The UN should take over Google

and have oversight on its decisions.
Google actually provides amazing service and productivity.
The problem is it answers to shareholders, and shareholders want them to mine your data, even for the chinks if they're the highest bidder.
If the UN took over google we'd all have oversight.

Yay or nay

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Useless Niggers

>implying the UN isn't just as corrupt as Google

undemocratic child rapists (quoting Japan and the AFEE)?? no thanks??

This times infinity.

lets do it. just fuck my shit up senpai.


thats the most retarded post ever made

A libertarian newfag wrote this post

Nay. Governments should regulate them like the Chinese have. Those Governments which have let private companies exercise more control over their citizens that they themselves have are stupid.

>regulated them like the Chinese have
you mean by having government officials on the board of every company?

Human social control is even worse than economic selective pressure. I don't want to live in a UN theocracy.


Also, Statelike Control doesn‘t work

>not USA
get fucked kikes. We own you


Dumb boomer

why not just use duckduckgo?

stupid zoomer

I believe in small government for America but big government for the rest of the planet. Google should be run by the UN in the rest of the world but by shareholders in America.

literarily nobody is being hurt by big government except cuba and north korea because theyre communist.
the us is falling behind because of their stubborness and stupidity.

The USA does not have a small government.

>literarily nobody is being hurt by big government
yeah, literally nobody is hurt when we tax productive young people and give it to lazy fucks... btw, why are the birth rates so low. Lets invite Africa to live in our countries.

Sounds like it's the practice in Burgerland already, just the other way around.


UN has a regulating body for the Internet, ITU, full of slow boomers who couldn't get their shit together in the 90s and lost all ground to ICANN.
The only ones bitching about UN taking control of the Internet are China and Russia, because they believe they would enforce their veto rights all over the place, while in ICANN everyone laughs them out of the building.
UN can suck it. If you don't like the Internet, disconnect and create your own.

Sounds like you want to give your dollars away, since the value is directly tied to US guberment.

>btw, why are the birth rates so low
because jobs dont pay enough to raise children

samefag commie

>because jobs dont pay enough to raise children
because governments in europe take 50% of your wage via taxes.

>20-30% taxes
>10-20% for pensions
>10-30% for health insurance

on average, they take 50% from you

The lower class has more children than the middle class.

>because jobs dont pay enough to raise children
also, how would you increase the wages with open borders and globalism??

Open borders provide companies with almost unlimited workforce, and as soon as Hans requires a new raise, he gets replaced with Rajeesh who is happy to work for half

sauce on the image?


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This guy knows it. Corporations rule America, not the other way round.
Whatever works for you. You can have a regulatory body who is independent of the company but tells them what they can and can't do, or you can have someone on the board who tells them what they can and can't do.

We don't need government control. We only need the government to step in and break them all up. If you want real capitalism, you need competition. Who can compete with today's large corporations? Fucking nobody. They don't even compete with each other; they simply have a rough idea of what pricing should be and everybody silently agrees to keep the status quo, without making any actual agreement. This way they can avoid collusion charges even though they are obviously colluding.

Internet and cell phone networks should be considered utilities like electricity. The whole reason that electricity was made a utility is because it's considered essential to all. Internet has long reached this standard, yet the carriers are all colluding and lobbying to ensure that they can keep control in their hands.

Don't worry op, Jesuits control both the UN and google already. And Amazon, and Facebook, and the EU, and Islamic Sufism, and Jewish Hasidism, and the russian and greek Orthodoxy, and walmart, and the CIA, and the Mossad, and the Rothschild dynasty, and the Saxe Coburg Gotha family, and Trump, and Putin, and Chabad, and the Freemasons, and McDonalds and Nintendo too.

The reason for the monopoly is patent and copyright laws. If Google wasn't protected by the government they wouldn't have a monopoly.

Are you trying to be sarcastic? Most of those things really SHOULD be free.

Forcing people to pay for their education is basically a modern form of slavery; thankfully we've abolished debt prisons, but many are still forced into poverty and endless wagecuckery thanks to student loans. And for what? The value of a college degree has never been lower. How many people pay for those worthless pieces of paper, only to end up working completely unrelated jobs just to pay off the crushing debt? What a joke.

