New Rust update comes out

>New Rust update comes out
>Inline C compiler
What do Jow Forums?

Attached: 483-rust-lang-the-rust-programming-language.png (480x240, 8K)

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Ditch C even more.

Post about Rust on Jow Forums because your toy language isn't actually used for anything.

But I thought C was shit
Also quick response rustfag
Well that was why I asked the question

Attached: flat,800x800,070,f.jpg (800x800, 24K)

Use the rust compiler for C desu

What would you even get out of having actual C in your code? What things can you do in C that you can't do in Rust?

urinate without feeling pain

>make main bitching point another language your are trying so hard to replace
>fail so hard that you need to include that language as a subset of your own language
Rus trannies are fucking pathetic...

Write firmware for your mom's automated dildo

Why would you do it?
Just write your C alongside Rust and build and link it using
Rust has really good FFI with C.

>Inline C compiler
Why would anyone want that?
Inline assembly at least occasionally serves a useful purpose, but there's nothing that can be done in C that couldn't be done in Rust.

>there's nothing that can be done in C that couldn't be done in Rust
You mean like writing a linked list?

Congratulations, you're an idiot.

/// A doubly-linked list with owned nodes.
/// The `LinkedList` allows pushing and popping elements at either end
/// in constant time.
/// Almost always it is better to use `Vec` or `VecDeque` instead of
/// `LinkedList`. In general, array-based containers are faster,
/// more memory efficient and make better use of CPU cache.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub struct LinkedList {
head: Option,
tail: Option,
len: usize,
marker: PhantomData,

struct Node {
next: Option,
prev: Option,
element: T,

I'm not cutting up my eyes on all those angle brackets, if you want to prove me wrong you have to phrase it in terms I would enjoy reading and agree with

>Let's move the goalposts and pretend nobody notices.

>You mean like writing a linked list?
Just use Rc

You're the shill here so the burden is on you to do all the convincing

Fair enough but your criteria for not being convinced seems pretty arbitrary. I could also say I dismiss any evidence that isn't presented in Helvetica 14pt #5C5C5C on a white background.

>This API is boring
>I hate all that typing
>I wish I was on my .h / .c null-checking void* pointers

Attached: this party is boring template.png (676x673, 81K)

My criteria are just a verbalization of the same requirements as any other potential customer on the business end of a sales call and if you don't understand that you're a godawful salesman

Good lord man, use a type variable or two, please.
type NodeRef = Option;

/// A doubly-linked list with owned nodes.
/// The `LinkedList` allows pushing and popping elements at either end
/// in constant time.
/// Almost always it is better to use `Vec` or `VecDeque` instead of
/// `LinkedList`. In general, array-based containers are faster,
/// more memory efficient and make better use of CPU cache.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub struct LinkedList {
head: NodeRef,
tail: NodeRef,
len: usize,
marker: PhantomData,

struct Node {
next: NodeRef,
prev: NodeRef,
element: T,


>inline C
Why? You might aswell do everything in C.

You could boast then that you write in Rust.

sound terrible dude this is the straw that kills meme languages and will enforce "one language rules" per project because the natural consequence of this will be some Javascript faggot inlining python that compiles to C++ that has lisp blobs and and and uses C libs to the pass it up to IL with custom algorithms that use assembly.

This, but unironically. Same shit with retards who mix C and C++ features and end up with an absolute mess that keeps converting std::string to char arrays and vice versa.

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