundreds logged in directly from cable TV broadband networks and other residential services.
>Though an IP address alone doesn’t identify the person behind it, it can nonetheless be telling, particularly when a user is running websites or other services off the same IP, as dozens in our sample were. One user in Georgia runs an open file-sharing server from home. The server’s banner message: “Hitler did nothing wrong.”


>they download the modified files and publish the new content to other peers.
If someone posts cp, every other person on the site, in legal terms, become a distributor of such content. Decentralization is good, but ZeroNet’s model is deeply flawed in our current system.

The funny thing is that on zeronet image boards there are cp channels but there is actually no cp in them. Also i have never seen cp on zeronet.

>cp channels but there is actually no cp in them.
replace comedy and it relates most of Jow Forums boards

Never checked, any board that i see could be related to that i mute immediately, for morals not for paranoia, im using TOR.

Go back to /b/

are you retarded?

Attached: 1554920329782.jpg (867x715, 134K)

Freenet is better.

>namefag and having a releveant opinion
>pick one

How much space does this take up on the hard drive when all is said and done?

How much space do regular torrent files take up on the hard drive?

I can't access Zeronet via :43110.
I only can access Zeronet when it is running on the same machine.
A workaround is using ssh user@ -L 43110:
Is there any better solution?

As much as you allow it to. Default is 10MB per website.

>I can't access Zeronet via :43110
pretty sure it should just work like that

This. I thought zeronet was cool but once i actually found cp and realized i would be automatically downloading it i just deleted it all. High risk low reward

>bitcoin miner
no thanks.

check iptable rules and make sure zeronet is listening on that ip and not just localhost

Automatically downloading CP sounds like high reward to me.

Bittorrent over Tor being an issue at all is 10 year old FUD spread by Tor themselves.
There was a bug in some clients. Like utorrent 2.2.1.

They say themselves that they were glad people wouldn't use Bittorrent over Tor because they were concerned about the bandwidth.
Which is the real reason people keep repeating this lie.

Is your rasp under the same network as your pc ?
Check local ip addresses of both rasp and pc and post them,it can happen if you have some sort of trickery in your house,like two routers and other shit

Happened to me a while ago,was writing a C client-server program and wanted to use it in through my network
The problem was that my pc was connected via usb tethering and my laptop wasn't
So they where on different networks
>I'm a retard I know
I could have setup the routing table between them,but my router is shit and closed AF

I have a "repeater" which I never bothered to configure.
Maybe that's the problem. Thanks for the hint.

Maybe i should change my email server's banner from "Debian 9 postfix" to ascii of a swastika.

Go back to /b/

The only plausible explanation is that it's not secure or uncensored.

ZeroNet is not 08ch alone you know? Retard

>this entire thread

Attached: glow.jpg (750x700, 59K)

Go back to /b/

no u

seething glownigger

this, but don't reply to them

>server banner message
What kind of server is that?

Zeronet, freenet or i2p?

Hosting and serving cp is like a test for a service. If it/they can do it with relative ease without getting shut down and v& immediatelly that means the service is solid and can be trusted, and can actually resist shutdown attempts from goverments and hackers.
If questionable material cant be hosted then the service is weak and not worth bothering with.

You just pass the proper command line argument to Zeronet. You have to use the --ui_ip option and set it to allow all (or some). Here's what I type:

python --ui_ip "*"

That will allow any computer on your LAN to access the Zeronet console with the web browser, just type in or whatever your ip address is into the URL bar.

This way you only need to run Zeronet on one computer in your house.

It asks you to increase storage as you go, you don't have to though. You only seed what you download yourself, too.

Attached: z-963139-2_0.jpg (200x312, 20K)

Freenet is compromised to a point. Trivial to figure out who is sharing/downloading what from where. Freenet is only safe to use when you're in darknet mode aka connection only to other Freenet users/systems you absolutely trust.

