What's the remedy for game architecture in terms of performance and usability?

What's the remedy for game architecture in terms of performance and usability?

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This is a good book


Programming patterns are spoonfeed material for braindead programmers who cannot think for themselves.

I like Entity–component–system, but never really had a chance to use it.

“Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.” -Otto von Bismarck

I'm trying to find this middle ground between ECS and OOD. I just can't figure it out.

You obviously want everything to be in the cache and you want things modular and stateless, but gameplay code suffers from that and benefits from being procedural, not calling functionality is separate systems.

"If you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail."

"Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy."

Unity (non ECS) is the best thing I've ever worked with when it comes to gamedev. But I only had experience with SDL, Unity and hand made engines.

Well how do you do your handmade gameplay systems?

No where as generic and universal as Unity or even ECS.
I usually do an abstract Entity class which all gameplay objects inherit, like Player, Enemy, Collectible. All logic is hardcoded into game or object logic and the game object hold a list of all entities along with the state of the game. It was enough because my games usually consisted of just same gameplay scene and optionally menu screen. It's just OOP.
However all these games i made before I learned about other ways to do it. My only inspiration was Garry's Mod mods and Source Engine. Today I'd probably use ECS or try to imitate what Unity is doing.

Read No Silver Bullet and maybe The Mythical Man-Month.


The middle ground is the same way we've always been doing it
Delegate the things that benefit from cache alignment (namely particle systems and animation) to their own subsystems where they can use the cache well, forget it for everything else because you aren't gaining everything from having a few hundred regular game objects aligned in cache

Maybe not a silver bullet, but there should be a happy medium somewhere.

"don't be retarded and you won't have this problem"

>just don't be retarded
You are asking too much from the average programmer.

That's what I think too, but is the next problem to that along the lines of, "What SHOULD be cache aligned?"

My dad asked why i bought a book with a fag on it.

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Why you gotta bully the dog like that