When did you realize the unix philosophy was right all along?

When did you realize the unix philosophy was right all along?

Attached: fzf-tui.png (800x700, 43K)

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when I switched from Windows to MacOS

I'm still not convinced.
also pic unrelated

It's cool for some stuff, especially the basics. But for software of our generation and what society requires of it like video, audio and image manipulation, unix doesn't cut it

>unix doesn't cut it
unix is a design philosophy as far I know, it's not supposed to deal with particular software.

You are confusing linux with unix pham...

Linux is just a kernel, retard.

>password manager
riceniggers are the best comedians

ok then, how would you you go about designing a video manipulation program the unix way
would you design thousands toseperate programs where you have to open each one to do a seperate operation? you realise how that would be inneficient right?


Create a tui program that abstracts over ffmpeg and uses raw xlib calls to draw the video playback windows over the terminal much like w3m-img

It's bloat and it's unreliable. Software should be self-contained. Instead of coreutils there should be static libraries. Instead of shell languages there should be just regular languages. This removes inefficient text parsing and startup times of utils. Unix philosophy exists solely because C sucks for scripting.

You're right in the sense that no solution currently exists, but I don't think it's impossible.

>open each one to do a separate operation
it's more likely that you'd tie them all together into one GUI.

If you had a programs that could
>display a video
>cut/move/modify a range (the range would be mapped to the video length)
>create a generic toolbar (which would in turn just call various ffmpeg functions)
>something takes structured data and can tie single components into one window

Basically you would take all these existing programs and tie them all together with a few scripts to massage the data into a format each expects. So the only part you would really have to write is a script that can take a video file, extract various metadata and bind that data to each component.

If someone wanted to do the same thing for audio, they would just replace whatever program is displaying the video with something that does audio visualization.

gui wintards are so fucking dumb they don't even know what gpg is

>"Make one program that do one thing ..."
so a program that manipulates video?

technically you could write a gui that just calls other utilities behind the scenes. You'd basically have a wrapper over ffmpeg.

it would be more unix to have a program to append a video to another
another to split a video
another to add an effect
another to resize
so on and so on

and then one program to tie them all together

Can someone please explain what the script does?
t. newfag

Unironically this. Even OP's script has to rely on pipes instead of using structured data.
"Scripting language" is a dishonest name. A script is a program too, and a good programming language should be up to the task. But since C turned out to be exceptionally bad for scripting, as you said, an artificial division was created.
In a way, Unix itself is one of the worst examples of the so-called "Unix philosophy", since it adds unnecessary complication that would be avoided by scripting in the same language most of the userland is written in.
Using a separate language for scripting has to be one of the worst OS design decisions ever.

Grabs all the encrypted password file in the folder and shoves them into fzf (which is a program that lets you filter-as-you-type arbitrary text).

>press enter: decrypt and copy selected password to the clipboard
>press ctrl+e: decrupt and edit the selected password

>Using a separate language for scripting has to be one of the worst OS design decisions ever.
I wish we could do what templeOS does and compile C on the fly for "scripting".

i feel like this is what current video editing software does, it just all happens to be shitty, buggy, and slow software.

You mean JIT?

Ahh, the old Unix philosophy ....a great dutch philosopher once said : if you see it then you get it.
Allot of commenters here are have nog steen it.

>unix philosophy
pic one


Attached: VX-001_RS-232_Pinout.jpg (450x450, 24K)

Exactly. It's a philosophy from a time when computers couldn't handle many operations well. It's just plain stupid to think in these terms anymore. Sure, efficiency is a commendable goal, but the original concept is no longer sensible.

Linux Is Not UniX.

You'd write a little language, like awk, but specialised for video. The interpreter performs all of the operations.
You also want a GUI, that creates and uses those scripts.

Since you now have text, you can pipe that around, manipulating it as needed before finally rendering it with the little language interpreter that actually performs the manipulation.

This thread reeks of #2, what's up with all the anti Unix threads as of late.

Attached: cointelpro.gif (1169x993, 139K)

So easy. So simple.

We've moved out of the 1970's, for better or for worse, the philosophy no longer works.

