Technology to cope with Tinnitus?

Technology to cope with Tinnitus?

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Drown it out with loud music. It helps in the long run.


Have sex.

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Good riddance

would u still have tinnitus if u just went deaf


Possibly of interest, though it doesn't say much about coping:

Ambient music will help a lot

Heavy duty, molded, musician earplugs. I know a guy who's tinnitus went away after three years. He also rode his bicycle a lot.

I have a pair for loud events (sports games, concerts) . I sleep with a fan on.

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It's hallucination bro. I thought I had it a year ago but it disappeared. I'm clean now.

How do you stop it?

You have to cure the underlying cause or at least treat it if possible. Tinnitus is your bodies one of many ways of telling you something's wrong. Could be high blood pressure from being a fat fuck, literal brain damage from not getting enough sleep, stress & anxiety, all the way to a deformed skull.

The good news is you fat neckbeards fit the first 3 causes mentioned so there's hope to making it stop.

Also it really sucks how tinnitus itself can lead to things like insomnia which in of it itself has been found to slowly cause permanent brain damage and make people more prone to actual clinical depression and suicidal tendencies.

This victim in particular probably already had some form of a mental disorder, the tinnitus just exacerbated it else around 1 billion people would be necking themselves right now.

you can't regenerate cochlear hair cells and cochlear nerves. The brain fills in the gap of hearign loss with a phantom noise, hearing loss cannot yet be biologically corrected.

quit posting bro science

Except 80-90% of the entire human population will never experience more than barely audible tinnitus you stupid fuck.

From a quick search.
>Deaf people are more likely to have tinnitus, in fact. it's thought to be linked to the damage that caused the deafness itself. A famous study by Heller and Bergman back in 1953 showed that nearly everyone (deaf or not) has the capacity to hear tinnitus sounds.

Do you start these threads just to try and convince people they have some horrible illness instead of hearing damage?

I don't start these threads but the second part is probably true anyway. Tinnitus is never a disease in and of itself, there is always a cause behind it.

High blood pressure not only increases your chances of heart attacks/strokes as you age but has been linked to occur alongside diabetes (because being a fat fuck who drinks kilograms of sugar per day makes you insulin resistant). Sleep deprivation causes permanent brain damage (see junkies who sleep 8 hours per week). Anxiety&stress are pretty self explanatory.

If these are the cause of someone's tinnitus they SHOULD get treatment before their problems get worse. People should actually be on their knees thanking the skies and the stars tinnitus gave them a heads up they had a treatable disease in the early stages.

I wanna fuck this ultrasoyboy's face. :(

Not even joking: Play this video as loud as you can and listen to it all the way through without stopping. It needs to hurt. Once the song is over, your tinnitus will be cured. Do not listen through headphones, as this won't work.

Work to lower blood pressure.
Don’t go to sleep drunk.
Sleep enough.

ANC doesn’t cause tinnitus, but lack of noise makes your hearing more sensitive and thus more likely to notice mild tinnitus.

Fan, air conditioner, white noise, wave sounds, any number of other ambient noise recordings, etc.
How bad are we talking?


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>but lack of noise makes your hearing more sensitive and thus more likely to notice mild tinnitus.
Something I've known for nearly 20 years and yet all you fucks talking about tinnitus has had me freaking out wondering if i've already fucked up my hearing more than bands already have. Fuck all of you

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Had it for many years. You just get used to it.

For temporary relief you can hit the back of your neck lightly a few times.

Stuff that can cause Tinnitus:
- inner ear damage
- ear wax buildup
- toothaches
- other face infections
- the amplifying bones in your middle ear create noise
- face nerve damage
- depression and other mental issues
and 100 other things

>The brain fills in the gap of hearign loss with a phantom noise
Tinnitus happens when the brain does not do that successfully. A lot of people have severe hearing loss and no tinnitus.
Sometimes I have a ringing in my ears because some of the hair cells died, but it disappears within a few seconds

But someone who blasted Metallica on max volume for years and now has tinnitus doesn't have tinnitus from some underlying medical condition. They have it from hearing damage.

It's going to scream "HEY EVERYBODY I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORNO", isn't it?

gun, rope, drugs, yelling snf to the top of your lungs in a ghetto... Etc.

Nope, it's just bloops that use distortion product otoacoustic emissions to alleviate tinnitus.


holy shit, it actually worked

Just like showering "works"

Onions face, no wonders