/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

Old thread: What are you working on, Jow Forums?

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I wonder what's worse, being a ragie wagie or programming with C#

C but with existential quantification

Working on achieving programming satori

Aren't they equivalent?

I have lines in a remote database containing values and the formula to compute them using either constants from another table or other values from this one.

I'm supposed to parse the formulas and do the math to automate stuff later on. Or I think I am, the people who asked me this might do it themselves if this conflicts with some excel macro on their end.

working on my lewd image gallery
>implemented deep learning for tagging
>currently working on a "find similar pictures" function
>just found an error which loaded the same images instead of new ones into a dataframe

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how do I use parametric records in haskell?

what do you mean? do you have an example?

data MyRec a = Record { foo :: a -> a }
now what?

What do you want to do with it?
idR :: MyRec a
idR = Record { foo = id }

succR :: MyRec Int
succR = Record { foo = succ }

useMyRecInt :: MyRec Int -> Int
useMyRecInt Record{foo=f} = f 3

okay it's sorted now thanks

Lisp is the most powerful programming language.

working on dealing with mental fog and depression

I'm looking through someone's source code related to videogames and networking, is it normal for someone to wrap a UDP server inside a HTTP server?
It seemed kinda weird, it's written in Node.js anyway so I guess that tells you a lot in itself.

>@/dpt/.txt is online
time to shitpost

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It can be used for hole punching

Ah shit yeah I forgot about that

hahaMONADSneet lmao OOP PAJEETS Xdd averaging 2 ints!!! rewriting linux in hask#++!!!! bjarne!! animate image github xDDlol meta humour :D

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just kidding i love /dpt/.txt

i don't

fn main() {
println!("Have sex");

Nice try rustcel

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Will you post it once it is finished?

I'm the CHADest Jow Forums poster.

So you program in C/Hadskell?

Rust and Modern C++ only. I don't accept any C++ code without trailing return types too.

How can I plot a graph of the pitch dynamics over time of a sound recording? (python for example)
Say I have a brief sound recording, and I want Y to be the pitch in HZ, and X to be time. And t0 is the beginning. In other words I want to know HOW and WHERE to find this data about
the recording. I know it is converted from analog to digital, but how can I extract the pitch over time info from the binary? Just a heads up, i have no idea what i'm talking about. I've been beating my head on this for a while. Ty if anyone helps, really.

how do I stop being a useless piece of shit like pic related?

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get a job


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do not do this, it'll create ketchup gas

Dilate anzu


>tfw /dpt/.txt twitted your post

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If you're gonna use an anime image, at least use one with SICP or a computer in it. It's the daily programming thread after all.
Fucking weebtards.

Please share your sc macro.

he'll stop tweeting if you keep referencing him

Now that's a bold claim

fuck him, fuck you
i did my absolute best this thread
the guy is just too low IQ to understand the value of my posts
they would have been viral on twitter, I assure you

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dpttxt is a grill/tranny?

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he already got banned once faggot


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well make it twice :^)

why are rust programmers so vindictive?

High test

>high test
>complains about the word faggot
pick 1 faggot

BC issues

he got banned for saying nigger

user was the one saying nigger

terry davis proven right yet again

Im trying to add the minimax algorithm with alpha beta pruning to my connect 4 game. its getting all nigerlicious. Its super slow and moving in predictable patterns. I was hoping I could get some advice. Im a novice and cant figure out why its behaving the way it is.

heres a pastebin of it:

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hm, any recommendations on what to use for some drawing over the screen, in C++?
I want to make a program that on a key combo opens a little input box and shows some results under it based on what's being written inside, imagine something like Launchy, but the result view will be different

woah that sounds not nice user

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back off shes mine

don't bother she's hideous without makeup/from normal angle

all women are

you gay


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def minimax(board,depth,isMaxTurn,alpha,beta,d):
score = evaluate(board)
return score
return score
return 0
best = -1000
for x in range(0,7):#starts at column 0 and finds first free space
for y in range(5,-1,-1):
best = max(best,minimax(board,depth+1,not isMaxTurn,alpha,beta,d))
alpha = max(alpha,best)
if(betad and d != 0):

Knowing how to design computer programs and the mindset surrounding should be the top priority of any aspiring programmer. We have been brainwashed with these quick and hacky hand-holding tutorial books and Udemy crap. There must be a way to undo this harmful conditioning that has a tendency to make one feel dumber the more you seem to discover advanced programming concepts.

So what is the cure to this flawed programmatic thinking inherent in today's boomers, who feel scared of a measly `int` declaration in C? Well, How To Design Programs 2nd edition is accessible to the wannabe "coder" with programming fundamentals under his/her/their belt. Follow this book and do the exercises (do not skip them, every exercise will add 10 pounds of programming muscle to your brain and will open your neuron pathways in profound ways). Find a copy of How To Design Programs 2nd edition on libgen.is and get on it fuckers. This book will make you a wizard, or at least a far better programmer than 99% of Jow Forums. Then you can laugh at these script kiddies and their inability to code anything of value.

Stop feeding dpt.txt

provide link and i'll start reading right away, my nigga


Nobody who learns anything from reading books will ever be in the top 1% of anything

>uses its own lisp/haskell clone to teach people programming
absolute cringe

how did this shit actually work under the hood?

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The book is free to read on its website: htdp.org/
Download offline: b-ok.cc/book/3685043/ed3bc0

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pitch deck.

how do I investors and without getting fucked over?

Did you miss the part where it says "do the exercises"?

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lisp and haskell are more different than C and C++

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>it took over an hour to compile this rust code
>when it came out there's this slow LGBT rainbow colour bullshit on top you can't opt out of
Nice one rust

Nobody who ever learns something from doing book exercises will be in the top 1% of anything

>>it took over an hour to compile this rust code

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>when it came out there's this slow LGBT rainbow colour bullshit on top you can't opt out of

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Rust trannies can't even take a joke

>I was pretending to be retarded

go back

>source: my ass

you're not learning cultivation techniques here. You're not going to get bottlenecked at the Fighter Dan-5 realm due to clogged meridians from your inferior practice.
How you learn to program is completely irrelevant to how well you program. Can you even imagine that you're explaining something to a guy, and he stops you, "woah there, if you go on, I won't ever be able to understand this matter."

You weren't pretending, you really are retarded

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I'm the top 1%

I have no idea what the fuck you just said

>source: my ass.

We're all very impressed that you've mastered Hello World and taking screenshots. Maybe one day we'll be expert programmers like you.

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Read the source you nigger.

the most reliable source there is

friendly reminder Carmack, Zuckerberg and Simon Peyton Jones regularly post in /dpt/

I'll have you know I'm part of the 0.1% and I've read and completed over 100 books in programming.

probably false

user you're never going to be in the top 1% of programmers if you don't read xianxia novels to neutralize the poison from the anime.

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no wonder they've all designed such absolutely shit languages

Steve Klabnik here. Ask me anything Rust.

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Mate how are you impressed by this
12 year olds do this in runescape

Go away sideways walker