"No longer works" is a pretty substantial statement given programs that adhere to the Unix philosophy exist and are used. Don't get me wrong, it's not a flawless philosophy but it has some great ideas that are being ignored.

Java made JIT kinda a curse word. But it's unironically great if it's load-time and not maybe on runtime.
Dynamic linking is a part of it.

brainlet here, what does the sed do here exactly?



Can't write a program that reads a file line by line and split it into words?
All that this interpreter would need to do is go through a file, line by line, splitting them by whitespace and seeing if it recognises the first word.
That's all it would need to be initially.

there was a thread a fews week ago arguing about the difference between templeOS's technique and whether it was actually JIT. I lean towards that, but I thought it might not make what I meant clear.

uses regex to search/replace over lines (or ranges of lines) in files.

I would recommend a video by a certain youtuber that's a good intro, but people here get autistic if his name is even mentioned.

>hating unix is cointelpro
I want Unix weenies to fuck off to Jow Forums and stay fucked off.

KISS was always the right approach. The moment people went off making giant monoliths is when legacy hell became a thing.


what do you suggest instead? Definite Clause Grammars?

Ask me know I know you've never shat in a toilet nbefore.

Python string slicing

>Unix philosphy
they have great aesthetics, though
the only valid philosphy is that Capital is a hyperintelligent AI parasite that's consuming humanity to expand itself and that free software is only a small part of that

Are you merely pretending to be retarded?

Quite a while ago, and it only got stronger ever since I started working in a corporate position. Having a swiss knife that can do lots of things can seem pretty nice in software, but more often than not said programs are a hot, buggy mess because of that.

>unix is a design philosophy
god Jow Forums is so retarded. theres such a thing as the unix design philosophy, but unix is not just that. Unix used to be an entire operating system, and now we have Unix (tm) certified operating systems (a.k.a POSIX compliant operating systems).

luks myth?

and he was talking about the philosophy
did you even read the OP?

read the post I replied to retard. i swear none of you make the slightest effort in making an informed post. You just want to be angry at eachother for no reason.
>unix is a design philosophy as far as I know

the guy was talking about the philosophy while the other guy he quoted was probably talking about unix os and this other guy himself is wrong since he quoted OP which is talking about the philosophy, not the OS

I read through your mess of a post once and I'm not going to bother rereading it and trying to figure out what your underage retarded brain tried to say. I'll just spell out my point clearly and leave you with that.

The post I replied to said
>unix is a design philosophy as far I know, it's not supposed to deal with particular software.
Unix entirely does have to deal with particular software. To be POSIX compliant you have to provide vi, for example. Its not just a philosophy, as he implied.

>Create a tui program that abstracts over ffmpeg
How is that the UNIX philosophy? ffmpeg already does WAY more than one thing, and your program is inherently just a wrapper for ffmpeg, not a useful program in its own right.
The UNIX way would be shitting out XPM bitmaps on stdout, with a separate binary for each video format, each with their own subtle inconsistencies.

Unix philosophy is why dependency hell exist. It's why Linux software breaks compatibility every few years. It's why the workstation professional prefers Windows for the "ol reliable software" they need for work. In the 1980's when disk space was short Unix Philosophy made sense, now it it just worthless throw away OS's made for ricing.

Being a Linux dev is all about highly monitoring the wheel or reinventing the wheel. Software has to be maintained or it will literally break and be lost forever. Only projects with deep pockets can afford this. The fix is static linking with flatpak and appimage but that vioates the sacred cow Unix philosophy. This is why professionals will never take Linux serious.

>The fix is static linking with flatpak and appimage
flatpak and appimage are retarded precisely because they follow the model of static linking but don't actually do static linking

fuck this virtual filesystem bloat, if you want to distribute a complete binary then just do that

>static linking
dynamic and static linking each have its own positives and negatives, but nobody is stopping you from compiling things yourself, desu.

>flatpak and appimage
It's like you don't really know what these two projects do. You should've listed some real solutions to the dependency and dynamic linking problem, but it looks like you're just a retard.
Have fun replacing all your programs with electron apps because it solves all your problems and some more.

