The floor is Java

The floor is Java

Attached: 1566393005228.jpg (220x220, 7K)

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I don't get it

and, according to the immortal words of the great nagoor babu, I must embrace the floor. Steel me, great shiva, I am about to do the needful.

I get it, we're in the 'designated' street

You can't spell floor without loo

The floor is employment

Attached: 1535935817856.png (1000x1000, 58K)

JS has similar rate of employment and it is better than Java.

more demand only means more competition

More competition means better salaries

No, higher demand means better salaries.
More competition, aka limited/saturated demand, means either employers market (low salaries) or high salaries + extensive screening (in order to get only the very best)

Its covered in poo
Look at the username.

>jaba emplyement
>aka 9$/hr or faang cancer where half your team is outsourced
LMAO even frontend doesn't make you suffer this much


>An excess in supply means that the price is going to be higher
Based retard.

I hope all those 700 jobs are as teachers.

JS is a lovecraftian horror. Anyone saying it's better than any other top 10 language is an agent of chaos.

this is a women's field
abandon ship

This graph doesn't mean much. You have to compare how many job openings there are compared to how many people apply for them and how many are qualified for them. Both java and javascript has tons of low qualifying jobs for code monkeys, that you have to compete with rajeesh for

Thought of this joke and just had to share?

Well thanks, I liked it.

>mfw pytard and ctard
I'll do fine

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