>potatoes or bicycles?
Go back to /b/

> ZeroNet is not 08ch alone you know?
Actually aside from some Chinese stuff ZeroNet is pretty much 08ch alone plus some minor insignificant outliers.
The massive influx of users since the shutdown is actually great.
Pandoras Box is now open. The time of uncensored decentralized internet has come.

And it will be GLORIOUS!

08 is unreliable and flaky and has tons of spam already. ZeroTalk is a pure text board and the content is better, it has many more users too. And no illegal content because of its pure text nature.

Much comfier.

Attached: 709777D6-F8D9-499F-878C-45003DBCBBE3.png (1536x2048, 380K)

Uh oh now everybody can see my IP address! How do I delete an image?

>And no illegal content because of its pure text nature.
lol nope, even textual depiction of sexual acts with children will get you jailed in US, thanks to its inability to define pornographic content

it's too late user.... you're fucked

Which image? The one you posted?

Attached: saveddd~01.png (1536x2030, 411K)

The fuck are you trying to say
What is it that makes freenet compromised in this sense compared to zeronet or i2p?

Unlike with chans, you can permanently mute individual users on ZeroNet and there is already a good trustworthy illegal content slash pornography blacklist in operation so it's easy to do.

There's a shill list as well, unlike the chans where the shills run the boards (and the FBI) with ZeroNet you can just shadow ban individual accounts, they won't even know. It's possible to work around this by generating a new ZeroID each time you connect but there are already countermeasures in place to stop that too. As new attacks are performed on the different parts of the system the developer has been improving things, which is how it's got to be here in clown world.

Shills will have to go back to carefully developing and tending to their accounts like in forums, and anybody can ban any account from their machine without the banned person knowing so it's going to make it a lot harder. Too much shilling is one problem but automated shilling and scripted shilling have allowed the shill farms to send out a lot more shit, one wonders if they've forgotten how to shill well and properly, in a convincing manner, blending in and being an obvious part of the community.

Posts like "Hey you racist incels, look at this meme, you'll never recover from this!" as you frequently see here simply won't cut it there.

o shit

can you pull up my console? oh fuck fuck fuck

With Zeronet you only store what you see, and you can ban and delete anything you clicked on that turned out to be questionable. With i2p you don't actually store anything, you just route traffic in flight. You can host your own content but you're not keeping other people's content.

>It's possible to work around this by generating a new ZeroID each time you connect but there are already countermeasures in place to stop that too.
Like what? You'll automatically ban new people who just joined? IP ban list will fuck tor over first and foremost, spam is something you cannot reliably fight against on a platform that is against censorship (unless it's on a selected peer basis like twister, there thanks to proper use of chainblock you cannot ban a user, but everyone is picking content on a peer by peer basis instead of all at once)

I mean having a censorship free platform = spam filtering is gonna be hard. You can do something like increase barrier to entry by having new keys generation take like 3-5 minutes so spamming new zeroIDs will not be doable with a normal rig, but it's still just a bandaid, gotta embrace the spam, free speech is actually 99% spam when you think about it

>spam is something you cannot reliably fight against on a platform that is against censorship
Yes you can. You simply block each spammer. Unless they make a new ZeroID each time (and eventually they won't be able to, even over TOR, try it yourself) they will find it useless.

There are already blocklists which work great and are trustworthy. I'm sure we'll see the shills becoming more and more desperate to attack ZeroNet in various ways but shitposting and bait to dilute discussion will have very limited effect. Shills will simply have to learn to blend in. The usual trick of a forum takeover won't work either.

