Ive just found out you can share battery power with the samsung s10

ive just found out you can share battery power with the samsung s10.
iphones btfo.

Attached: images - 2019-08-23T194526.711.jpg (697x440, 21K)

It's useless in the US though as everyone has an iPhone.

fuck off samshitter

Communism the phone

You know what the real kicker is? Sharing power like that, with no wires, is still a faster power transfer than charging your phone using the wall charger and the cable that Apple supplies with each phone they sell. LMAO

It’s good if you have the watch, so you can easiy charge it with the phone

I came here to post this.

Note 10 doesn't have this, does it?

just makes it seem like it has bad battery life. dumb feature

I've been doing this shit with my moto e and an OTG adapter since 2015. And since it uses a cable, both me and whoever's leeching off my battery can use our phones while charging.

It's horribly inefficient, inconvienant and hot. I can't imagine a scenario where a backup 10k mah battery bank isn't enough.

It does.

you can charge other iphones with it dumb dumb.

Are there wired charging pads that you can connect to a powerbank?
Having /diy/'d wireless charging powerbank in your backpack/pocket would be cool as fuck so that the phone charges whenever you put it there.

>I can't imagine a scenario where a backup 10k mah battery bank isn't enough.
when you dont have it with you? duh

This shit is so retarded. The efficiency of wireless charging is 40-70%. If you put a case on your phone, it's going to be closer to 40%. Enjoy pissing away half your battery into heat so Stacy can send more selfies to Chad.

Like people are really going to share their battery life, lmao

You're an idiot if you fall for this cheap marketing ploy

or just plug it to the motherfucking powerbank

And snap the ports? No.

I just found out that this is paid promotion!

So how does this btfo iphone users? Let the android users serve us lol

Most gay party trick ever put into a phone.
There is no circumstance where anyone would willingly give up charge. Even so they would have to sit there while their phones have (intercourse) on the table.
Just seems awkward.

There's also powerbanks with integrated wireless charging pads

I have some residual power in my nuts to share to you, OP.