Virgin systemd

Virgin systemd
>a million lines of spagetti
>made by nsa
>a nasty tentacle monster
>not a bug, wont fix
>designed for servers, not users
>tries to be like windows

Chad sysv/openrc
>like 15k lines of code
>does one thing and does it well
>users regularly fucks potterings mom
>code easily vetted, improved security, been around for ages
>few lines of code, would make terry davis proud

Attached: serveimage(7).jpg (2048x1024, 149K)

Other urls found in this thread:

dToddlers btfo

Attached: serveimage.gif (500x284, 1.75M)

I see Satania is expanding her repertoire

Terry Davis used Ubuntu 16.04, which had systemd.

There's a reason why corporations use distros with systemd for their mission critical deployments. Sure, your hacked together init system might be OK for your meme void system that nobody relies on except you for your memes and neofetch screenshots, but that shit doesn't fly in the real world.

please stop

>that shit doesn't fly in the real world.

Because? Why is systemd necessary in the business world?

Terry davis used templeos and hated linux

Did you not watch his streams? TempleOS doesn't have networking, he needed a real OS for shitposting. He used Ubuntu 16.04 with Unity, and yes, systemd.

They need software that is reliable, easy to maintain, and works. systemd fits the bill.

Go away redhat shill

>They need software that is reliable, easy to maintain, and works. systemd fits the bill.

Can you go into more detail? SysV fits all those as well. And it's more reliable.

Also switch to wayland instead of xorg if you want less bloat and no screentearing
And a libre kernel is nice too

I'm using linux mx and my hdmi cable doesn't broadcast to the tv like previous distros.
I suspect that it might have to do with systemd.

but the joke is systemd doesnt work, it crashes

I would use mx linux if it had no nonfree packages and a libre kernel.
I use devuan with kde plasma on wayland. I really enjoy this setup and its totally lobre and no systemd

>a stop job is running for session ... of user(2 min)

Attached: serveimage(8).jpg (374x374, 24K)

I get the feeling that mx is moving towards full systemd integration.

I also really respect Devuan and what they're doing. I was skeptical at first but it's turning into a very nice distro.

Yeah im very happy with it
Currently using the unreleased beowulf version based on debian 10
Just changed the apt source list

>LOC bad

Attached: 1559495298543.jpg (680x940, 63K)

A start job is running (1min 30sec)......
A start job is running (1min 30sec)......
A start job is running (1min 30sec)......
A start job is running (1min 30sec)......

Attached: serveimage(9).jpg (143x142, 4K)

Niggerlicious user

>Terry Davis used Ubuntu 16.04, which had systemd.

Attached: 1545833401203.jpg (518x442, 76K)

But it doesn't if you use Ubuntu

Why didnt redhat improve sysv like openrc instead of making a monolith piece of shit

>want to create a perfect hammer factory
>you can't because you don't have perfect hammers

It's heartwarming to see mainstream distros dropping Systemd. Maybe I'll return to Linux from OpenBSD after all.

Meanwhile OpenBSD...
One file, 1433 lines.
That's it for PID 1.
(Technically two files, but pathnames.h only does #define _PATH_RUNCOM "/etc/rc")

When your business model revolves around providing support, you may have some natural incentives to use components that require support.
See also: Jira, SAP, Oracle databases

Open BSD is fucking bloated
Look at this init.c:

bloated = does more than it should to accomplish one thing
In this case, added security measures and basic functionality isn't bloat. Your code isn't bloated either, but it lacks a lot of core features.

Bloat is about useless features, not about the most basic features.

Why would a user need a million lines of code to start some programs when you can do it with 15k

i have literally never seen systemd crash, what are you on?

ok user that's great teeheehee

well i gotta go now, i have a date with le'genius

Attached: laughing girls.png (449x401, 490K)

one benefit of systemd, it's the same on every distro. no matter what system i'm using, i can create a service file and get it to run on boot.

now, whether it actually does start on boot instead of crashing with an exit code is another story.

You can do this on sysv too you idiot

but not every distro has sysv you idiot
some have open rc, others sysv...

Sysv and openrc are compatible
Openrc is sysv + paralellization + service monitoring with auto restart on failed services

Also systemd can run sysv scripts
Sysv runs on everything

Who would win?

init system that does one thing well
5 second boot time

Does saving a second of boot time matter that much

>Not using runit
opinion: discarded

Muh void linux
Void isnt even a libre distro
Enjoy your propriatary packages

>turing complete
C is vetted too, retard.

C is a very unforgiving language
One typo and you have a backdoor

use systemd incels

No its 50 times bigger than it needs to be
I dont trust it

Systemd implements basic features like, supervision, including thread level supervision and liveness health checking. It also manages basic shit like ambient capability sets, cgrouping, read only namespacing, logging and a bunch of other shit out of the box.

This is all code that's ambiently there, supported by redhat and you don't need to configure your own shit for you app.

Epoch is not turing complete as opposed to sysv scripting clones.

Openrc monitors health as well
The rest of the stuff is irrelevant for users, but good for servers and developers

I don't care what openrc does since it has single digit percentage users and is not supported by any enterprise linux offering. Read who I'm replying to and fuck off. And I find it unlikely openrc does liveness checking. Does it implement a dbus api to allow services to let it know what's going on?

Sounds like "bloat" to me.

Control groups have been integrated in the linux kernel since 2.6

And systemd is basically a framework over linux features; similar to other frameworks like LVM2. What's your point?

Memes aside, is systemd more secure than sysv

OpenRC was probably the best supported init before systemd.

Newfag prick.

>wanting forgiveness in code
>never gonna make it

The absolute state of js data scientists....

do you use systemd?

I don't think so since I never even heard of it til I was hard switched to systemd.

No one is asking for forgiveness. In this case, unforgiveness is more akin to entire indifference to sanity, where a compiler will just do shit like delete null pointers, consider a loop non terminating sue to a lack of a return and all sorts of other stupid garbage.

C is garbage and you should feel bad if you think indifference in language design is sane in the year of our lord 2019 where we have amazing compiler frameworks like LLVM that try and abstract and define complex hardware and OS behavior in a portable and predictable IR.

Is debian more secure than devuan running sysv


If you don't want proprietary software don't install void-nonfree-repo package.