>americuns think they're free

Attached: 1540880455676.jpg (125x93, 2K)

>You simply block each spammer. Unless they make a new ZeroID each time (and eventually they won't be able to, even over TOR, try it yourself) they will find it useless.
Create a new VM snapshot with just tor/zero installed before starting the service, restart after spamming every thread, as easy as that. Will tor refuse you? Why didn't CIA think of that. Will they block all tor out nodes? lol Seriously the only way to stop constant spam like this (can be automated easily if someone wanted) would be making key generation taking minutes, like weak defence against bruteforcing. Blocklists will soon have GB of IDs that are lost to automated scripts, good luck with that

Whats stopping block lists actually blocking free speech like it has been happening on popular social media. Today its spammers and shills, tommorrow its nazis and incels, after that its anyone who even slightly disagrees with the left.

block lists are opt-in

Attached: zn.png (1383x163, 33K)

>And no illegal content because of its pure text nature.
I'm not posting the second screenshot.

Attached: prog ascii cp 01.png (1920x948, 563K)

>I need help finding a place where i can get free manga in english

Attached: 71a5T6DSB6L._SL1030_.jpg (796x1030, 237K)

>Will tor refuse you?
Try it yourself and see, it will stop working after a few tries.

It's a shadow ban list. Nobody is actually blocked, it's just that once a shill lets xer mask slip once they get put on the list and there are subscription block lists too from trusted sources now.

Yeah it's going to be hard for you, I can tell already.

that's why you can reset your zeroID with fresh install and can browse without posting anything as a free spirit on tor, fucking fud pasta coming in as always

>Service that helps pedos and holds CP
Nope. Eat shit

>>Will tor refuse you?
>Try it yourself and see, it will stop working after a few tries.
lol no it won't, someone muting you doesn't issue a global ban retardo, you're just really confused, spam filtering is functionally censorship, you gotta live with one or the other, so while promoting censorship free things, just accept the other

They don't like the idea of people leaving their little controlled opposition hives full of bait and brainwashing and ads. They'll say anything.


Try generating multiple ZeroIDs on Tor. Eventually it will stop working. And the block lists are the solution to spam.

Sorry bub, you're just going to have to instruct your little buddies to carefully tend to their ZeroID nyms and not be too obvious, like in the olden days. It's hard, I know. I feel ya.

How is it fud when you literally stated the exact problem that's highlighting. Unless you create a new ID for each request you're not anonymous by default, across multiple services. That's a fundemental flaw and the onus is on the user to know this ahead of time or risk getting tracked.

The speed at which these came out sure is suspect.

It's possible to see what each ZeroID has posted, which in fact is the whole point of having a ZeroID in the first place. It's not actually a flaw but "user" wants to make it sound scary.

tldr of that glowie is: when you post you use your public key, pgp is bad and people can find other postings of you using that same public key, fear that normie and don't use decentralized things
truth is browsing 08 leaves no footprint if you use tor and posting can be done with new zeroID each time (therefore no real spam protection if someone used their bitcoin farm)

>if you point out a legitimate concern that's relevant to the topic you're fear mongering
I'm leaving, these threads are always filled with retards trying to shill for their bootleg chan on their questionable protocol.

>Unless you create a new ID for each request
You don't need ZeroID to browse, just to post. You could keep two instances of ZeroNet going and just browse over Tor on one of them and nobody would even know you're there except as a seeder for what you've browsed. But you could delete your data folder each time and that would be gone too.

>Try generating multiple ZeroIDs on Tor.
You generate zeroID on your end tor has nothing to do with it, ffs, retards all around

you can reset your zeroID for for each post with a VM snapshot and just reloading, you will be untrackable as this autist in the picture claims, he'll be just seeding your old posts, gj, he's now seeding your shitposts, if you care about the content you publish then you want same zeroID, not for shitposting

You're not leaving, hanging out here and pretending you know shit and trying to scare anons into not leaving this honeypot is your job.

Clearnet controlled chans are over, it's finished. You fags overplayed your hands here and on 8.


Attached: .png (885x891, 52K)

noone fucking claimed it was official 8 retardo, again posting same 2 fuds whenever people discuss ways to get around censorship, try fudstering now about cp

Try it and see, it will stop working. Tor or clearnet, doesn't matter.

I rarely believe this to be the case but there is something really suspicious going on with all the Zeronet posting recently. People are trying to force it hard and I don't know why.

