Is it hard to become a c++ developer/programmer...

Is it hard to become a c++ developer/programmer? I just got into college and I find the c++ tutorials this far easy but when I search problems to put it in practice the solutions are pure hyeroglyphs to me. I obviously have a a few years to learn before I can get a job but I have no ideea if I am on track or miles behind what should I be right now. Can you give me an example or something I should know how to do as a 1st year in college?

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don't worry 90% of programmers cant read code either. C++ is hard because it has a lot of bad practice and no safety net to prevent using deprecated stuff. most people start by learning writing code. reading code is senior stuff.

Thanks dude that's reassuring, now I know I have a shot at this

As a first end-of-year project, I would suggest you create a drawing program (like paint). Even if you're just starting to learn to write programs, it should be very doable.

how far along in youre tutorials are you? eventually its gonna get really difficult but thats less a language specific thing

using a gui framework this would be super easy no?

just use rust lol or go if u have to


>I just got into college and I find the c++ tutorials this far easy but when I search problems to put it in practice the solutions are pure hyeroglyphs to me.

This is the difference between a programmer and a code monkey. Just continue learning, use every possibility to practice your coding on real projects. C++ is a standard, unlike Rust. The demand for it is very high and it can be used to almost everything you can think of(of course using it for everything you can think of is usually not that smart of an idea). Having knowledge in such a language will help you learn all kinds of other languages in the future.

Thanks guys didn't expect this much support, I'll try my best and hopefully I will become a full fledged developer one day

I am in the middle of an intermediate course last subject was friend classes

Thanks, planning on python and possibly web development after

Dunno man people keep saying Rust is not reliable

Yeah but I haven't even learned frameworks yet, it will pass some time after I learn it when I I will be able to use it in an actual program

friend classes are important for collaborative coding

yes. C++ is a very hard language to learn. 90% of people with C++ on their resume don't know C++, and I enjoy weeding them out in interviews.

There used to be a phrase which was an immediate tell that someone knew nothing. It was "I know a little bit of C++." Perhaps the 2019 equivalent is "I have done some python" (I did an online tutorial once.)

Can you give me some examples on what you ask?

- the C++ library has several iterator types. can you name any?
- what is iterator_traits for?
- what are all the lambda capturing options. how do they work?
- what is RAII? what is it for?
- can you describe the difference between a pointer, rederence, and r-value reference?
- why might std::sort be faster than qsort?
- how is std::map typically implemented? (data structure). why is it not a hash map?

>- the C++ library has several iterator types. can you name any?
Trick question, they can be of any type due to generic templates.
>- what is iterator_traits for?
It's for typedefs, duh.
>- what are all the lambda capturing options. how do they work?
Capture by reference, capture by value. This one is so easy. Anyone who worked with python knows what lambda functions are, and python is piss easy.
>- what is RAII? what is it for?
It's basically scope bound resource management. TLDR; classes and order of stack unwinding.
>- can you describe the difference between a pointer, rederence, and r-value reference?
Anyone who deals with C knows this. Pointers point to memory. References are basically constant pointers to mutable values (permanently dereferenced when accessed or assigned to) and r-value are the temporary values. Useful for move-constructors.
>- why might std::sort be faster than qsort?
Anyone who's taken math would know that. std::sort is basically mergesort, and both quicksort and mergesort are well-documented algorithms.
>- how is std::map typically implemented? (data structure). why is it not a hash map?
std::map is implemented as a balanced binary search tree. If you want an unbalanced binary tree you use unordered_map. And to answer your next question, it should give slightly better performance for accessing known elements of the collection. It will be faster on insert and delete than a

i suggest learning qt's framework. its c++ and beats gtk by a mile.

>Anyone who's taken math would know that. std::sort is basically mergesort, and both quicksort and mergesort are well-documented algorithms.
Your answer should have used the word "inline"

I remember Minecraft when i see C++

i suggest learning qt's framework. its c++ and beats gtk by a mile.

grokking other people's code can be pretty hard unless they have great documentation

You can't even speak English, just quit now.

Get a c++ book, you should know how to do most of the problems in the first half and then the second half by 2nd year.

2 years? really?

C++ is hard cause syntax really matters, it is really good to learn C++ though do not give up if you feel a little lost when looking at code right now.
It might help you to look at simpler languages as you're learning this one.
I would suggest python but it might hurt you more than help you, you should really go into python and other languages after you have a good grasp of functions, how they are setup and how to lay out your code.
C++ is the most ridged in my opinion but it's fantastic way to learn.
I never finished college, don't be like me finish college faggot, or drop out now and study online

>Dunno man people keep saying Rust is not reliable
No, you are an barely of age faggot whos probably been browsing for a couple of years who is too underage to tell the difference between shitposts and reality.

Don't start with Rust though. Start with something simpler. I think C is great to start with.

Oh, that is easy. Find the Tensorflow codebase on github (or PyTorch) and contribute.

Just after a few accepted pull requests you will land a comfy job at Google (or Facebook).

>I would suggest python but it might hurt you more than help you, you should really go into python and other languages after you have a good grasp of functions, how they are setup and how to lay out your code.
This 1000%. Never start with Python if you're getting into programming.

Are these the type of question that constitute a "little bit" of C++ knowledge to you?

Yes, C++ is hard and I wouldn't recommend it as a first language. But you are probably commited and you have plenty of time. So don't worry.
Things start to clear up past a certain point. I recommend watching the c++ section of
Also, books are often better than online tutorials. Have a look in your college's library or find pdfs online.

You speak with the unwarranted confidence of a 115 IQ westerner.

Most people here are roleplaying neets ask anywhere else.
Also don't aim to be a C programmer , the language is the tool , try solving different kinds of problems and see what you like the best.
If you like desktop software or C for some reason thats fine , but please dont listen to the retards here and also try python , java and well , javascript unless you dont want to do anything frontend.

Im looking for a good book on c++ for self studying. at the moment im looking at "a tour of c++" - stroustrup and "c++ primer" by lippman. both seem to be good choices for ppl with prior programming experience. (provicient in c and go) My goal is to be ready for a junior position by the end of this semester.
Which book would be the best choice? Is there some other book that i might have missed?

A tour of c++ 2nd ed.

This short book tells you how to use modern c++ properly. If you learn just what's in here, you'll be fine.

Don't fuss over the old-school OO stuff like inheritance, though. It's practically a footnote.

>If you want an unbalanced binary tree you use unordered_map
That's not what that means. Try again.

Looks like you're on the right path. You'll miss some of the convenience of Go, but you'll have more of C's raw power, plus a proper templating system.

Std::Vector is reason enough to switch to C++, it's practically Lisp at this point.

thank you guys just ordered a tour of c++

>recommending java
found the roleplaying neet
Java is one of the worst languages you can pick as your first because you have to understand OO and some basic software engineering first, leading to awful code for beginners. Javascript is shit, python's OK. No one said he had to learn C and only C, only that C is a good starting language.

C++ is broken starting with 11. Stay away from people and projects where you notice sign of modern C++ feature masturbation.
Use C for critical stuff, python, go or whatever for everything else.

>why do millennials use all that smart pointer and zero cost mumbo jumbo? back in my days we used to handle raw pointers to make a hello world and the stuff would only segfault once before we got it to work

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I can throw in a refcnt as needed. I don't need language support for that. But that would be still ok from C++. The problems come later. See std::visit.

>>Is it hard to become a c++

No, just get a program, bang a few nails into it and glue it to a website

>tfw your programs are too busy getting nailed by clang

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th-thanks bro

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