/wdg/ - Web Development General

Link the previous thread you nigger.

>Beginner Roadmap and Overview
github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap (don't be overwhelmed, ignore the later parts and go step-by-step)

>Free beginner resources to get started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - a good introduction to HTML/CSS/JS and Node.js or Django
freecodecamp.org - curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB
javascript.info - curriculum providing a strong basis in JavaScript

>Further learning resources and documentation
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - excellent documentation for HTML, CSS & JS
hackr.io - crowdsourced collection of tutorials (ignore sponsored stuff, look at upvotes)
learnxinyminutes.com - quick reference sheets for the syntax of many different languages
pastebin.com/gfBPg24A - Collection of PHP links.

>Need help with some HTML, CSS or JS?
jsfiddle.net - create an example here and post the link
codesandbox.io - or here if you're using React/Angular/Vue

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Other urls found in this thread:


the previous one was already of the board you meanie and I wasn't really in the mood checking the archive

I mean I did check the archive to copy the template, but I just picked a random thread, not paying attention to the postnumber

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Reposting from the previous thread:
I'm using React for my project, mainly using hooks, to fetch data. Now, what's the best way to show a list of results that you get from an API so that when a user clicks on one of the results to see the details, the user can also have a link to go back to all the results? I don't know if I'm making sense. But my question would be, do I just show/hide content on click, is this where you use react-router-dom. I feel like I'm going to overcomplicate things when there's probably an easier solution to that.

I actually wrote that one for myself because I got yelled at one because I didn't link the previous thread.

if you want to use hooks, then useReducer, if not, then use redux to store the api results globally and then do whatever you want inside of the page

Thanks, I will try to do it with useReducer then.

About to make a mixtape clone with elixir / phoenix. Wont sleep until it's done.


this is on loop until it's done

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New York is the worst fucking place to set up a business, holy fucking shit. I literally need to get a job to get money to set up a business to get money. What is this fucking madness.

whats a good react express lambda dynamodb stack project for a portfolio

to the split method you recommended was exactly what I needed!

>you need money and means to start a business


Costs to set a biz is a lot higher than other states

I've been making progress on my tasks but I've hit a blocker while attempting to dockerise my react.js typescript module to enable friction-less virtualized front end acceptance testing within a container as a service cloud environment. I'm going to review the continuous integration pipeline steps to see if I can find the sticking point, hopefully this afternoon I'll get the chance to unpack this issue with a fresh mind as I have no scheduled meetings to harm my focus.

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Did you try adding blockchain?

Does it add synergy?

Hi everyone! I'm making a Jow Forums clone, and I was wondering how Jow Forums implements the preview on hover for (you)s?

For example, on you can hover over a reply and see a popup window. How does that work? Does it just get the dom element on hover and create an identical object but this time with the offsets placed so it follows your mouse?

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Which JS framework is similar to rails? (Quickly vomit out a MVP CRUD app)


is the $2.50 plan enough to host a simple MERN app? vultr.com/products/cloud-compute/#pricing or does NPM really need at least a gig of ram. I want to see just how much of a cheap bastard I can be without relaying on some sort of weird free cloud

I'm the frontend dev for this company's website. It's about 17 unique templates/pages (it's a Wordpress site). I get assigned this project sometime in the first week of August. I honestly forget. Let's say the 6th. My project manager comes to me and tells me they need it done by the 30th. My estimations say I should have it done by the 31st.

Well, this company has also been SUED for having a poor site that is not accessible so I have to make sure it is accessible. I've never really had to deal with accessibility that much. Yes, I know some of the very little basic things but I've never had to make sure a fucking accordion is keyboard accessible.

Like most of you who are employed, I'm off on labor day (Monday) but I'll be spending my Monday working on this site making sure it's finished and accessible. Chances are, there's going to be mistakes, chances are browser QA and Design QA are going to fucking wreck me next week because I've been rushing to get this site done to meet the deadline (which I didn't meet but got close enough).

Life is miserable right now. Just ranting.

>SUED for having a poor site that is not accessible
nice. Finally some laws that dignify the web dev profession.

Which country btw? Canada?


Accessibility is going to end up being a REAL standard very soon. Beyonce's website got sued for it. Dominos is currently being sued. Honestly, if I was a beginner all over again one of the things I would prioritize is learning some basic fundamentals of web accessibility. Accessibility is basically just writing your HTML more carefully and semantic for screen readers to know what they're reading to user. Accessibility also falls into some design as well because your colors have to have enough contrast between them as well.

