The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

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You would rather be a coal miner for 12hrs a day and die at 45?
People say such stupid shit.

not OP but mining coal came about because of the industrial revolution you ape

So don't look at coal mining, look at farming or making shit in sweat shops.
The Industrial Revolution is the only reason we aren't confined to a life of menial labor.

no, it was just fine until the left came along. diversity and marxism are the only thing keeping civilization back and causing disasters.

Before the Industrial revolution people only worked like 15 hours a week you retard.If you're so brain damaged you think coal miners and sweatshops existed before the industrial revolution you probably shouldn't talk about the subject since you're making your side look very dumb.

you would rather encroach upon an increasingly ever-present police state?
People say such stupid shit.

Would you rather pretend the Industrial Revolution didn't exist and just keep living it up like it was the 1700's?

All of this mass produced shit is nice.

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Mankind no longer saw technology as merely a tool but now pursued its advancement as an end in itself. Society served technology, not vice versa. Individuals were valued only insofar as they served this end."

I would rather not pretend it didn't exist. Technology is my livelihood in modern life. I'm just posting some quotes.

you cannot abandon technology until you've vanquished your competition

become the change you want to see in the world
be an eco terrorist

Was Teddy an eco terrorist or some other kind?

Imagine being this retarded. The only way you could work this little is if you're a count with a shit load of serfs so you only needed to manage the papers regarding your property.

Look up Towsends on YT, life looked comfier back then but there's no stopping progress.

I think what a lot of people are feeling is a complete disconnect with nature and community/family. We don't know how our food is produced, we're connected to millions of others yet feel completely alone and forests are disappearing to make way for basedbean fields.

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But it has been absolutely *fantastic* for a certain group. We're approaching Elysium status; being wealthy today makes you more powerful than god was a few hundred years ago. Life for them is completely unimaginable for us.

So yeah, for the human race as a whole it's been pretty horrific. For the people at the top though... you have no idea.

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Without the industrial revolution wimps like yourself probably wouldn't be born, so neck yourself, OP

Our civilization is first and foremost a civilization of means; in the reality of modern life, the means, it would seem, are more important than the ends. Any other assessment of the situation is mere idealism.

Great argument

This and The Diseugenic Welfare State

"It is not possible to make a LASTING compromise between technology and freedom, because technology is by far the more powerful social force."

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>making shit in sweat shops
an industrial revolution innovation

absolutely fine and if i could afford to i'd buy land and live off of it

>confined to a life of menial labor
but you are

Technology is just a tool that makes doing certain things easier. It's not mutually exclusive with freedom.

easy ted

You speak of the Industrial Revolution like it was some kind of political movement or person. Tge Industrial Revolution was not optional. It was not something we could choose to accept or reject. It is the name that we gave to the inevitable progress of material technology.

Didn't say it wasn't. In fact no one disagrees with your statement. Doesn't change the fact that it was harmful to society.

Not everything that is harmful to society is a political choice.

The funny part is that the industrial revolution was a scheme to get cheap labor out of the populace.

>muh industrial revolution
>muh police state as a result
So you'd rather we go back to the days of straight up kings/tyrants/dying of disease? You're retarded.

Never said that but thanks for the conclusions.

Time when no tech != political climate of said time

none of those things have anything to do with the mass commoditization of products

>Technology is just a tool that makes doing certain things easier.
which includes surveillance, spreading propaganda, and in general controlling people.

Think about the machine. The only way it can improve itself is asking humans for help. While it in fact does not ask, it seems to be its nature to get improved endlessly. Humans improve the machine and create machines to help improving other machines. While we in fact control the machine, it seems that we start to depend on machines and improvement is no longer a question but a requirement for our safety, since we lose important knowledge to survive without the machine. The machine seems to be a selve serving system, which naturally bends everything it touches to its will.

I won't argue that. But I will argue that it is harmful to society.

>It was not something we could choose to accept or reject. It is the name that we gave to the inevitable progress of material technology.
There is nothing inevitable about technology that required extremely smart people to create and mass social organization to maintain.

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he was considered an eco terrorist, yes.

