JavaScript: now with ads!

>npm install uBlockOrigin

Attached: javascript.png (653x373, 546K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>'npm' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

ah yes, as always Javascript is quick to lead the pack in discovering the newest scourge

Attached: Screenshot_20190824_203453.png (760x486, 73K)

This is why having package managers for every fucking language is a terrible idea.

thats got nothing to do with it. its about the quality of the standard lib, culture/incentives (e.g. every js retard wants to have 10k stars on facehub), quality of the package manager itself that dicentivize bad behavior like post install hooks, etcetera
I mean I wouldn't mind a rule-them-all state-of-the-art package manager but it will NEVER happen, if you need an explanation why you should probably buy a brain

Standard is a fucking joke anyhow.

I didn't even know retards still used this garbage style guide. But this is just fucking sad. A literal ad for a pre configured eslint. Wow so fucking hard to maintain. Hell a preconfigured eslint that literally enforces no semicolons.

Ya ok. I'm not going back to hoping the garbage in my distro repo works or is the appropriate version with the appropriate bug fixes, backports, erratas etc.

why don't you build one big package manager for all the languages so that we'll have n+1 useless package managers?

what a fucking joke

So, that's the power of 'opensource'.
I think i will stick with free/libre software

vim has ads

>Hating on Feross.
>Hating on the man that single-handed made webRTC usable.

I'm sorry not all your fossman maintain themselves on the fungi from their feet.

> feross
Still monopolizing the (((javascript standard))) for himself, some things never change. We use clang format for sanitizing at Google.

Language: JavaScript
BasedOnStyle: Google
ColumnLimit: 100

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kek, who? all I know about this person is that he's trying to monetize other people's work
who gives a fuck who worked for """free""" (aka github cv) to semi unfuck the unfuckable web
the more you fix the web the more it gets broken because you support a retard standard
same deal if you use blink/chrome shit, you are giving google all the power to do whatever the fuck they want just by market shared dominance
they cant even release a sane database api, let alone all their failures like polymer
burn everything to the ground, if wasm fails it will be at least 15 more years of continuos agony

> webRTC
> Original author(s): Justin Uberti; Peter Thatcher
keke you are too stupid to handle webRTC with a high level programming language like JavaScript and therefore must rely on an even higher level library made by ferross

> can't handle webRTC without libraries
Imagine being this stupid

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>Standard is a fucking joke anyhow.
this... "standard" is a highly opinionated project written by trannies and furries
>There are lots of debates online about tabs vs. spaces, etc. that will never be resolved. These debates just distract from getting stuff done. At the end of the day you have to 'just pick something', and that's the whole philosophy of standard -- its a bunch of sensible 'just pick something' opinions.
>The style laid out here is not affiliated with any official web standards groups, which is why this repo is called standard/standard and not ECMA/standard
>Use 2 spaces for indentation
YIKES, spaces for block level indentation is so fucking dumb


Attached: based.jpg (683x201, 34K)

>not affiliated with any official web standards groups
>which is why this repo is called standard/standard
lmao that makes it even worse

one ring to rule them all
>Now Github is twitter

Attached: 7A220B2C-BF5B-46F1-816D-B23A0A503E70.png (400x400, 344K)


Attached: 1566315654732.jpg (2048x1536, 528K)

literally who?
literally what?
not everything need be a web standard and just because your butt buddy was involved doesn't make it important or meaningful.

The fuck?

jquery+bootstrap-using phpajeet trash

>$2000 over a work week?!?!?!?
Seems like an average cost for an employed software developer.

if by average you mean inflated silicon valley startup wages

I think I need to report a bug, I am not seeing any ads.

Attached: Clipboard01.png (328x32, 1K)

>2 spaces indent
>single quotes for strings when the JSON standard uses double quotes
Fuck this nigger and fuck whoever agreeds with this faggot.

>he writes json in his code
you = {'fgt': 'lol'}
you = {
'ura': 'fgt'

WHy are they trying to have these discussions on github? this stuff belongs on a forum or something.

104k is really not too high of a salary for anyone not fresh out of college.

But a significant cost of an employee is in other aspects, not just salary.

the past 24 hours have been like watching a train wreck in slow motion, lmao

also modeco80 goin in hard on all the issues

Attached: chrome_L4TgJvH7o2.png (1040x471, 57K)

God I wish OSS and FOSS developers were still just academics and enthusiasts who actually cared about computing and only cared about computing and advancing it for everyone

Attached: screen.png (750x283, 69K)

Don't worry, there's already a solution: the adblocker for your cli

>batch file

This feels like a joke. Can you imagine having a language requiring that kind of hassle for its package managers? Just have people pay for it if that's a problem I'm sure there's large users of npm that can pay for the lot.

>('core-js' comes to mind begging for money AND a job for the lead dev)
jabbascript goblins are jobless? Yay!

Advertisement for tech people should come in the form of free samples/trials, with temporary hand holding if possible. Not "hurrr we da best please give us money".

>While I'm totally OK with this on development machines, I think this is strange behavior for staging/production/etc.
wait what

americans are so used to advertising that their brain is short-circuited and they'll accept ads everywhere.

on github everyone goes for reputation.
Being an active member of the community is thought off as beneficial for the CV.
So constantly making shitty threads and all hides the fact that you have zero actual portfolio.
It's the same reason CoC's and projects which are just lists of resources exist.
Thumbs up for not doing actual work but just writing in your CV: "and i have been involved in projects all over the world and have over 5000 pull requests."

JS will die on that alone. It is the go to place for this stuff. It is already loosing to python on most positions. The js dev community will eventually just be like the cunts in the OP and not actually create anything important anymore. Going the way of Ruby is their destiny.
Fuck js.
May it rest forever.

>sign in to view
Wow, that's a bit tone deaf.

if anything, this form of commercialisation would kill js even quicker.
Every single content creating community changed radically after being filled with ads.
Best example is youtube.
Nowadays, you would be hard pressed to find anything that would dare to go against YTs strict leadership.
The result is a lot of safe, boring and formulaic content.
Bring that to the js world and with an influx of moneytisation, people will pump out even more frameworks and packages and sabotage amongst projects.
There will be content networks, which decide who gets to be the library of choice for popular project XYZ.

That guy's right even if he's making his point in a retarded way. the profit motive kills everything unless mercilessly beat down at every opportunity

js aint going nowhere faggot. it's like c. it'll always be around.

>profit-motivated free-software
The internet was a mistake.