Providing free medical care is something that should be obvious; why should the rich be entitled to be cared for while the poor suffer? Not saying doctors shouldn't be paid, but that burden is something that everybody should bear. The problem with modern medicine is the absolutely retarded cost and effort that one has to go through to become a doctor. This necessitates huge salaries for doctors to attract new blood. But this is a double edged sword, it fills the profession with money grubbers and people with god complexes instead of actual caring physicians. Doctors and Teachers should be our most sacred and respected professions, what the hell happened?

Food is a harder subject to address. I feel everyone should be provided with the nutrition they need to survive, but a lot of food out there doesn't really apply to that. Like, I wouldn't have a problem with the government giving out food allowances to everyone, but you shouldn't be able to take that and use it to buy Taco Bell. It's a tough problem, it would need a complex solution.

Sounds like a bad idea OP.

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IP should be ended so Google like anyone else needs to profit on the basis of their own productivity rather than monopolies granted by government.

Why do people think you can use governments to solve the issue of governments helping companies abuse people?

Nationalizing Google into an American Leviathan would be less insane than UN world gov.

All Google cares about is mining all your information to betternserve you hambergers. Giving a private entity the power of a globalist state would be an insane power grab turning mild mannered Google into SlaveOS

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the moment google changed its name to alophabet was the moment it should have been broken up.

>Make a doctors appointment
>Never see an actual doctor
>It's a nurse
>She takes your temperature, listens to your breathing, cradles your balls and gives you a Z-Pack
>That'll be $843.

>You went in for sciatica.

Bro humanity doesn't exist to care for the weak.

what if you got aids uh?
what then?
dont have sex

UN is probably more corrupt and cucked than Google.


The US government should take it over because at least it's beholden to the 1st amendment

>let's give the alphabets billions of dollars worth of illegal surveillance and profiling at their disposal
Fuck no.

>US government
*pumps a building full of children full of tear gas and then burns them alive*
Nothin personnel kid

The US has no obligations to non-US citizens.

>texans aren't US citizens
You wot

Rebels get the gas.

>Feds gets to decide US citizens are rebels at will

If you take up arms against the state, I dunno what else you expect to happen.

If shooting back at someone shooting into your property is warfare (which congressionally-approved law can you cite for this by the way) then when does the US get tried for the war crimes?

Idk. America is very generous with it's freedoms. Rebels just don't want to deal with reals when AI is seeking to replace obsolete monkeys.

US should apply the 4th Amendment against unreasonable searches and seizures as right to privacy.

The UN is much worse then just Google.
At best it's a playground where nation's can have their fun little spergouts, at worst it's irrelevant, or maybe the other way around.

The US has the control anyway, so you are basically giving the US government the greatest data aggregation platform to have ever existed.

>chinks if they're the highest bidder.
If the UN took over google we'd all have oversight.

But let me reconsider, the UN and the US Government are highly incompetent and will most definitely run it into the ground within a few years. So that might actually not be such a bad idea after all....

OP this is a good idea, how do we make it happen?

There are no war crimes if there has been no prior agreements between the parties.

Big american companies (not just IT, any big company) are a threat to humanity. They are too big to fail, so they feast on people.

>i hate it when i get cucked by the government
>please let corporations cuck me instead
how about you stop being a fucking cuck

We need to reformulate whole governments and you are worried about Google being corrupt?

Since the UN basically has nothing but nominal power, you need the US president to do this.
Which obviously isn't gonna happen, but it would be good if it did so the UN can run Google into the ground with their incompetency.

desu i think it's the people's fault for still using all the google services. there are alternatives out there but people are too lazy.

>then when does the US get tried for the war crimes?
When it looses a war.

Because that is the only point at which a (former) super power will get punished for it's crimes.

that's Joan Cornellá, my dude

no to more government sanctioned surveillance

the USA doesn't follow international law, so it's not beholden to anyone else at any time. this is a good thing.