Why are Russian programmers so good?

Why are Russian programmers so good?

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>the absolute state of western cs education

Attached: ICPC-2018.png (1108x562, 53K)

I don't think anyone claims that. I can only think of two pieces of Russian software that I would even call good.

>Tfw I had the opportunity to go to UCF
I fucked up.

The Russian language itself is like a strongly typed programming language.

Why don't American universities get higher positions in these competitions? Do they take competitive programming seriously or not?

it just proves how (((rankings))) are useless. MIT and friends just bought their high rankings but that doesn't make them good unis.

They have other problems like who can go to "theirs" toilet and pushing incompetent students into university because of their race and sex



Attached: Screenshot from 2019-09-11 15.12.07.png (170x167, 44K)

Well to be fair the english language is a cluster fuck of memorization and illogical rules

The stupid ones can't become programmers

Basically their universities are still supposed to provide CS researchers, and as such they still learn what people used to learn at western universities before they became about shitting Java Standard Library weavers into the career market to try and justify the extortionate fees Unis charge.

Holy shit why isn't Cambridge, Imperial or Oxford in the top 10 ? just noticed.

High IQ's, there's not a ever increasing mass of mutts decreasing the national average, unlike America.

because it wasn't a gender studies competition

Look at this way
if a russian is able to to program he will be one of the best

the tradeoff is that if the russian is not able to code, then you get a generally shittier human being instead

>Why are Russian programmers so good?
Fake news, there is no criterias to rank programmers, feel free to develop one.
Russia and China propaganda models is based on cold war model ie you don't see the bad sides and the good sides are most likely wrong too.
They just want to show off, nothing else.


if russians were good programmers people would use russian software but they don't.


Not good at commercial software, but they're managing to keep the NSA on their toes when it comes to cyberwarfare.

meh. russians are cucks. never seen such a cucked nation. it's fuckin retarded. why do russians love to suck authoritarian dick so much??? never seen such an obedient people.

Most of them use Windows too

at least they don't cuck that much as jewy KEKerica with their tranny faggotory

>living in remote places
>nothing to do for 8 months
>play games
>gets bored
>find ways to exploit
>learn coding the hard way
>eventually exploits any game
>companies have to open local russian servers or basicly range ban russia cause russian hackers are well known already

well this is the only time you can actually blame games

russians worked with limited hardware capabilities so they had to adapt if they were to survive, so naturally they brouht efficiency to the next level.

so more like javascript.

this man just killed the entire UK educational system...

Just jewish things

which ones?

30 million Russians were massacred by jews just before the start of WWII. They destroyed their churches, killed all their priests, outlawed Christianity and raped their wives. They never spoke out about this during any period in the last hundred years. And today? It is basically illegal to question the Holocaust in Russia. There is no more cucked nation in all of history.

PostgreSQL is made by a Russian Dev retard.

we focus a lot on math in elementary school onwards

>It is basically illegal to question the Holocaust in Russia

no wonder they keep hacking us

When you live in a place where it's ice cold more than half of the year and the sun only stays up for 2 hours or so, you end up staying inside. And when you are poor and stay inside there are only a few things you can do. Programming is free as long as you have a computer (you could get a computer basically for free, also used for school). It's the same thing with the finns.
Also, americans and indians are the worst programmers i have worked with.

Based Jews taking a huge dump on amerimutts

Russia = cold = more overclocks = more hax

IDA is made by a Russian
IDA > Ghidra

Finns aren't poor?

>They destroyed their churches
>Outlawed Christianity
Good. Absolutely based.

Get your own religion, stupid oriental fucks. Non-canaanites worshipping the God of the mountain are fucking disgusting.

I chug couple boxes of beer, shitpost on Jow Forums and GitHub, get paid a lot. Bretty good. Also I don't feel cold.