Hold it right there, user

Hold it right there, user.
We've received a report that you're not using Go.
Mind explaining yourself?

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I use Julia instead

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I use the real language. You know, the one that three major operating systems are made in, the one that anything real is made in.

Call me when Go has been around for 40 years and then maybe we'll talk.

C programmer here, and yes I've earned the right to be smug about it.

No generics.

Because I'm using rust which is both more ergonomic and more powerful.

dilate & kys

is this a joke

Rust lets me do anything I would do in Go but without the shitty runtime, and be able to optimise my code more easily.
Also it has generics.
Actually, how would lists/vectors/whatever even work in Go if you cant write a generic version that works for any type? Do you need to write a corresponding vector implementation every time you want to make a vector of a custom struct type?

I'm sorry, officer, but I can't use a language for brainlets, I'm not one, I have to use Rust.

please dial 8

I use python cause it's faster for scripts and automating shit

>Using AOT compiled languages
God, don't you guys like optimized code for free?
I use Java and Clojure. Write once, run anywhere on a fast, stable and modern platform.

> Java
> modern

The logo is retarded so I don't want to touch it

I was considering learning Go, is it worth it?

It's a badly and outdatedly designed language with a community full of luddites, so unless you're aiming to a particular job you should avoid it.

Alright, I get reading is hard for AOT brainlets, but I referred to the JVM as modern. It has state-of-the-art features such as the garbage collector and the JIT compiler, not to mention it abstracts away unimportant things such as the OS it's running on and the processor architecture.

In any case, writing (effective) Java 11 is quite comfy, and the tooling support is superb.

It'll take you an evening.

wtf do we have oracle paid shill now?

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Rust-chan when?


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name a use case and I'll suggest a better alternative

just a reminder that all major C compilers are written in C++

I'm too fucking stupid to program anything so I don't have a use for Go

What? I think Oracle is the worst thing that has ever happened to Java, and, as long as you use OpenJDK (which is the actual reference implementation), you're fine.
If you for some reason are allergic to Java, you can always use Clojure, Scala and Kotlin, and still benefit from most of the ecosystem.

>Java is 17 years old

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Because Lisp. You know why? Because the most powerful programming language is Lisp. If you don't know Lisp (or its variant, Scheme), you don't know what it means for a programming language to be powerful and elegant. Once you learn Lisp, you will see what is lacking in most other languages.

Unlike most languages today, which are focused on defining specialized data types, Lisp provides a few data types which are general. Instead of defining specific types, you build structures from these types. Thus, rather than offering a way to define a list-of-this type and a list-of-that type, Lisp has one type of lists which can hold any sort of data.

Where other languages allow you to define a function to search a list-of-this, and sometimes a way to define a generic list-search function that you can instantiate for list-of-this, Lisp makes it easy to write a function that will search any list — and provides a range of such functions.

In addition, functions and expressions in Lisp are represented as data in a way that makes it easy to operate on them.

When you start a Lisp system, it enters a read-eval-print loop. Most other languages have nothing comparable to `read', nothing comparable to `eval', and nothing comparable to `print'. What gaping deficiencies!

While I love the power of Lisp, I am not a devotee of functional programming. I see nothing bad about side effects and I do not make efforts to avoid them unless there is a practical reason. There is code that is natural to write in a functional way, and code that is more natural with side effects, and I do not campaign about the question. I limit my campaigning to issues of freedom and justice, such as to eliminate nonfree software from the world.

This makes me wanna learn C# and Ruby.

FFI overhead

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I am using Go though.

I use D

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>C programmer here, and yes I've earned the right to be smug about it.

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Hi, Andrey.

Me too.
Vibe.d is slow as garbage though.

And the C standard is isn't in Latin. Your point?

>pic unrelated

Boomers are out in full force today, requiring 40 years to write useless tools to show on desktop threads.

that's a boy

No, it's a cute girl with a cute girlish dick.

...and within a couple months with the 1.3 release, Julia's coroutines will be Goroutines, so there'll be no reason to use Go.

