After years of being a fuckup I got my dream job today and don't know who else to tell but you Jow Forums

After years of being a fuckup I got my dream job today and don't know who else to tell but you Jow Forums

Tier 3 sysadmin


I made it

Attached: kity.jpg (400x266, 80K)

Congrats bro. You made it. Now go take this to a blog not Jow Forums

Enjoy 1-2 years before you're replaced by a cloud engineer/devops shit.

Nobody cares.

In fact, I wish you a swift fuckup that causes you to lose your job.

Nice job user I wish you good luck in this job and the future!

I was thinking of maybe becoming a sysadmin too and i was wondering is it hard being a sysadmin? Do you have to be like super smart and know math well or some shit like that?

Good job user! Proud of you :)

good job, be careful to not accidentally automatise yourself out of it

also how much you earning? gonna plan retirement or not?

Enjoy your mediocre pay, endless hours and inevitable lay-off when your work gets outsourced to DA CLOUD.

No, mostly gnu coreutils, bash, networking (linux kernel networking stack and tcp ip), amazon web services, auto deployment and configuration management tools. Devops stuff like docker and containers and ci cd are hot right now

Congrats and Good luck.
Also this

so its pointless?

No they are just jealous or bitter. Have fun and be a baller. Unlike them.

Good for you. Ignore the trolls.

so its pointless?


No. It just means you have to keep learning. The slow and stale fall prey to outsourcing. Always make sure you have up to date skills that allow you to move between companies.

Also, most of what you learn you will one day find useful. It might be tomorrow, it might be in 15 years time, but skills are always worth it.

>the cloud doesn't need admins
Retard. The jobs are stll there. They just are centralized.

Lesser and lesser positions with increased automation meaning more shitskins being hired.

What do you mean by "lesser"? Do you really mean that, or english isn't your main language? I'm not sure if you meant "fewer".

Where is the upvote button for this brave soul??

Nice blog user, where is the full link?

Good job. You've made it now, expect downfall from here onwards now. Ignore the bitter jealous NEETs and deegrelets.