Cool things to do with a raspberry pi collecting dust?

Cool things to do with a raspberry pi collecting dust?

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Send it to africa.

Set up a dieting website on how to be an actual thin daughter for once!

server for stuff
electornics projects
I will use my Zero as Websocket server for a game, a friend of mine did something with servos

Use it as a bot for telegram/discord/matrix.

Block ads network wide
Run bots/servers on it


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Install Gentoo.

Then collect more dust

Seed box. Install raspbian and transmission, setup a VPN and join a private tracker. Download shit and be a hero with an awesome ratio.


Use it to flash Coreboot on your ThinkPads, then let it collect more dust.

>Alright youtube. That's about all. Peace out.

cum in your own eye

Gave it to my parents to watch plex on

>Attach touchscreen
>Install proper DM and DE
>Turn it into palmpilot-like device
Bonus points: Touch-screen is stylus only. 10 internet points to anyone that can link me to such a thing.

you've not lived unless you've done this. it's kinda hot :3

easy to do on cheap chink allwinner tablets, they already have batteries and touch screens for a fraction of the price. it just works, just go through sunxi tutorial. not sure about the state of touchscreen drivers but maybe something can be done with xinput calibrator to filter out finger touch.

turn it into a vacuum since it's so good at collecting dust :3

pirate box

Get five of them and use them as points of a pentagram. Recite the GPLv3 in its entirety, summoning Richard Stallman.. But beware! When he appears, he will not be easily controlled, as the firmware is nonfree! Proffer your unbathed foot, and he will feast upon its fungus. You will be blessed.


a bot that would scrap text from furry erp discord servers to build a gpt-2 model out of it