Kill me now

I just started working at Google. I want to kill myself now.

The pay is very good, the benefits are great, the (((prestige))) is nice.

The work itself has very little meaning. We're just trying to make some numbers on some graphs go down. So as you can imagine it's not very exciting at all.

I don't understand shit as well. This isn't only from the technology standpoint, but organizational as well. I am not even sure what the fuck I am supposed to be doing. There is so much shit that it's overwhelming.

Another few guys started with me and they come in at 8am and leave at 8pm. I come in at 9 and want to get the fuck out by 5 but stay until 6.

What the fuck? I feel depression kicking in. I'm stressed from not being able to do shit, I don't have free time and I feel guilty for not staying late. What do?

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>Kill me now

DIY you lazy turd

>working at one of the big 5
Yikes. Do they make you earn good boy points so you can dilate?

nice blog faggot

What's your job title (roughly speaking of course), software engineer, or SRE or something?

Google is a CV company. meaning you're supposed to stay there for a year then leave for another company working at a higher position with better salary or less hours. You're not supposed to be there for the rest of your life. Treat it as temporary and you'll be good to go.


That's true. However most of my team has been here for 6+ years.

Don't even care about your team. Focus on your objectives and what you want to accomplish by being at google. Get that juicy prestige and experience and get out in a year. Your phone will never stop ringing with interviews. Heck, I have around 1.5 years of experience in Data Science from a literally who company and my phone won't stop ringing.
Tell me user, is this your first job?

>I come in at 9 and want to get the fuck out by 5 but stay until 6.
You're already dead.

>Focus on your objectives and what you want to accomplish by being at google

Not sure what I wanna accomplish by being there. I guess I want to gain experience and prop up my CV so I can move onto something more fulfilling.

And yes, it is my first job.

>And yes, it is my first job.
you had a better headstart than 99% of the population out there. I congratulate you user. Power through the year, then open up your LinkedIn and say you're for hire, it will be worth it, believe me.

nice reddit spacing

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>The work itself has very little meaning
This is why hobbies make most people sand and are actually what they enjoy doing. Don't bring absolutely anything personal into work, don't really have an stance on it other than it is something necessary to fund what you really love doing.

Thanks that's a good way to look at it. I was kind of stuck in a loop that I will be there forever with no future in sight.

>I was kind of stuck in a loop that I will be there forever with no future in sight.
nah man, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc are known to have very high employee turnover. People stay employed there on average for 2 years then they leave. People are already treating these as CV companies. No one in their sane mind would want to work or these monsters for the rest of their lives, unless you're in a senior position where you at least have more control over what is going on.

I was spending a lot of time on hobbies and was really excited that I could now afford a ton more stuff for the stuff I wanna do, had a lot of plans and stuff. But now I stopped doing all of it because I drop in bed the moment I come home and don't wanna do shit.

bro u sussed me

Yeah that makes sense. A lot of opportunities open up once you have experience like that.

>the job is not very exciting
I genuinely will never understand this type of people, what does it matters if your job is exciting or not? if you want to feel like you are contributing a lot to the world just go and become something else, go and create software that will help people or do some community services.
This does nothing but remind me of:
>my job is not funny :(
You are going there to work, not to have fun, you get money from doing not-funny stuff so you can have fun. and if you don't like it then become your own boss and do what you want.
>uhh boo i live in a first world country with all my necessities and more covered but i feel like pretty sad :( i wonder why i don't have a girlfriend

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Are you autistic?

People would rather have jobs that they enjoy instead of something they loathe.

You don't even know what reddit spacing is, nice try though

The point of working there (or any job) is to make as much money as possible and then leave for a better job.
It's not supposed to be "fun" or "meaningful." Those two things generally don't pay well.


>post with reddit spacing
>not even actually OP
Fucking end yourself, you stupid nigger

>That spacing
You're kind are not welcome here outlander...

Listen bro how bout we swap, you can come write coldfusion apps using html tables

You really don't know the meaning of re*dit spacing so stfu and lurk more refugeee

acquire an helium exit bag kit from amazon.

you belong in an older company

shit's comfy yo

I came from startups and finally landed my first corporate programming job, cubicles, 9-5, buttoned shirt and jeans, most people don't code since it's not a tech company but it's so big that there are still a lot of coders, and pay is good but no RSUs like google and no stocks I think. Still, good salary, decent raises and bonuses, promotions, great 401k contribution, good medical.

Shit's good at oldschool companies

acquire an helium exit bag from amazon.

How did you get in?

