If SDL and opengl are easier and superior to directx then why all pc games use directx?

If SDL and opengl are easier and superior to directx then why all pc games use directx?

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They're not. Even carmack said DX11 was better than opengl.

I think you misspelled vulkan, the best way to manage graphics in multi platform games.

that was before gl 4.5 and vulkan

hijacking this thread to ask
how do I learn to make a basic game engine with Vulkan? Every example I look at uses 1000 lines of extremely convoluted code just to put a triangle on the screen. It just seems impenetrable, and I'm no beginner to programming.

Attached: ai.jpg (700x562, 53K)

you read those 1000 lines over and over until you understand it

use monogame or wait until there's some library like SDL ported to vulkan.

no need to be so low level like an autist.

I've seen some examples that have a decent amount of comments, but most of them use a load of jargon which again, is impenetrable. Shit like
like how the fuck am I supposed to know what that is? Is there documentation?

4.5 didnt change much structurally. It's still a state machine. And vulkan isnt even in the same class, no one's using vulkan for a reason

Google it, write it on a notecards memorize it. Now do it for all of the shit you find while learning vulkan and realize its fruitless

Wow that was hard.

Why? What is the alternative?
No shit, I know how to use Google. But I do that and find a hundred other words that I need to Google. It never seems to end. Even building a 'hello world' Vulkan equivalent could take a week.

Nobody said it was going to be easy. A modern graphics card is a complex piece of hardware. Try getting through the "GPU Gems" series if you want to take even longer.

I think I'm heading into this stuff for the wrong reasons. I'm not particularly interested in graphics programming, I'm just frustrated by the state of current game engines (Unreal, Unity) and want to build my own. Maybe I'm being too much of a perfectionist and should just shit out games with Unity like everybody else.

use godot.

Name me the platform without opengl support.
Name me the platform without vulkan support


I guess if you're really targeting the pre-2010 GPU crowd, you can't use Vulkan

Pic related

Attached: CSTJv0H.png (692x1026, 942K)

Abstract out the renderer, implement it using something simpler first, work on the Vulkan implementation later.

I worked in commercial projects which did OpenGL and directX. OpenGL was cut because of bad driver support. Opengl 4.6 with dsa and bindless textures is a joy to work with. on my devbox it is as fast as vulkan! but Intel has no proper support. and mobile req OpenGL ES. Main reason for opengl is windows 7 support. fucking chinse love there windows 7.