Anywho. Eventually once enough of these fuckers get sued they're going to be contacting agencies looking to get their site re-built. So if you're an aspiring web developer one thing I think an agency will like to see on your resume or cover letter is that you know about web accessibility because they're gonna want to target those folks who are liable to be sued.

did you try lighouse, or whatever this google shit is called to analyse the sites? Or do you use another tool?

It has an accessibility section, don't know how good it is.

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And this is why front end frameworks like bootstrap are awesome.

People don't even think about the SEO and accessibility side of things, they just see "the looks" and don't comprehend the need for everything to work properly for screen readers or have the correct ARIA labels.

just try it out.
At worst it costs you a few cents.
no idea how Rails looks, but I know there are things like sails.js, feathersjs, Adonis, nestjs ?

>it's a wordpress site
Just i stall plugins for everything you need.

Also get a new job away from WordPress.

>does NPM really need at least a gig of ram
NPM needs nothing, it's a package manager. The thing that will consume your RAM is node and the database server. But I think 520 MB is enough for smaller sites.

If it's not, you could dockerize it and split the load over multiple machines. Or you could split up the services on multiple machines.
>database one
>redis one
>node one

Redux "action creator" pattern doesn't play nice with React Hooks, useReducer and useContext are better option for now.

>benchmarks exist
>still shilling the slowest and retarded technology
No, php, python and js are not the way to produce good web apps and services in 2019.

Redux is slow and impacts UX too much. :(

I smell rust/go shill.

Or "enterprise centered" and money making dotnet/java shill.

>Redux is slow and impacts UX too much. :(
how? you are supposed to inject only the data that is necessary for certain components via props. The components will only re-render if the props change.

As far I know, it is much harder to achieve this with custom useReducer hooks, than with redux.

Just make some benchmarks and you'll see. Everything redux based is slower!

Can't say much without seeing the code, but I think you might be doing something wrong with your actions/reducers. Redux is pretty fucking fast.

In my own projects, the servers are least work intensive. I spend most of the time in frontend (react) and it is quite nice to be able to share code between backend/frontend...

There is also the concept of caching. If you want performance, it makes more sense to me to implement some caching mechanism instead of rewriting everything to java

We should ban redux and burn his creator for humanity crime!

WebAssembly based React when?
JS is utter shit from the past.

>Just make some benchmarks and you'll see. Everything redux based is slower!

That can't be true. Redux creates a layer between the consuming component and the provider, and the consuming component only re-renders when the data it consumes changes (the props you've injected).

With hooks, you need to create that layer yourself, specially if your data provides objects.

OOB, for complex data structure, redux will do less re-renders than useReducer.

If your data is "count=1", then useReduce might be faster, since it doesn't matter.

I am saying we should find something better, I don't know how. Small apps with "redux" are too slow compared to apps without "redux". The worst is NgRx for Angular, it's disaster!

>lol, but why don't they use language X if it's faster?
>Why do other languages but [language with highest bench result] even exist?
>I sure am smart :DDD
rookie mistake

Redux should watch what was done before its existence. Look at XAML or Qt apps, they are much faster.

It's like buying a GPU, faster is better but it needs money/knowledge some pity programmers can't have. :(

I already did. I've took some of the concepts from redux and re-applied them with useReducer.

But I still prefer using redux. I've even created a custom hook (ts based, took me long enough to make it in a way it provides tooling info) that allows you to consume redux state in functional components.

The thing about redux, is the developer tools which allow you cycle through time and always display your full state (which helps you reason about the logic of your app).

Right now I am writing a flutter app, and without a convenient way to inspect the state, the developing becomes a fucking nightmare.

Redux was created for simplicity but today apps disserve better.

Did you try MVVM or Redux with Flutter?

There is the term "choosing the right tool for the job"
Now you believe whatever you want to believe.

Not much use wasting any more time with this really.

>Did you try MVVM or Redux with Flutter?
No, it's not that complex. But I still waste hours on stuff that should be easy, because I have to use the debugger.

Another reason is probably dart. Not that fluent with it yet, and most errors are syntax related (mostly type checking errors, converting JSON to classes).

*I mean the data in the app is not that complex

Just use a proper code editor with code checkers. Now Dart/Flutter is currently immature and can't compete with robust Xamarin or native Swift/Kotlin yet.

>Redux was created for simplicity but today apps disserve better.
You are probably complaining because of having to create so much boilerplate code, that is create actions for every little thing.

If you work alone, you can create just one complex action that edits every part of the state immutably.

Creating multiple actions is just useful for testing and debugging.

No boilerplate is kinda concise compared to the alternatives.

Using vscode, has great support for it. The type errors I referee to earlier occurred mostly during processing, that is converting json to dart classes.

yesterday got fucked by this "List is not a subtype of List"...

