Good old Debian is dead

>Accept Your Privilege
Once you have a basic grasp on the system of privilege, the next step is one simple self-realization: you are privileged. Chances are, your reading that has made you feel defensive. While it’s a perfectly natural, and common, reaction, don’t let it get in your way of actually thinking about what the statement means. What you need to realize is that we all have privilege to some degree: white privilege, male privilege, heterosexual privilege, etc. The hardest thing is to do is to get over your instinct to fight and say, “But I’m not like that!” If you can do it, you’ve completed the first step towards being a pro-equality in reality rather than simply saying and believing that you are.
>Simply put: you aren’t bad for having privilege, but not being able to give up your privilege is not a ‘get out of jail free’ card for bad behaviour. So, what, then, to do about it? Well, finding a balance between accepting your privilege and fighting against it is not easy. I still struggle with it on a daily basis. But, one way to start is to listen to and take feedback from non-privileged groups. They are a good judge of how your actions come across to them. Not everyone’s opinions will be the same, but eventually you’ll come out with some semblance of balance that works for you and those around you.
All these links and consequent texts are hosted in the Debian website in SJWs ruin everything, keep telling yourself "It's fine just ignore them" and see what happens.
Was nice to know you Debian, farewell my friend, farewell

Attached: cunt.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>this breaking news update from 2016 was brought to you by your friends at /pol

>Caring about coc

What are you a fag?

>Everyone that isn't a fanatic far left cunt is a far right cunt
Fuck off

Why don't you NEETs make your own distro instead of getting outraged by random twitter posts and women conventions?
There's no way you anons are less talented than these trannies and feminazis, right?

install gentoo

Back to Jow Forumsthe_donald

>answering to nobody
Back to and next time please find some recent sjw outrage in technology.

First world problems.

God it feels good to be a Pajeet, I can freely use whatever I need and can insult any degenerate because muh shithole privilege.

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>Rapelay released

Why in the fuck would someone rake the internet for every fucking small thing that makes them mad though? And why then base their whole life around hating that? What the fucking shit is wrong with these fucks?

Elections have been over for years, go back to Jow ForumsT_D already you fucking faggot.

Let's make this far right

>list of jewish incidents
>list of globalist conspiracies
>antivax kids who didnt die list

Good thing you won the genetic lottery, if not you'll be getting raped in every orifice whenever you step out the house fucking 4th world scum.

Hey whitey, did you check your privilege?


They just want to feel like they're doing something

I'm not sure if you are implying that I'm with that crowd but I just gotta say that I find them both pretty much equally insane.

can you? pajeets in muttland and the other anglo countries are pretty succesful so I don't think you get a pass

>Somewhere on Debian's wiki somone has posted a link to another wiki which says things I don't like.
>This is an outrage, and Debian should be destroyed for it.
Behold the easily-triggered Jow Forumstard. A fantastic illustration of horseshoe theory in action.

Also: Fuck off, this isn't technology.


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Why niggers so fragile?

wtf why so much brigading from pol?