"well designed" language

Post shitty language design

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#define private public

int main() {
std::vector v {{4}};
return v._M_capacity;

that's just you being retarded

void try_to_call_me() {}

long long typedef ll;

void foo(unsigned ll) {

int main() { // con't compile
return std::min(2000000000, 3000000000);

the pp is retarded in first place

All of C# is retarded.


class B : virtual A
class C : virtual A
class D: B, C

evry language except lisp


nothing shitty here.

Isn't it



no shit retard

try reading the compile errors next time

you say that because the Lambda letter is bigger than your dick

no, but actually try_to_call_me()
you have to put at least some type into the arg list

Dim x As Integer


>// con't compile
did you use g++ or gcc

it's called lamda


what the fuck does the keyword even abbreviate

I before E except after C

Python is great as glue language for native extensions or for SciPy stuff. For those use cases, the GIL doesn't even matter, because you spend so little time inside it.

Don't see any design problems with that. The tool just isn't designed to fill the role some people are using it for.

>the DIM BASIC command (from dimension) is used to declare variables and define (multidimensional) arrays for the specified variable type

>c++ solved the diamond problem perfectly and every oop language since has fucked it up

What went wrong?


homoiconicity is a good thing brainlet

You also have to redefine "protected" as the class structure is inherited that way.
#define private public
#define protected public

int main() {
std::vector v {{4}};
return v._M_impl._M_end_of_storage - v._M_impl._M_start;

For libc++, it's v.__end_cap() - v.__begin_


What the actual fuck. Does this shit really work?

Technically it's undefined behaviour.

Just tried it out and it fucking compiles.

Sure it does, that's not what UB means.

Deadlang is worse than sepples
