wtf i love jack ma now!

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Elon thinks for the future, while Jack Ma still thinks about the past.

Only a fool thinks on the future, the future is just a transformation of the present, which is itself a transformation of the past.

Wtf i love elon now

the jack ma thinks about what is real, when elon thinks about what may be real so more likely to be wrong.

But past understandings have been proven wrong more often than not user

>Only a fool thinks on the future
How many people got rich from thinking about how things used to be, rather than how they will be?

>Vague shit

based jack ma

One empire built on slave labour, the other built on technological progress.

> more often than not.
this is dumb. past understandings are more likely to last. this is the lindy effect. the probability that the current AI trend is a fad is higher than the probability than probability that we will realize general AI.

every retro trend, guaranteed $$. also the present AI tech is just a rehash of stuff done in the 70s-80s but with greater horsepower.

You can program a computer to make a human being though.

>JUST a rehash
So is all scientific research. Do the same thing, experiment more and more. Technology allows for more complex problems to be solved, so people are able to experiment more fruitfully.

This is literally impossible right now

Elon's vision of the future is about as credible as the one in the Jetsons. But people like to listen to futurists because they spin fantastical tales.

you can build a boat with a hammer and a saw. but it wasn't the hammer and saw that built the boat.

elon thinks about sci-fi memes from cartoons and video games


yeah but there's breakthroughs and there's "do the same shit but bigger". different things user. general AI will require a breakthrough. it can't be constrained to games with rules like current AI. it needs to be able to create coherent games and rules. breakthroughs are much less likely than normal "do more" progress. they are like searching for a key in a large keyspace rather than just searching the surrounding keyspace.

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Attached: J_food_gk4.jpg (998x584, 255K)


How are you supposed to "breakthrough" without understanding of the elements you are studying. When they do bigger shit, it is building a base of knowledge. A knowledge base of what works on what. e.g., CNNs are good for images. Ground work needs to be done for breakthroughs. Maybe, as an alternative, there is no breakthrough, just incremental improvements; the human brain is orders of magnitude more complex than networks we have today, and they have had hundreds of millions of years of evolution. Maybe this is the path for AGI. Just large networks with simulation of evolution.

This is my last post tonight, might come back and read your response.

it's all about probability. with research we are searching for an answer, the classification and statistic stuff we are doing, the answer to general AI is a needle in a haystack and may not even be physically possible with computers (there may be other breakthroughs needed). it's about time and probability. I don't think we will see it within our or elons lifespan.
funny you should mention evolution as there have been evidence now to show that there were big leaps in evolution rather than slow incremental change. similar to my point with breakthroughs. research is just another search algo like evolution i guess.

Reminder that Jack Ma was forced to give up his company to unnamed CCP chinks and is now just the front man of his company, not doing so would have ended up with an "accident".

god i hate rich people


lol this
dumb manlet chink thinks he's hot shit

Why would Musk say computers are smart? All they can do is calculate shit and process data very quickly. They don't even understand what they're doing, they're just printing the output that's very specifically required of them.

Of course you don't need to think about automation and computers when you have 1 billion bugmen working 20 hours a day for scraps.

Jack Ma is literally a manlet next to Musk. Height mogged to death

You can purchase slaves and order them to build you a boat. You built the boat, even if you just threw plans at them

In the end computers are only as smart as the software running on them.
But we are basically at a point where computers are inventing computers, but human beings can't invent human beings. So if we are talking about a matter of progress, computers are outpacing humans.

And no one knows about this shit, China's propaganda machine in the west has complete control of the narrative.

Computers are extremely dumb.
But they're really damn good at following your orders.

lol if you let a computer try or told it to it probably could especially it had malware capabilities taking over labs and shit

Sounds exactly like those cheap chink labors.

wtf someone please tell me who to love

His name literally means "horse say"

>you still can't program a waifu

leave my board and go back to crashing your rockets you fucking hairlet

Jack Ma is a retard that is using the same arguments against evolution "I've never a person evolve from a monkey!". Of course a computer has not created any life yet, because they've only existed for 60 years, fucking retard

Computers don't make mistakes, why on earth would anyone invent a human? Have you met most of them? (Computers want the planet destroyed too?)

this, a computer making a human is backwards

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>chinese invented anything related to computers
Elon should've squished him

It's literally pseudo-intellectual technobabble from both sides.
I mean, who in the flying fuck would think this is newsworthy or even worth mentioning?

