So why didnt they do it??

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-25 Parrot Security OS Ethical Hacking Distro Considers Ditching Debian for Devuan (818x693, 206K)

Debian is pozzed by poettrings niggerware and debians diversity and inclusivity™

>first knoppix, now this
Are... are people waking up?

fucking awesome. we need for systemd-less distros. people need to fight back that shit


>le h4xxer m3 rapt0r birb OS

>has burned in DNS redirecting to a private name server
>not questionable at all because like thats how its done in secops land lad :^)

They got the k1dd0s.

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are you referring to systemd google default DNS?

Will they ever update their fucking isos??? Those are still affected by that vulnerability in apt

Attached: madoka.gif (300x300, 62K)

>It gave us only problems, it works on standard cases and standard hardware, but what about a cluster or a mission critical infrastructure?
Yes, this is why corporations run systemd-less meme distros on their mission critical infrastructure and clusters. You never see Debian or Ubuntu or Fedora or hell even Arch, it's all Void and Gentoo and Slackware.

and why are people using this over kali?

this, haxxor meme distro now is even more meme.
nothing surprising here

why are people using kali over this?

Answer my question pussy.

to feel more special, kali is the one properly maintained by professionals that earn money from courses.
parrot is the neet wannabe hacker distro as you can see here:

Take a wild guess

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lets not talk about the fact Ian the founder of debian was suided back in 2015/2016 after complaining about police harassment and not backing down from them or how no fowl play was reported before the coroner report was released.

It says it right there.
>It gave us only problems, it works on standard cases and standard hardware but what about a cluster or mission critical infrastructure?"

There you have it. systemd is subpar for mission critical clustered infrastructures. It's shit. Let's not forget it's also a cancer that consumes everything it touches. And I do mean literally.

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pottering btfo


I was seconds away from installing this OS in virtualbox, should I not?

>consideriung in 2017
So have they made that change yet?

I thought Shuttleworth was bad given his inability to accept Unity and Ubuntu criticism and his ridiculous overreactions, but Poettering is an order of magnitude worse.

I don't see how anyone can trust a system he's involved in, even as a contributor.

KaliLinux is only for Pentesting.
ParrotOS has all KaliLinux has, plus privacy and development tools.

You shouldn't be develop on a ditsro with pentesting tools in it, home edition is fine, but what privacy tools does kali not have that parrot does?

fuck pottrings, red hat, ibm and specially fuck jannies

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There's quite some corporations running things like Devuan, Gentoo and OpenBSD in production
Hell, ChromeOS it's built on Gentoo

Nice, Poettering on suicide watch.

>no one read the date or op

we're acting like they did. parrot is fucking trash