If by Unix you mean
>everything is a file
>everything should be programmed into separate modules to minimize external attack surface (no sysd)
Then yes I like it a lot.

By the bye I don't hate systemd I just think it's stupid. If people really wanted something like that then systemd could have just been a wrapper of common boot tools instead of being one giant mess that goes against Unix philosophy.

you're the dumb nigger here

damn, that's cute
I never really cared too much about learning shell since Python can do everything it does and much more, but I'm learning bits of it and I'm surprised by the amount of shit I can get done without having to write a Python script
I'm really starting to think those Unix faggots were right all along

That's pretty neat

Static vs dynamic linking argument has nothing to do with Unix philosophy

Unix derivatives are used professionally today, more than Windows by far

fzf is maximum comfy OP
what else u use fzf for?
i saw that fzf is awesome for vim but i cant stand working with vim.

fzf has basically replaced GUIs for me. Any time I want an application that doesn't exist, I just slap something into fzf, add some keybindings and get something that does 90% of what I want with 0.01% of the effort.

I use it with kakoune which is similar to vim.

>static linking
>critical bug in some library
>half of your programs are now permanent security vulnerabilities


Dmenu is better for non server use.

For some stuff it is great, your picture included. Not married to just one philosophy though.

underrated post

>Unix philosophy is why dependency hell exist
recite the philosophy that say this

how do you know he never shat in a toilet before?
This is such a gay reply. You reek of plebbit

Blender does one thing and does it well

I stand corrected, It's Unix philosophy combined with the idea of breaking and fixing things for fun.

We need distros with LTS's like Ubuntu's Bionic Beaver to pioneer the way towards corporate users. Ubuntu needs to give special love to it's LTS and declare it's non-LTS "testings". The LTS should be treated like royalty with custom repos for new software and high maintenance for bug fixes, along with both snaps and flatpak dually enabled so users can choose what they like.

Businesses/Corporate users might take Linux seriously if we Ubuntu to show extra love to it's LTS . The good news is this would apply for all variations including Linux Mint and POP OS. An unstable/rapid updating base put serious pressure on developers for software that takes 6 months or so to build.

we *get Ubuntu

It's non unix philosophy that's the problem. it's intentionally breaking stuff that works just to give yourself extra work. Rapid update rolling release philosophy scares the shit out of people who use a computer to get work done.

That's why people leave Windows in the first place.

>massage the data
lmao okay retard

The creators of UNIX abandoned it in 1993 for Plan9.
Dennis Richie himself used NT with Acme as the editor. Apparantly Penn Jillete, the liberal atheist comedian suggested the name ACME, lmao.

which one of these that mentions dependency
1. Write programs that do one thing and do it well.
2. Write programs to work together.
3. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.


colorscheme and dotfiles please

Before I realized it was wrong.

>Dynamic linking
>critical bug in some library
>half of your programs now automatically have vulnerability

I wouldn't really call Penn a liberal.

When I installed gentoo for the first time.

>what society requires of it like video, audio and image manipulation, unix doesn't cut it
You salty because ffmpeg can't send emails?

>She I mean "They/Them" doesn't massage xir data

Attached: Screenshot_20190827050722_Chrome.jpg (1080x1472, 371K)

>teleports hotfix behind u
>they're all fixed now
heh nothing personnel, kid

When I realized the fucking mess that freedesktop.org shitware is.

>t. zoomer

Insteading of piping text you should be piping data structures, preferably based on lisp.

bro, that's cringe, i'm so fucking rusty

The best interface is no interface.

unix philosophy is not for the user, is for the developer
this is why macos is posix compliant

These problems arent unique to poosix and regularly fuck over wangturds too dipshit. You don't even know what you're talking about and nothing you said have anything to do with how garbage the muh unix philosophy is.

By the bye I don't have lvm2 I just think it's stupid.

That's how you sound faggot. Most of linux userland is built around major, irreplaceable user frameworks. Systemd just happens to be the one that makes shell scripting mongoloid users buttmad for some reason. Probably because their knowledge is all garbage and useless now.

I wish that was the standard. I'll start doing it once all the gnu utils are rewritten to use data structures instead of text

Sexprs are literally the best data interchange format.