This kills Java

This kills Java

Attached: 1200px-Node.js_logo.svg.png (1200x734, 52K)

This kills everything because webdevs are retarded shit brains who don't know how to write secure or usable code.


Node is for webshits. Java isn't. It'a also been around for while and is shit.

Looking at various frameworks in node.js, it seems like it takes a lot more effort to make them secure than to make sites. I was disappointed to find that it's probably easier to go for PHP and Apache to do things securely. I like js for doing io-based stuff, but I can't imagine using it for any actual websites.

node isn't killing anything

>This kills Javascript
but can you really kill that which never had a soul to begin with? is there a difference between smashing a rock, cutting a tree, and killing a person?

*teleports behind you*
Nothing personal, kid

Attached: 1566720209776.png (553x395, 155K)

node is dead, kiddo.
it had potential. i still enjoy javascript more than python.
but node is dead.

At least Java can actually multithread.
In node, you EITHER have to write a C++ extension so you can run expensive tasks, like cryptography, on the LibUV thread pool, or you stall every single user and every single network activity until the expensive task is finished.

Many node programs in production are actually hella fucking slow because developers don't understand how the event loop actually works, or rather, how it doesn't.

>muh muh non-blocking io
>monothread runtime
lmao at the node brainlets

Worker THREADS are a thing

it's meant for fast i/o, streaming, sockets and not for larger computations

that's literally the first thing someone learns when they pick up node

is that node v12 ?

Can't wait for WebAssembly to take over front-end.

web assembly is meant for complex software not the average website.

added in 10.5

how is this not the first reply?

Attached: th.jpg (474x300, 10K)

True, but I can still hope.

This kills braincells.

>Kill themself every time
Worst latency, slow, more memory consume, worst model programming, shit package mananger, single thread.

.t diversity hire rust tranny

Latency is not even close to being worst, JS is anything but slow, memory consumption is modest at best, JS is multiparadigm, npm is average at best not that bad but could be better, update your shit multithreading is a thing since 10.5 officially

I can't think of a worse nightmare for computers than back ends written in JavaScript. Fuck me, it's bad enough on the web where there's no option, but desktop applications? Fucking kill me now

I unironically love JavaScript.