/geg/ Gnu Emacs General

C-h t (Interactive Tutorial)
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX2044Ew-UVVv31a0-Qn3dA6Sd_-NyA1n(general introduction)
>Self Documentation
C-h k (Keybinds)
C-h f (Functions)
C-h v (Variables)
>Programming in Elisp

melpa.org(package repo)
pastebin.com/KUAbRwJR(short list of recs)
github.com/emacs-tw/awesome-emacs(the big list)
>Premade Distros / Configs
Make your own
github.com/snackon/Witchmacs(Basic config with sane defaults)
seagle0128.github.io/.emacs.d/(Centaur Emacs)
gitlab.com/k-bps/mesk(Minimalist Emacs Starter Kit)
>Muh Startup Time
use-package defer
pastebin.com/mrPsnUas(increase GC during startup)

>Muh Default Keybinds
pastebin.com/UAUCvs73(Fixing Emacs Default Keybinds)

>This pasta:
>org source:

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Other urls found in this thread:


use magit
after learning how to use it, using the command line feels like shit while using git

Emacs+guix is a pretty nice combo

>when you finally are good enough to uninstall VSCode and use Emacs for everything
great feel

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To be honest, I've never used git from the command line, only through magit. Is that bad?

i use emacs only from what i learned from the C-h t tutorial
do i need to learn more for peak comfiness?

its fine if you know all the concepts of git and how they interact with each other

bump best general

26.3 is out my beautiful faggots!

Attached: Guardian_Recall_Shugojuu_Shoukan_PC98.gif (344x260, 1.73M)

Whats new in 26.3? AFAIK, the 27 release is getting all the goodies.

only thing bad about the default emacs keys is the fucking movement

why wouldn't you use the god damn arrows?

Arrows are for normies

Arrows are on the corner of your keyboard most likely, which makes you move your hand too much. I'd rather use some homerow keys or something similar.

Emacs keys are historical. They were made using a special keyboard in mind (check ergoemacs post about it or in wikipedia). Along the decades the community created more features and keybinds over this and the result is what you have today.

My advice, swap ctrl with alt (both sides) or use Evil.

sticky keys can work, but evil is probably the best. or some other modal editing keys if you don't care for vi

Why aren't you using doom emacs right now?

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I have my own config.org

>27 release is getting all the goodies.

Like what?

Emacs keybindings were made purely with mnemonics in mind, not ergonomics. That's why you use Forwards, Backwards, Next and Previous to move.
Some Vi keybindings were made with mnemonics over ergonomics in mind as well, for instance $ to go to the end of the line (since $ was/is often used in regular expressions to denote the end of a word).
The one thing that made default Emacs bindings easier to use on the older keyboards it was used with was that Ctrl was closer to the spacebar, and could be easily pressed with your thumb. You can achieve this on current keyboards by swapping Ctrl and Alt. I myself did this on one side only, so I can press both modifiers with my thumb. I use default Emacs bindings like this and they work fine, without discomfort. In no way I'm claiming they are the best bindings ever, but they work for me.
That's also because I don't rely on the bindings/movements themselves very much anymore. I created many small custom text-editing functions over the years which I bound to additional custom keys. I strongly recommend creating a Hyper modifier, as in pic related, and using it for your custom bindings, as it gives you a new whole possible set of bindings that won't ever interfere with the rest.
That's how you're supposed to edit text with Emacs IMHO. Many people use it as a beefed-up Vim, which is suboptimal. Stuff such as Evil misses the point. Instead of relying on an efficient defualt set of bindings to do the same things fast over and over, you should take advantage of Elisp and slowly, over time, build up your own set of text-editing functions that automate recurring patterns you find in your editing, whether it be prose or code.
In fact, many major modes already include such functions (for instance, bash mode has functions to nicely generate if/else, case...), yet people often don't take advantage of them.
Instead of focusing on a default, efficient set of bindings, you should aim to press less and less keys over time.

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You can't automate text editing, retard. If you can, you don't write much varying stuff. That's like saying an author should have his typewriter write novels for him.

Besides, any editor can have snippets

I prefer to use SPC leader over Hyper, but I agree with the creating functions overtime workflow.
But I still do it with evil as a base, as I moved from vim.

Because I'm using Spacemacs

this is uncle dave in a nut shell

I want to but I'm too lazy to learn it, so I keep using vim.


Why isn't ergoemacs more popular? Does it suck?

Where do I find an affordable keyboard like that

Probably because Xah Lee is a notorious troll who got banned on both #emacs and #lisp on freenode, not to mention everyone in comp.lang.lisp hates him.
Nevertheless, he does offer good information about acs, keyboard and mice. However, he has some incredibly autistic/borderline retarded opinions which unfortunately harm his credibility.
And let's not forget xahlee.org/PageTwo_dir/Personal_dir/porn_movies.html

what an amazing autist

*Emacs, keyboards and mice

Why isn't he on the \G\ sticky?