It's worth the time investment, which is basically zero. Apart from that... meh.

Just use it for projects that it would be particularly well suited for, and avoid it for other tasks imho.

Because i use Common lisp and Scheme exclusively

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Oh hello there you little faggot squirrel.
No, I am not using Go because it is for turbo nigger kikes and zoomers who don't like to get things done. C# is the first weapon you should reach for. C is a good backup in case they bring the attack helicopters.

I am a C programmer and your edginess physically hurt me, your attitude is why people hate us

>being hurt by a comment posted on a furry dimensional shit posting christian board

>thinking 40 years is a lot

>Hold it right there, user.

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I'm using Go for a sideproject (cardsagainsthumanity) and it's some language to get used to. They focused too much on goroutines and fast compile time that they forgot to make the language usable.

lmao is this a pasta? if not it's at least about to be

it's like somebody didn't know you could tweak HotSpot so made a brainlet clone of java

what is this onions character

The estrogen clogs his brain

Go is actually a very good language, you just need to know when to use it.

For real and large desktop or mobile applications, use a real language like C, C++, Rust, C#, Java, Kotlin etc.

For writing scripts, small applications, simple REST servers and stuff like this, use Go.

Use Go anywhere that you would use Python, Powershell, Perl or Ruby (except maybe in machine learning). Maybe you could also use it instead of php, but I'm not a webfag so I'm not sure about this one.

What's the Go of systems programming
I just wanna make video game cheats but I'm too dumb for rust

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I'm using it, but it's so awkward.

Rust shills have been data mining all criticism of Rust and then they started insisting the reverse of the truth is reality. Amazing

Imagine making that in C.

C11 has better generics than Go.

Is this an awkward way to say that Julia is adding green threads?

I compiled Firefox recently and noticed the Rust compiler using over 1GB RAM to compile a single file. Not sure I want a language that's more bloated than C++.

Well, what did you expect?


Why the fuck does unicode need a "Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics" version of angle brackets if they're just angle brackets? Same goes for Greek question mark, and all the other retarded duplicates.

We don't have different kinds of the letter 'g' for each of English, German, Spanish, etc, it would be pointless, so why do it with other symbols?

realtime and the web

>Garbage collected
>Basically zero modern conveniences
Seriously? Why bother? If I want a tedious systems language, I'm going to use C++ and at least get mind blowing performance for the effort. If I'm spending the performance toll to get managed memory, I'm going to demand all the cool shit that comes with a modern language. Like, idk, fucking generics.
Golang occupies a niche space that nobody asked to be filled. It would have been DOA if Google didn't market the fuck out of it.

Webshitters are trying to steal "real-time" and redefine it as "within a few seconds or something, idk as long as the user isn't complaining a lot".
Actually doing real-time requires bare hardware and counting cycles, or using time bound guarantee features in a RTOS. Web fucks have no idea what any of that actually means.


depends on what you mean by realtime. Realtime just means you can guarantee an operation runs within a deadline, doesn't mean it has to be fast. If you can guarantee all operations finish within an hour, that's still realtime.

99.99% of applications have no need for realtime.

stop using words you dont know the meaning of you ignorant nigger

Garbage collection pissed in my cheerios once too often. Also I don't want to be Google's sub.

Go GC latency is sub ms

Too bad the throughput is balls.


Stop writing shitty code. Nothing can save you from allocating 10MB/s on the heap.

ur a fuckin nigger
holyc is better than go

absolute madman

Sorry, I don't like my girl taking BBC on a regular basis.

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neither do i.

just imagine punting this thing like a football

GO fuck yourself

>which is both more ergonomic and more powerful.
fucking crab people, I swear


You have been visited by the Laura of horrible cereal noises.

YOU HAVE TO B-BUMP THE THREAD! It's c-coming, don't you understand?! It's c-coming! And if you haven't b-bumped the thread by the time it gets here, the thread is going to D-DIE!

Attached: Laura.jpg (634x478, 74K)