*kills your Wi-fi signal*

>*kills your Wi-fi signal*
>"pshhhhh... nothin personnel kiddo"

Attached: medium001.jpg (1100x730, 96K)

Only students need microwaves

nothing wrong with microwaves

It's in my kitchen. Far from my computers and WiFi router.

my wifi works fine while using microwave

Wait, you're telling me could I use this to cu ck normalfags out of their wifi? How?

>using 2.4ghz

but how do i use my router to heat up my hotpockets?

Attached: 1563716694478.png (342x589, 292K)

>*opens up microwave*
>*proceeds to dial in the time and cooking settings*
>*tap tap tap click*
>*closes the microwave*

Never had this issue even when I did use 2.4GHz

>using K*rean kitchen appliances

>Take the window out if the microwave.
>Place a mirror on the back wall of microwave.
>Point it at your neighbors router.

It's still better than being microwaved by 5G

*beep beep*

*beep beep beep*

how does your toaster work without internet?

Sounds complicated.

Okay Gordon your suit should keep you comfortable through all of this

happened to me until I got a new microwave
I think its just the old shit that does it

>tfw you switched to ONLY using the actual baking mode of your multi function "microwave" with the normal heating elements instead of using it in micromeme move

Literally everything tastes better and is crunchier too. FUCK microwave.

Attached: 127834564542745.jpg (704x620, 104K)

Attached: microwave.webm (640x360, 965K)

>almost 2 fucking seconds reaction time

Is that fuck on drugs?

using a microwave oven to heat up bagels is god tier

>turn microwave on
>wifi still works
thank you microwave

Attached: 1549901329130.png (651x799, 32K)

yes there is. microwaves cook things terribly, pleb.

>there are still cucks not using 5 GHz network
superior 802.11a here

If you don't know how to use microwaves, dont use it.

Also illegal

Are you fucking retarded?

>t. snail

>frying the neighbor's eyes because their signal is too strong

Attached: 4L_gmnoEYQq.jpg (262x192, 7K)

underrated post