Jokes on you, I'm your boss. Thanks for signing the captcha, this has been noted and will be going in your employee review.

You're looking at it the wrong way. It doesn't matter who you work for, if you don't get value from your job, and if you hate being there, leave. Period. And the working late thing, any manager worth a dime will look at the quality of your work and the value you bring to the company, not how many hours you put in. Generally people who work 12 hours a day are disorganized or unproductive so they have to compensate by working 4 hours longer than a productive employee does. I work for Merck, same kind of culture as tech, and I work my 8, work hard, accomplish a lot and get the fuck out of there. If you work in a culture that rewards long hours over productive hours it's a shit culture.

Googler wagie here. How do you like the dwindling quality of food in the micro kitchen

tfw have to do perf but hate myself and suck at my job

>he doesn't have a fun job

What did you get last quarter? NI or CME

fuck the mks, the cafe food is so much better it's not even worth it
this is my first perf. it really feels like i have accomplished nothing since i started and i am paranoid that my teammates hate me

What did you get last quarter? NI or CME

>tfw was thinking about working towards getting a job at google because salary
Does google over there have many jobs for java developers?
I'm not a pajeet and I make backend spring REST applications.

Generally speaking, you will feel useless for at least the first 6 months just due to how much you will need to learn. It's normal to feel like you're just doing code labs or reading docs all day.

Your team should understand how tough it is for a new hire to get ramped up, and the culture of SRE means they should be pretty willing to help you along the way. Just make sure you put in the effort to reach out for help and you won't need to work 12 hour days by yourself. As much as you might like to meme about wagies, Google (or at least SRE) do care a lot about mental health and work-life balance.

Also, discuss these things with your N+1 mentor. This is exactly what they're meant for.

I work at a hospital making a fraction of what you get paid yet I live with the constant reassuring knowledge that my life has meaning because I'm helping save lives. Honestly dude you could apply to any hospital system and demand great pay and move to a low cost of living area and have a small farm and then you can start feeling happy again. Make the change bro

please let me kill you to vent my frustration. I changed my router and now jewgle has locked me out of my gmail account with no way to recover it.

>Not a pajeet
You're unqualified for the job user, better luck next time

How long have you been at google?
If it's your first 6 month don't sweat it. Unless you have submitted no CLs at all, you'll get CME. Make sure to befriend people on your team, you will need their positive feedback next cycle.

How hard was the leetcode exam?

Do what makes you happy, OP.

Fuck the money, follow your happiness and passion.

The money will come later.

how long have you been there roughly. just hit a year at my first big-boy full-time job and the post-work fatigue has let up significantly. I think it takes a while to get used to 9-5 office shit and there's a variety of lifestyle tweaks you can make that help too. stuff like getting regular exercise, spreading your lunch out over the whole day (eating 3-4 smaller snacks), eating healthyish, taking breaks from thinking heavy on a problem, and adhering to a stricter sleep schedule all helped me out. i still have days where my brain feels fried from thinking about computer shit all day, but i no longer get the immediate urge to sleep the second i get home.

Ignore the 12-hour-a-day cucks giving their 20 hours a week for free. They're working hard because they don't have what it takes. All their life they've used effort to try and compensate for the talent they lack, but at the end of the day all that makes them is useful. Google will use them for low-level labor for long as they can sustain that schedule and then they'll quit out of a sense of obligation They're entirely benign.


Go drink in a hammock and cry about it you blue badge faggot

This, OP. Money is everything, up until you have enough for your base needs, then it is nothing. It sounds like you have enough, so focus on your higher needs.

I'm trying to switch to Google from Amazon right now. I've heard that WLB is better, so I'm surprised that people are working 12 hours workdays. I'm was hoping I won't have to deal with higher-ups that set impossible to achieve goals to tick off their "think big" promo boxes, and semi-public shaming when the goals are predictably missed.

Hey, man, excess money is "fuck off" money. The more money you make from working the more you can choose not to work. I doubt OP has enough to retire.

I don't think retire is the goal, once you've hit a point. You'll get bored retiring. It's about finding a balance of freedom, accomplishment, and personal satisfaction beyond your base needs.

If you've accumulated enough wealth that you can eat and have a roof until you die, you need to really sit down and think about what you want to do beyond that, otherwise you're going to be miserable.


not using new lines in between paragraphs shows youre the one from reddit trying to fit in

>I make spring applications
fucking kill yourself

Just make a game out of doing as little as possible and see how long it takes you to get fired.


>what does it matters if your job is exciting or not?
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