Ahhhh strong typing is heaven!

We do have better - React Context.

People are saying it's even slower than Redux!

Hope React 17 will drop this shit!

Dan Abramov is a pretty cool guy, pls don't bully him. :(

I am pretty sure redux itself uses Context api, to pass data down to children.

There's absolutely nothing cool about Dan Abramov.

It's a Russian JS little boy that works for FaceBook aka a retard.

Bah we shouldn't care anymore, JS is dead and nobody wants it anymore.

>Bah we shouldn't care anymore, JS is dead and nobody wants it anymore.
I care. It's the easiest tool for me to do my projects.

Go watch some talks by successful entrepreneurs. Most of the time they don't give a fuck about technology, but use the thing that gets the job done (least effort, least investment).

There should be real world benefits for you to switch between tools (not ideological ones).


Damn, JS is not easy at all, it's bugged and you have to type checking every single shit that makes everything over complex, TypeScript solves some of these but why not embracing WebAssembly and the rock solid compatible languages?

>the easiest tool
>not using the .net/vs2019 environment
Easy !== simple or minimal.

Yeah drop Google and FaceBook and all fucking/retarded web shits and come back to true performance and control.

I am using TS.

I need something with a huge community to write modules free of charge for me. Do you expect me to write the function to check if integer is odd myself? LOL


NPM is a disaster compared to Nuget.
I think JS retards don't know about testing or code quality but it's normal they use shitty notepad++ like editor. Hopefully Microsoft helped them a little with TS and VSCode.

Are there some more brainlet sites with js free examples like youmightnotneedjs.com?

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why would you use that?
almost everyone uses vscode, though some like sublime I guess and only beginners are probably using N++, simply because they don't know any better.

Anyway, don't see a problem with NPM.
You don't call a store a "shit store", just because it sells additional random crap in addition to the things you actually frequently utilize.
I could not care less about some random shit package some guy uploaded at some point.

I absolutely don't understand why anyone would spend time in /wdg/ if they hate JS and other web tech so much.
It's like that image of the dude hating anime and looking for an online community and settling on Jow Forums in the end.

Web development has become really nice with things like Vue/React, easy bundling with Parcel (and even Webpack by now), new ES6/7 features, optional TS, Flexbox, Grid, and so on.
Currently I mainly do Android development on my job and would much prefer working on my own web projects, if I had the choice.

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Current web development is DEPRECATED compared to what is possible with our today technologies. We waste shit of performance to run silly shits on bloated browsers. It's unacceptable in 2019!

what does bootstrap do for better accessibility? never used boot but afaik it's just a garillion of classes to style html.

To play devil's acolyte, with today's technologies how necessary is it to be perfectly efficient?

A head of gold and feet of clay is better than two trunkless legs of stone. At least the former is complete.

> A head of gold and feet of clay is better than two trunkless legs of stone.

That's a nice analogy. Did you come up with it or could you source the material? I get Ozymandias by Shelley for the "two vast and trunkless legs of stone" bit but nothing more.

How long should Freecodecamp take? Or what's a good ambitious but still realistic goal going at it full time?

>you might not need js
>here are inferior non js alternatives no one will ever use

A couple weeks. Depends on what level you're on when you start. Shouldn't take too long if you're going at it full-time though.

This. I can't even swipe through carousels on that site.

TypeScript question.
How can I require some keys without excluding any?

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Swipe on what? It even works on my 5years old HTC.

Likely not. JS free is more of a nice to have for freetards, not something an average designer bothers with if JS just werks.

I have to tap on the numbers on my phone. I should just be able to swipe like on:


>wE vaLUe YoUr pRivACy
make it fucking stop
someone make these EU fucks stop

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Best resource to read up on React and Redux? I’ve done it all on FCC but I still don’t understand the fundamental purpose of it

the purpose of frontend libraries or of state management?

>get fired 10 months ago
>start studying web dev
>real pumped for the first months
>become apathetic due to routine and staying at home too much
>got a job offer on friday
>feel no excitement


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just work

Property 'current' is missing in type 'Webcam' but required in type 'RefObject'

Is there some kind of catch with typescript and refs in react?
current is assigned automatically from every ref object in react, so why does typescript freaks out so much?

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This looks like the best place to ask, does anyone know of resources about HTML, CSS and JS parsers, to display websites?

based Zizek

what does your WebCam interface look like?


interface IFoo {
foo: string | number;
[key: string]: number;

I think you applied WebCam to the ref instead of applying WebCam to ref.current. Then when you try to access ref.current TypeScript tells you that .current doesn't exist in the interface WebCam because it doesn't exist there.

name of dude on gif youtube channel?
