The Windows calculator

It still can't divide by zero. Not even on Win 10. Why haven't they fixed this yet?

Attached: pepe questionmark.png (739x568, 18K)

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Dividing any number by zero does not exist, it is a mathematically semantically incorrect operation.

Incorrect, but correct for most use cases.

You just have to use the cheat code and type in 0/number

then flip your screen upside down to get the answer

What do you mean? If your calculator ever attempts to execute a divide operation with null divisor, then it is not a correctly defined calculator program, so an exception should be thrown.

0/0 = 1

Error C2380: / not defined over rvalue: int 0.

There's a massive difference between zero and null. You said divide by zero, which has a value which makes it usable in certain areas - such as if you were designing a calculator for wheel algebra. Division by null or a null set is different.

null and zero are mathematically identical. there is no algebraic structure over N, Z, Q, R, C, or any subset that contains 0, with /.

>Null and zero are mathematically identical
Confirmed for having failed number theory 101.

Can you name a wheel structure with numbers and /?


Z factorised over 4Z? Nice. With what operation?

>algebratards itt

Define a Cauchy sequence that converges to 0 in an n dimensional euclidian space. Calculate the limit of it to see the quality score of your bait.

>Confirmed for having failed number theory 101.
That implies they took number theory in the first place.

do SELECT NULL = 0 and get back to me idiot

The limit as x->0 of x/x is 1 so 0/0 is 1 :^)

Is to protect users. Dividing by zero would produce a singularity in space and time.

There is no such thing as SELECT NULL = 0 in mathematics. What is that shitty programming language?

Do you work for Microsoft? I can divide by zero in my head, but you can't get Windows to do it? Pathetic.