Modern fucking world is amazing. I.e. Trump may as well tweet that chickens lay eggs and it would be the biggest news of the year. This isn't any different.

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Exactly, every retro trend requires you to think about the future, since you're predicting what people will want from their childhood/past.
You're no better than Musk or Jack at making up retarded useless arguments.

Saying a computer is smart because it has a number crunching circuit that you program is like saying a car is smart because it has big engine.

>2 boomer who have vague understanding of AI think their opinions matter

Only one of these men married the same woman twice

>he doesn't have a smartcar

Based Jack owning the balding con-man.

Elon Musk is an engineer. Jack Ma isn't.

more like jack ma dick

Jacked and madicked.

one day peanuts like you will evolve to be smart as a human

there are many retarded engineers though.

durr retro is the future durr. what a stupid argument. faggot.

This is as retard as saying hammers are smarter than humans, because we use hammers to build tools that help us design and fabricate new hammers. It's a fucking tool, people are driving it.

Jack is just talking some chinese confucios say type bs

That's not true

It's a false comparison, a computer has to invent another computer to perform equally in this regard.

are you trying to say humans haven't invented a human, either?

Very interesting thread, OP but if I may present a counterargument 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


Well, not with their brains. And no, that's not what I'm saying, the task is "invent a computer", inventing a human is not equivalent.

This, to succeed in any market, it takes knowledge of both the past and the future


Computer too smart to invent something so dumb

You realize this doesn't work since even to be able to pay on Jow Forums in China you need a VPN and they are all encrypted.

post* not pay

Winnie the Pooh? You will pay john Oliver

that chink fag is delusional. he has no knowledge about tech.

Elon isnt some genius. Hes a marketing businessman that talks big about pop sci tier shit. People should stop worshipping him. Jack Ma is no different.

Neither does Elon you fucking redditor buffoon.

Oh, he'll go missing eventually. He's outlived his usefulness to the machine.

>Chink street smarts vs Reddit "smarts"
Real cringe AI is doesn't real, it's called Machine Learning

Fuck you round eye! Social rank just drop to -3! Instaed of digging coal I will dig my own grave!

>but human beings can't invent human beings.
yeah you've never had the sexy time have you

Is there a more based man than Jack Ma?

Attached: savingtheasianrace.png (858x871, 1.32M)

As someone who works in AI and soft dev for animatronics/robotics automation.

Jack ma is partly right. It's not intelligence that humans surpass robotics in. It's in creativeness. Ask what is the meaning of life to a robot, he'd probably recite some straightforward answer like "reproduce" or explode.

As a human that and you'd get philosophical people like Plato or Socrates talking about how the meaning of life is to divide the essence within ourselves and to falsify the happiness within future endeavors.

TLDR Humans= Soul

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Elon is objective, Chinaman is philosophical/romantic.
A computer can solve mathematical questions in a blink of an eye while humans have such a shitty small cache in their brain that they need to use a piece of paper as main memory and write it down every past step of the equation.

>westerners replace people with foreign hordes
>easterners have more kids and retain their self

Gee I wonder who will win this battle

>A computer can solve mathematical questions
go on mathoverflow right now and tell me a computer can solve those problems - math is a lot more than 0s and 1s, something I don't expect CSlets to understand.

>Jack ma is partly right. It's not intelligence that humans surpass robotics in. It's in creativeness. Ask what is the meaning of life to a robot, he'd probably recite some straightforward answer like "reproduce" or explode.




NONSTOP bareback sex all day every day.

>elon is lelouch
>jack is charles

start by loving yourself :)

>Vague shit
you're just brainlet

philosophy is objective too and less reductive

Elon thinks like a liberal Jack Ma thinks like a Man

absolutely blasted
Elon 0 USA 0

two rich retards can say whatever shit on their minds and instantly everything they say becomes a fucking quote

Honestly, Elon Musk knows very little about computers for a dude who made his fortune due to them (and I'm talking mad shit for someone who has achieved astonishingly little in their lives, but that's a story for a different day) AI isn't really smart. Computers are dumb as hell (dumber than vegetables really), and rely on humans to give them directions to respond to various inputs and outputs. Every AI is only "smart" because some human told them to act that way. Sure these newer programs are increasingly complex and can adjust themselves to react in certain ways based on a wide variety of inputs and variables, but outside of the scope of what they are told to do they can't do much.

Agreed. Fuck capitalism. Communism is the future.

the point went completely over your head. you're a retard and you need to be gassed.


user she's a bit too thick and big tittied for you. Alot of pudge around the waist.