He was an anarcho primitivist. He was opposed to the destruction of the environment but his main problem with modern society is that your freedom is restricted and you have little control over the world around you which prevents you from fulfilling your psychological need to go through the power process.

>absolutely fine and if i could afford to i'd buy land and live off of it
As someone who actually lived from his land for a couple years let me tell you, you're wrong.

Farming is a 15 hour a day, 7 days of the week, intensive job. There's so much shit to tend to daily and so much that can go wrong with the weather, animals getting sick, predators killing your birbs at night, machinery requiring repairs and so on.

Math teacher.

>Before the Industrial revolution people only worked like 15 hours a week
I love this revisionist history you have to manufacture to support your point.
But let's pretend you're not parroting some anti-capitalist meme.
If people really only worked 15 hours a week - and yet died en masse because they didn't have enough food, had no medicine, etc. - wouldn't it have been smarter to use those 10 hours a day that they're sitting on their asses to develop that stuff?

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You're describing industrial farming to pay Mr. Goldeowitz for the loan on your equipment so you can farm on an industrial scale to pay Mr. Goldeowitz. There are other personally sustainable ways to farm, make a living, and not be a slave to that life.

Humans are harmful to society, you think the cavemen of the old were all peaceful and harmonious? If anything, under technological progress our quality of life has undeniably improved with less violence and war.

Sure, there are still alot of problems. But honestly alot of these problems can be traced back to conservative attitudes that are unwilling to adapt to the modern world.

In fact, it would have been worse back then.
No agchem to keep bugs and parasites under control - demonstrated nicely with the potato famine.
No guns to take out predators that are after your stock - you would have had to go hand-to-hand with knives (or whatever) and risk your own life.

Then stop it, genius.

>a lot of problems can be traced back to people who don't agree with me
do you hear yourself talk lmao

The concept of “mental health” in our society is defined largely by the extent to which an individual behaves in accord with the needs of the system and does so without showing signs of stress.

So are you saying the reason trans is no longer considered mental health and that boys's natural curiosity being now added to mental health is simply the "system" aka the government enforcing that people arent adapting?

Yeah, because stopping them from destroying things and hurting themselves/other people is purely for the needs of "teh system".

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Sorry user, (Me) was meant for .

Most people who survived infancy and stayed out of the cities lived about as long as people today. Medicine was less needed because all the sick and unhealthy were weeded out of the gene pool.
"Capitalism" has nothing to do with it, all post-industrial revolution economic systems and political ideologies have been bad.

i'm a farmer, what did you mean exactly?
i grow two acres of vegetables mostly by hand.
the only machines i use are a two wheels tractor and a lawn tractor. i feed about 40 families from june to november.

Its is important, too, to realize that deadly violence among primitives is not even remotely comparable to modern warfare. When primitives fight, two little bands of men shoot arrows or swing war-clubs at one another because they want to fight; or because they are defending themselves, their families, or their territory. In the modern world soldiers fight because they have been brainwashed into believing in some kook ideology such as that of Nazism, socialism, or what American politicians choose to call "freedom". In any case the modern soldier is merely a pawn, a dupe who dies not for his family or his tribe but for the politicians who exploit him. If he's unlucky, maybe he does not die but comes home horribly crippled in a way that would never result from an arrow- or a spear-wound. Meanwhile, thousands of non-combatants are killed or mutilated. The environment is ravaged, not only in the war zone, but also back home, due to the accelerated consumption of natural resources needed to feed the war machine. In comparison, the violence of primitive man is relatively innocuous.

I agree that fighting for my home and family is a lot more motivating than for my country. If a force was invading my city, for instance, and I needed to stop them to survive, I would be far more willing to put up a gun.

>i supplement a few locals for a few months of the year
I had a lot of respect for farmers until I read this.

this is some noble savage shit taken to stupidly funny levels, why not just go fuck off into the mountains?

That's a matter of consequence, not origin. Of course I wouldn't agree with the attitudes that I believe are the root of a problem, given my present knowledge and experiences.

Just discussing technology on a technology forum. Friend.

sure buddy, or like most people you simply don't believe that you're part of the problem


1. No tribe or community to help you survive.
2. The system will eventually destroy the mountains and woods still untouched by it one day.

