What is the most Pajeet field of tech and why is it DevOps?

What is the most Pajeet field of tech and why is it DevOps?

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where was this photo taken? hell?

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Obviously it's Java developer stupid user

>why is it DevOps?
because it's repetitive. pajeets are good at repetitive stuff but once you make them do something more involved they break down and ask others for help. all would be well and good if they actually understood the first (or second, or third, or fourth...) time you explained things to them.

Macau probably

>Get a call from recruitment
>Pajeet answers
>Can barely understand him
>Takes 10 minutes to submit a resume to him because I cannot figure out what the fuck he's even saying


imagine resorting to petty racism because you can't cope with being inferior to pajeets

i couldn't care less if they could do their job properly. might as well hire tards straight out of university.

you are competing with people getting paid much MUCH less than you

the truth is pajeets just perform better than whites most of the times whether you like it or not

so keep ragging on our lowest of the low aka people with degrees from mills because thats your level

hah, i wouldn't be "ragging" if i wasn't paid the same when i do heaps more than them. once i get enough experience i'm gonna get straight out of corporate hell.

so your inability to tell your employer to fuck off and suck it and accept a lower wage for your work

makes you hate pajeets

nice logic you dumb dipshit

> because it's repetitive
Because it's packed with high level abstractions, just like Java. No more strace, even Docker today is low level, and nobody reads manuals anymore to craft that perfect config - hell, it's impossible to find any discussions except on Github, everything is on "Slack" and "Discord". Devops don't bother if something crashes once in 30 seconds: we High Availability now and it doesn't matter if some people get 500s because 99% of other people get 200s, although data is cached unevenly so they can get different data after every refresh. Fun!

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can't you read, retard? i said i don't have enough experience to do any job i want and even with my experience i get more shit done than pajeets who get the same salary as i do. they're the type of people who'd happily work their shitty jobs at an insurance company because the alternative would be returning back to india. sadly for me, this means they put as little amount of effort as they can into whatever the fuck they're doing and try to force me into doing what they are too incapable of. and if they do i indeed tell them to fuck off.

>6 Indians right there

Am an Indian in DevOps, and can answer. Most of the people I went to school with are making a thousand dollars per year. I'm making about the same a month. It's cheap, and (((western companies))) don't want to pay people ten times what they pay me to do stuff that'll be automated in the next five years anyway.

Because it takes 10 minutes to set up and 0 time to maintain. Easy money maker when you charge companies a monthly fee.

What a horrible world we live in. I am truly sorry for you and your fellow countrymen. It is truly disgusting how tech giants keep stashing away billions in tax havens for their shareholders, while refusing to pay both local workers and foreign contractors anything close to a fair wage.

hurr durr go jump in a gulag commie
At least this indian nigga is earning 1K a month compared to 1K a YEAR and he'll probably get a better job in the future too.

We need precise GPS coordinates

> Sirs, machine learning is trending, we must raise an army for easy outsourcing activity!

Attached: and now his students take your jobs sirs.png (1286x890, 142K)