>Just make projects and put them on github bro it's easy >Just do it bro it's so easy then you show it to an employer and get hired and move your way up without a degree bro
When did you realize this was a meme designed to waste your time? Unless you're extremely bright/creative/hardworking whatever other word you want to use it's impossible. Everything interesting you could demonstrate as a beginner has already either been created a thousand times+ over by others or it requires skills you wouldn't have.
What's the point of making a stupid "portfolio" of things a million other people have already made before?
why get a stupid degree millions of other people have?
Ryder Edwards
That's exactly how I got my job though
Carson Nguyen
What exactly did you make and what was your first job?
William Fisher
>just a get a degree bro, you won't need a portfolio
atleast you're not in debt
Kevin Hughes
Yeah it's a meme spread by some fizzbuzzers and pajeets of this place.
Wyatt Cruz
>What's the point of making a stupid "portfolio" of things a million other people have already made before?
To show the man who's supposed to be hiring you that can do it too, you brainlet.
Why the fuck would a diploma from a school mean more than seeing the actual work done by the applicant himself?
Nathan Carter
A blog engine with Flask and Mongodb, a streaming radio with Flask and Icecast, a simple image classificator with (guess) Flask and Keras.
Got me hired in the spot. They were looking for junior devs, requirements were knowing python, git and linux.
Benjamin Young
>got a degree >made a github >made a personal site >made projects
When I got a job the guy didn't look at shit and lied out of his ass about what we would do
I quited because they didn't even give me insurance or anything, just an amount of cash comparable to a store clerk and now I can't find a job but aaa
Lucas Foster
Hey bros, how many stargazers on a project do you need before you've made it? Can we get a tiers list. My most popular repo is sloppy code from 2 years ago :(
Eli Cooper
> Everything interesting you could demonstrate as a beginner has already either been created a thousand times+ over by others So? There is nothing wrong with reinventing the wheel, user. Its a stupid saying that someone who couldn't figure out how to reinvent the wheel made up. Look at other peoples code, find out what you like and make your own version of it.
Henry Murphy
>Everything interesting you could demonstrate as a beginner has already either been created a thousand times+ over by others or it requires skills you wouldn't have.
Then alter/rebase/rewrite the shit you have seen done by others as you see fit, and show that you understand working with code. If they pull a random file from your own project in an interview, you should be able to explain what that file/class/whatever does and how it connects to the rest of the program.
Andrew Baker
Do you have a degree?
Kayden Evans
Can I take projects from work and put them on github?
>waaah I'm not special I can't compete REEEEEEEEEEEEE Grow up asshole. Become special. Or just kill yourself if that's what you want.
Landon Clark
CS dropout.
Thomas Phillips
flip the board upside down?
Sebastian Morales
if you wanna work for a retarded company you gotta do retarded shit, who woulda thunk
Owen Perez
Imagine having one foot in, but not being smart enough to look up what they've asked literally thousands of people before. Imagine being unable to rot some algorithms the week before the interview. This man has no ability to think about problems that will come and adapt. He has no intelligence. They made the right choice in rejecting him.
Aiden Gomez
Go find a real job like a tech youtuber or whore
Ryder Barnes
I'm not a codemonkey but in my field, technical interviews are only partially about actual technical knowledge. It's more about seeing how you prepare yourself, how you deal with unforeseen problems, etc.
He must have responded like a complete spastic to that tree inversion question.
Adam Myers
If 90% of google engineers use his software, why does he still need to work a day in his life? He must have done something horribly wrong along the way.
William Barnes
>He must have done something horribly wrong along the way. Like not being able to invert a binary tree or something
Lincoln Roberts
That sucks man! But you have the degree, keep applying to entry level jobs out there. Maybe try a staffing company like cybercoders.