Shell prompt

show me your shell prompt

Attached: shell.png (1920x1080, 379K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Gay >>> colours

It would identify me!

blur it user


Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-02_12-24-36.png (672x394, 3K)

sure thing mohammed

Attached: 2019-09-02-20:26:47.png (1366x768, 823K)


Attached: mwa.jpg (1300x888, 67K)

Attached: dir.png (1920x1080, 380K)

function fish_prompt
set_color --bold red
printf (whoami)
set_color --bold green
printf " // "
set_color --bold yellow
printf (basename (pwd))
set_color --bold blue
printf " // "
set_color --bold magenta
printf (date | awk '{ print $2 " " $3 " " $5 }')
set_color --bold cyan
printf " λ "
set_color normal


Attached: based_prompt.png (1247x571, 222K)

Manjaro users rise up

Attached: 0001.png (818x512, 120K)

default i3 look with black background is the only based option when it comes to DE.

Attached: fghsfghsgfhfg.png (688x1430, 156K)

sir this is prompt thread

>| identifies if last command was ran successfully or not
>| as separator
>branch status
>sexy @ sign

Attached: s_19-09-02_22:33:36.png (350x48, 4K)

Attached: yakuake.jpg (962x972, 229K)

Attached: term.png (714x500, 28K)

Here you go.

Attached: 2019-09-02--21:51:02.png (806x631, 68K)

Why would you cuck yourself so hard?

Not the correct font since Im sshing from mobile.

Attached: Screenshot_20190902-220045_Termux.jpg (965x487, 104K)

Attached: git prompt2.png (537x366, 59K)

Hello fellow fish user

Is this the new desktop thread?

No, this is the terminal prompt thread

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-02_23-50-29.png (503x68, 9K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-02 at 4.55.21 PM.png (682x501, 115K)

Thank you habibi

function fish_prompt --description 'Write out the prompt'
set -l last_status $status


# User
set_color cyan
echo -n (whoami)
set_color brcyan

echo -n '@'

# Host
set_color cyan
echo -n (prompt_hostname)
set_color brcyan

echo -n ' : '

set_color cyan
echo -n (prompt_pwd)
set_color cyan


if not test $last_status -eq 0
set_color $fish_color_error

echo -n ' '
set_color normal

This but unironically :^)

Attached: Untitled.png (1245x718, 381K)

Attached: terminal.png (1345x758, 17K)

Attached: 2019-09-02_22-46-26_1600x900_scrot.png (1600x900, 1.01M)


>they made powershell look like shit

hit me with your most usefull aliases Jow Forums

s'all fine and dandy but could you use a less gay font?

Attached: scrnsht.png (1920x1080, 1.24M)

Your font looks way worse than theirs you fucking hipster. Some of us do actual work in the terminal and you want something easy on the eyes not this gay 80's-hacker attention whore retardation.

Just go put a craig's list add up asking to be bukkaked if you need approval this bad.

>he unironically doesn't know how much easier on the eye bitmap fonts are

why haven't you taken the moe-pill yet Jow Forums?

Attached: file.png (1362x738, 279K)

I skipped the moepill and went straight to the cunnypill.

Plebes. Get on my level.

Attached: console-tabs.jpg (1901x1056, 199K)

Attached: 2019-09-02-194844_1366x768_scrot.png (1172x691, 49K)

PS1='% '

# this makes prompt_pwd show the full path instead of single character path
set fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 0

function fish_prompt
echo # this puts a space between commands
set_color yellow
echo (prompt_pwd)
set_color purple
echo -n ' ▶ '
set_color normal

I'm starting to think I'm the only one on Jow Forums that likes a light themed terminal

Attached: termin.jpg (1680x1050, 384K)

I switch between light and dark terminal depending on wheter it's day or night.

man, i like your color scheme

Attached: 2019-09-02-231629_2560x1440_scrot.png (592x423, 13K)

gb2 india

>makes fun of mine
>doesn't link own

gayest prompt

alias ls='rm -rf'

I'm not weebscum

Attached: prompt.png (293x187, 1K)


so i just got manjaro after a few years of windows and i started using i3 last night

how do i theme my terminal like that? specifically with some ascii art and rainbow shit

Attached: 2019-09-03-000203_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 172K)

the unraveler from oh my zsh

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-02 at 11.04.24 PM.png (2560x1600, 608K)

alright, so here's the deal:

ur dum

looks awesome. 10/10

making progress...

Attached: 2019-09-03-001039_496x310_scrot.png (496x310, 12K)

what wm + theme is that

just google "obscure wm"



you have to install gentoo, it's the only way to really get those vivid colors

getting there

Attached: 2019-09-03-005831_496x316_scrot.png (496x316, 19K)

how do i set this color scheme to my terminal?

Attached: 2019-09-03-013337_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 218K)

I prefer light colour schemes as well. Using redshift so my eyes won't burn at night though.

Attached: prompt.png (1920x1080, 1.96M)

$T $P$_$G

Attached: file.png (400x300, 2K)

Attached: I am ROOT!.png (680x455, 12K)

[~/foo/bar] $ for normal users [~/foo/bar] # for root.

Um, OK.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-03_10-15-19.png (1010x576, 6K)

Attached: download.jpg (630x630, 77K)

people keep using the dollar sign for their prompt symbol, I wonder if people are aware you can choose from the entire utf8 symbol set for characters to use for their prompt?

Attached: pic-full-190903-1633-53.png (1366x768, 791K)

self made fish prompt

Attached: Screenshot_20190903_115452.png (1024x646, 14K)

return codes in prompt :DDDDDDD

Attached: 2019-09-03-195959_299x77_scrot.png (299x77, 68K)

by "self made" you mean you installed Oh My Fish and then installed the agnoster theme

nope, I programmed it myself... omf does a few things differently

So useful.

how did I not know about this, thanks, I now have (basename (prompt_pwd)) instead. I still think the full pwd starts to get annoying when you're in a deep directory somewhere.

i only have the current directory name in the prompt

Attached: _prompt.png (1920x1080, 2.09M)

Font name pls


Attached: Screenshot from 2019-09-03 14-01-52.png (708x426, 17K)

case "$PWD" in
echo -n "${PWD:$HOME_OFFSET}"

echo -n "@${PWD:$HOME_OFFSET}"

echo -n "#${PWD:1}"

PS1='\[${color2}\]$(get_dir_symbol) \[${color3}\]»\[${color4}\]»\[${color5}\]» \[${normal}\]'
PS2='\[${color2}\]\[${normal}\] '

Nice. I like it.

Attached: dale the pal.jpg (576x432, 23K)

>not using yash

Attached: thing.png (416x256, 3K)


Attached: :^).png (506x328, 52K)

You're still playing with shell prompts? What a loser.

Attached: 201909031003.png (1365x767, 5K)