And what do you suggest is the alternative? Regardless, one can hold an opinion despite being an apparent hypocrite, after all, it doesn't whether I, a beggar or scientist states it, any argument stands by the merit of itself rather than the speaker.

Do we need tech control? Know your limits? Why not stick to the current state of it and life for a few hundert years happy with it?

Tech control isn't going to work because you're going to put yourself at a disadvantage to another state or independent actors.

The best solution is education really, make sure people understand the implications and realities of the technologies that surround them. Stuff like Cambridge Analytica could have been avoided if people didn't post everything about themselves on the internet, or if there was more pressure on data oversight. Unfortunately, education is on the backburner currently so here we are.

The alternative is to stop pretending that a government, any government, is even remotely capable of solving anyone's problems with an ounce of delicacy.
Once you stop trying to one-sidedly shut up the other side of the aisle with threat of force, the government suddenly sees a lot less reason to act like a rabid dog, and things start to seem more balanced and sane.

But authoritarians can't and won't have that, because how else am I going to force you to [stop being gay / pay for my abortions / get illegal labor into my farms / get illegal labor out of my farms / stop making me scared of my own shadow at night ]

Thanos is right. You can't make a grateful universe by taking away something that was. You can only have a grateful universe if it knows only what it has been given.

If the Agricultural revolution never happened, I'd never be a coal miner nor would I ever know the benefits of technological society.

>bad weather


An antitechnological movement that focused on the elimination of capitalism would gain little in return for an enormous expenditure of energy. What is worse, by focusing on capitalism the movement would distract its own and other people's attention from the far more important objective of bringing down the technological system itself.

You ARE the weak who should fear the strong.

>education is on the backburner
education is a detriment to corporate success, buddy

ITT: a bunch of neets bitching that they aren't getting enough free stuff out of ebil capitalism, and romanticising one of the most miserable parts of Earth's history with made-up shit how "people hardly worked before the IR".
The best part? None of these worthless faggots would have been able to exist at any other point in history, because of the technological requirements of taking from everybody who earns, to give to the losers who burn it.

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> stop pretending that a government, any government, is even remotely capable of solving anyone's problems with an ounce of delicacy.

We don't have enough data nor do we understand enough about the nature of society and governments to make that conclusion at this stage.

>one-sidedly shut up the other side of the aisle with threat of force

Never stated about utilizing force or shutting people up, I simply identified what I believe is a problem. My solutions would be that proper education and discussion would go a long way to changing attitudes.

The commune near me says otherwise -- you are only required to put in four hours of work a week, and it doesn't even need to be on the farm.

You just don't get it.

Based retard

Pretty much... But for anyone who has the skills, that's where I think you can make the most impact now.

Education is a detriment to the success of the same corporations that have accelerated the police state. The internet is your friend :^)
A proper discussion is impossible because that would be detrimental to the continued success of the (two) political parties who have both been enjoying an unprecedented amount of interest from the public.
The technological solution is to divest control using decentralized and federated social networking platforms, where the default is to assume that the internet is not your friend... which is user-unfriendly.

No it wasn't, except for global warming. Ted is no good.

OP here. You couldn't be more wrong. I work in tech and I am "successful" under the system. But go ahead and throw out personal attacks as much as you want. I

This thread isn't attacking capitalism. Its attacking technology.


Take the Amish pill

wait for the AI systems to take over every inference to public facilities
they are going to tell everyone when you sad angry or happy:)
you can be a criminal suspect by just having a bad day in the office

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holy shit Jow Forums made AI cams

Why would you lie so transparently on an US-based non-white hatred outlet board?

work , on average, was planting seeds and harvesting them at set dates and times. during those periods people worked much more but the rest of the year there wasn't much to do. if you did do something else like some sort of craft the rest of the year you most likely would start like, making clothes or tools and shit instead and stop doing the farming.

Daily reminder that Ted was right

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People also lost half of their children due to the heat, cold, or random illness before the industrial revolution. And don't shrug off farming as just work like any other, it's fucking difficult, and not to mention if one crop season fails your whole family dies