Beginner Rust fag here, thoughts on my take on Jow Forums filter system?

Beginner Rust fag here, thoughts on my take on Jow Forums filter system?
Trying to make a gtk3-based Jow Forums client for practice, need some feedback

No flamewars pls

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-08-27 19-32-39.png (1912x440, 53K)


[user0@primarypc ~]$ echo "cuck" | filter_rs

It's garbage because it's filtering anything beyond basic Latin characters without a reason. For example, it makes it impossible to use the General Punctation block (U+2000–U+206F) and any code sequences which allow you to triforce.
Also while getting notified of forbidden text might be useful, what's the purpose of applying word filters client-side?

>what's the purpose of applying word filters client-side?
Reducing captcha solving.

Also, this is mainly for a preview window :)

A few tips just from scanning over it:
- use &str instead of &String for most cases, the latter coerces into the former and it lets you pass string literals as well, unless you specifically want to get its allocated capacity or something
- you can trim strings using str::trim(), that'll take care of trimming leading/trailing whitespace

ty. I used String mainly because I am afraid of the lifetime hell.

So user, what color are your programming socks? Have you taken your HRT yet?

>ty. I used String mainly because I am afraid of the lifetime hell.
As a rule of thumb: Things which HAVE strings should use "String", things which USE strings should use "&str".

Also when the length of the string can be known at the compile time

Kill yourself discord tranny


Attached: 1560221448246.png (785x731, 197K)

>t. gnome dev
for caring about "programming safety" you rustfags go out of your way to use shitty insecure gui libraries



senpai.s becomes senpaitachi
nonbreakable space and a bunch of similar characters become breakable spaces


>filter list contains "back2reddit"
>code only checks single words
You might be better off doing something like this for checking filters:
for banned_word in SCREENED_KEYWORDS {
if arg.contains(banned_word) {
println!("Keyword matches found: {}; keyword: {}", word, keyword);
return false;

Optionally you could keep the word splitting but add a var specifically for "back2reddit" that keeps track of progress while matching each word in the phrase:
// "back2reddit" progress counter
let mut btr_counter = 0;

for word in arg.split_ascii_whitespace() {
if word == "back" {
btr_counter = 1;
} else if word == "to" && btr_counter == 1 {
btr_counter = 2;
} else if word == "reddit" && btr_counter == 2 {
// full phrase found in order
return false;
} else {
btr_counter = 0;

Also fuck this spam filter.

4channel sanitize can take a &str instead of &String, can't it?

References implementing Deref get dereferenced when passed to other functions. Thus &String actually becomes &str.

It can, I should've updated it to take &str now

Apart from capitalised Cuck, it Jow Forums doesn't look for keywords in the middle of the word


Learn regex, retard.

yes, which is why you declare it with &str so it can take either. If the function definition is &String then you wouldn't be able to pass it a string literal

baka senpai desu KEK

wow it works (sorry new to g)

onions basedboy onions cuck baka desu senpai




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Incredibly based.

...? how?
how did you manage backwards links?

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