>Jow Forums isn't a honeypot
It's that and more. I understand, you're worried. You should be, this whole operation is about to become m00t.

How many times do I have to try it? I've done dozens, what exactly is going to break? The zeroID generating algo? Are you really that retarded? You're just a peer, you're not even sharing your zeroID to browse, just spell it out for us

Shills shilling zeronet and how its supposedly free of shills.

It's because reCAPTCHA makes you easy to id, here every post can be traced to a person instantly by glowies, not so much on zero through tor

>he thinks ZeroID is the same as his private key
hooo boy, you seem confused

It was already pointed out that you can be tracked in a worse way on Zeronet unless you micromanage your IDs.
If you accidentally post with the wrong Id there's nothing you can do to revoke that and the connection to your other data is now publicly visible. That's not an improvement as far as I can see.

a VM snapshot will have no idea how many you generated before, so again explain how it will stop generating new ones, or how zeronet will magically stop accepting new ids

you just fucking generate new for every session with a zero running as a new session in VM wtf are you talking about, again if you are not planning to seed your own WN manifesto for all to see, there is no point in storing old sessions

It's a spam mitigation which didn't used to exist, on both of the now merged ZeroID providers.

It's not your private key which of course is generated when you start Zeronet for the first time. You're confused, it's OK.

BTW your mask is slipping. You're confused, and also not very good at your job. Anyway I thought you were leaving?

Zeronet is a honeypot for cia and the fbi, it is soo easily tracked that it is even more unsecure then a normal http/https request. Everthing you post/see is stored localy. They are shilling the living hell out off it. DONT MEME YOURSELF

Attached: doomwojak.jpg (727x868, 244K)

spam mitigation is the zeroID, and if you have clean install of zero/tor it will behave as if you ran it first time, there is no way for it to know you're running it 65535th time and other peers have also no way to stop you, just fucking admit it you're a retard who doesn't understand it

magical spam mitigation
your mask is slipping
wtf are you talking about? sources are in the open they have no magical spam mitigation, zeroID IS the spam mitigation as you can block/mute users based on that, but you're free to reroll one whenever you want, retards

Having a work around for the problem does not alleviate the problem. Why are you dodging that fact?
It's disingenuous to say that this is a better solution to the existing problem when it's actually worse by default. You're flat out lying to people by saying this is a more secure option, when the reality is that you can circumvent the ID system to get faux anonymity much like is true with your reCaptcha analogy and using a different VPN for each post.
Is it technically possible? Yes. Does it fix the problem? No. Who's responsibility is it to know this and actively avoid the problem? The users. That's not better in any way, that's actually worse.

>when the reality is that you can circumvent the ID system to get faux anonymity much like is true with your reCaptcha analogy and using a different VPN for each post.
good luck fucking avoiding google IDing you when using recaptcha, you're crazy

>there is no way for it to know you're running it 65535th time and other peers have also no way to stop you
But it's not just peers handing out a ZeroID, and you're not posting without one.

Nobody cares if you browse but to post you need a new ZeroID which is distinct from your own private key, which you generate yourself. To get a ZeroID you have to connect to one of the ZeroID providers. But getting a new ZeroID and spamming and resetting your VM or whatever will eventually fail even over Tor.

There's nothing magical about this, it's a purely technical solution.

08 moved from providing their own ID's to post to using ZeroID specifically because spam mitigation is so much better.

>sources are in the open they have no magical spam mitigation, zeroID IS the spam mitigation as you can block/mute users based on that, but you're free to reroll one whenever you want, retards
How new to the internet are you to not see the glaring issue with this.
As a service provider you then either allow this to be possible and are inevitably going to be the target of spam, or you force people to add their ID to a whitelist which is as trackable as any other account system. There's no way this can both last and be good.

The entire service could be flooded with garbage by a single person if you just allow any ID to post.

Highlighting the faults of the current systems still don't excuse the faults in the new one.