How to scroll by X lines down/up?

Is anyone else using Guix?
I really want to use it for work+home (I use the same laptop). But I fear it is not yet stable enough. I've read online that the servers are really slow and that some people have had trouble updating or building the new versions.

C-u N C-n
C-u N C-p
Where N is a number

M-x evil-mode
j or k

This sucks compared to Vim. Is using evil handicapping in the long run?

great post, thank you Xah

I would use Hyper but the problem is that I am using i3wm. I am thinking of ditching i3 for Xfce so I can use Hyper again.

If you swap your Right Alt with Control, and therefore you have both modifiers (Ctrl and Alt) on your thumbs, Emacs defaults are great.
All modes and keybindings are designed with Emacs defaults in mind, using Evil sometimes breaks this integration. You can use evil-collection, yeah, but it still is a layer on top of the defaults, and a lot of modes are not configured for it.

Is there anything in it or in melpa that lets me see a tree or list of all opened files like in geany?
I would like to use it again for more things than I currently do, but this is holding me back.

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You are the first person I see using Hyper as the main window manager modifier. Perhaps you meant Super?

Emacs is PROGRAMMABLE. You are supposed to make it do some stuff automatically.

I think speedbar does what you want. It's already built in.

ah yes sorry, Super Key.

use ed

I think it's stable enough yet as long as you keep your expectations right.

Don't forget you can install the guix package manager on any system if you're hesitant for a full installation.

>If you swap your Right Alt with Control, and therefore you have both modifiers (Ctrl and Alt) on your thumbs, Emacs defaults are great.
If you do this _and_ use Evil, it's even greater.

Emacs's power certainly doesn't come from text manipulation. Any scriptable editor can perform any manipulations you wish on text.

how big are your .emacs files? my .emacs and keybindings file add up to about 950 give or take because of commented out code. Including all comments and whitespace they add up 1050 lines. This isn't including my theme file, but most of that isn't my code, just font specifications that I didn't write.

you don't have to do C-u N C-n
you can just do C- C-n

Nope, it's M- C-n.
You can also use C-u by itself, and a default number will be used instead. This default is 4, but it can be changed.

Yes, and it so happens that Emacs is the best at doing that.

C- works in GUI mode. just not in text based mode because there's no ASCII control characters for 0-9.



In what way? I'm sure vim and vscode and the rest offer basic text editing functions to build up from, Emacs is no special in that regard.

C-, M- and C-M- are all bound to digit-argument. C-u also does powers of 4 if you press is multiple times.

One thing that always pissed me with emacs is that there is no convenient way to jump back to a previous location. At the moment I'm creating a mark before jumping and then use the mark ring but sometimes I forget and then it's a pain to find where I was earlier.
Any way to have this functionality works like in Intellij or VSCode?

Hey, another noob here. Can I replace grub with lilo? Also, how to set a minimal desktop and enable the nonguix repo?

Thanks for the response.
I think I will install the package manager to try it, too. But on the long run I'd like to be able to use the full OS since the other features outside the package manager are interesting too.


I also find the mark ring confusing. Also, some commands like M-

Guys, quick question:
There are a lot of commands that open a new window: C-h v, C-h f, o (in Dired), etc.
How can I make it so the split is vertical instead of horizontal, for all these commands? My screen (like most people's screens) is not in a portrait orientation, it's horizontal.

You could advise whatever functions you are having problems with to push a mark to the mark ring.

Look at the 'split-window-sensibly' function.

Did you read the manual? I'm not sure about replacing grub with lilo, i guess it would be possible. I'm just starting out too.
> how to set a minimal desktop and enable the nonguix repo
There's a pretty good minimal example config.scm in the installation, as for enabling the non-guix repo: guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Channels.html#Channels explains it pretty good.

Yeah sure, but it's nice to know you can go step by step.

Well, lots of them. Most recent is elpy jump to definition. Would be great to have some universal way to jump back and forth without having to do a hack for each mode.

Thanks, I've been reading a bit and found something about disabling the bootloader part and another guy made a configuration with a custom kernel too, is all looking easy.

elpy uses etags and the find-tag-marker-ring, you can pop a mark off it with M-, (xref-pop-marker-stack)

you should switch to .emacs.d/init.el, so that everything emacs related is in .emac.d.
my config.org is around ~800 but its still very basic as I recently moved from vim.

~3000 lines

>Since i've watched porn since teen, i have perhaps over 2 decades of experience so to speak. I could name a few porn actors and actresses and their films just as your populace can chart and chat about stars.
cringiest flex I have ever read

You're just jealous

Like the daemon crashing because of some long term GUI bug.