What is more important for programming/IT? Calculus or abstract algebra?

What is more important for programming/IT? Calculus or abstract algebra?

Attached: lang algebra books.jpg (640x362, 28K)

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i before e, but not after c


Calculus looks more important, but most programmers before experience years build own "abstract algebra" for programming, OOP/Pattern Design / Functional Programming / Generic programming / Algebraic Types /aspect oriented programming , learn abstract algebra

This free book about math thinking for programmers.

Using abstract algebra for built generic programming C++ Style.

Both, calculus and analysis to grasp the context of complex problems. Algebra to implement them.

If you had to choose one learn algebra. An engineer will explain you the analysis part in a real world scenario

100% Abstract Algebra unless you're specifically going into graphics programming or physics simulation. In which case both.

what is most important Software Engineering books? I need to finisz UML project to school but i hate such dry tasks, i dont understand reason. Please help me understand, why its important for future programmer, something that could encourage me to work

IT and programming are entirely different fields.

You might have upper level IT using python or bash/powershell scripting but that's primarily to automate tasks than to create products for clients.

Building logic trees and solving them quickly is more important than any maths in IT.

Install gentoo.

Most important is mathematical logic.

Is algebra some terrist organizatoin

Theoretically algebra would be very important, but you don't have the time to be make it useful for programming without sacrificing real world programming skills.

There are 2 things essential in order to be a good programmer
> 1. Study algoritms well, and write code to solve problem
> 2. Be a smart person

It's sad but it's the truth

big penis

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It's totally dependent on what you are programming. It's an unsatisfactory answer, but the only true one.


Attached: 1565981355070.jpg (923x1004, 444K)

Basic math

Learning how to code


Discrete math is literally CS in math form. Super useful.